To rzeczywiście fatalnie.Mogę Ci natomiast powiedzieć, że jiyu kumite to ja po raz pierwszy widziałam dopiero na szkoleniu SCI.

Shotokan Cultural Institute - Poland SCI
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(AC) Can you tell us a little bit more about the Goshindo style of your Karate?
(HS) Goshindo was something I thought about over 40 years ago. I started thinking that Kata was the correct form but the application of the technique is another thing. I learned Kata form from Nishiyama Sensei and many other expert teachers but this was only Kata, I knew that practical application was another thing. So I started to think about this more and more – the application of basic Kihon technique and Kata technique and how to practically use this. I wanted to think beyond the regular applications of Kata. I knew I had to find something new.
(AC) Am I correct in thinking that your experiences in Okinawa had an impact on your development of Goshindo?
(HS) I studied and watched many competitions and other new ways to teach Karate. I saw many weak points and I knew that I had to correct this – how to do punch, how to do block more simply, more towards the Okinawa way to teach – this, I believed was more correct.
(AC) You have also developed your own Kata. How are these different from the Kata in the Shotokan syllabus?
(HS) I wanted to do Shotokan more correctly my way, this became Goshindo. I wanted to develop something without a weak point. I didn’t want to use Shotokan Katas because Shotokan Katas were different. So I created Goshindo Katas because I wanted to use the body shifting, the positions, the blocking techniques more correctly. This was a change from the Shotokan Katas.
(AC) What would you say are the most important aspects of Goshindo? Can you please give readers an insight?
(HS) Goshindo was created meaning the ‘Way of Self Defence’. However Goshindo goes together with Shotokan. I believe that if you continue to practice Goshindo your Shotokan will improve. That is why I practice Goshindo and why I teach Goshindo. I don’t really speak about it or try to convince people to come to Goshindo training or that their karate will improve. I know for sure that my Shotokan Karate will improve the more I practice Goshindo. One of my students, Claudio Ceruti for example, I know his Shotokan improves with his Goshindo training. Now many of my Black Belt students start their Goshindo training in order to improve their understanding of Shotokan.
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koźlak melduje gotowość do wymarszu
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Koźlak się zabezpiecza żeby kiełbaski z niej nie były spreparowane...
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Koźlak się zabezpiecza żeby kiełbaski z niej nie były spreparowane...
Jak widać - przeżyłam.

Nie przyznaję się również do tego, jakobym cały wieczór okupowała stół z żarciem i piciem :wink:
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A na poważnie, to mnie nogi też bolą, szczególnie łydki. Ogólnie bardzo udane seminarium, można było poznać "nowe' twarze:)
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Podziękowania dla Kaszpira za oddanie nam swojego ostatniego materaca (przynajmniej Zgredol twierdzi, że Kaszpir zrobił to dobrowolnie, ale ja tam Kaszpira po tym przez całą noc nie widziałam, więc nie wiem :wink: ).
No i oczywiście podziękowania dla Chemika, za cierpliwość w wyjaśnianiu obrotów mniejszych i większych

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chemik jeden i nas pięć

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Pewnie wszyscy zdychają po seminarze i pudrują sińce.
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Za to chemik zadaje ciosy tajemne. Nie mogę znaleźć tamtych siniaków!
No to teraz mogę się zacząć uczyć w końcu nowego kata ;-)
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0 użytkowników, 3 gości, 0 anonimowych
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