Filmy z ulicy
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A o polskich sadach to nawet nie mow bo niewazne jakbys sie bronil i tak bedziesz bandyta.
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The confrontation between the judge's family, Ana Carriço, and lawyer of 35 years, started when the girl refuses to be with his father. Claudio tries to remain near the child, but the judge, along with his mother, aunt, grandmother and a neighbor take it by force. By this time, since the engineer, 62, grabbed the gun. The .32 revolver fell to the ground and get him murderer. The clashes follow one another: the girl is given to the grandfather, while the great-aunt Anna grabs the lawyer.
"Do they want the campaigns, I also have witnesses here," cries Claudio as he slaps the ex-wife aunt.
The woman falls to the ground and, unlike the thesis that the defense its alleging that the lawyer had put his hand in his pocket pretending he had a gun, Claudio remains immobile. Ferreira da Silva, still with her granddaughter in his arms, takes the gun and, without hesitation, shoot, hitting the victim in the chest. Ana Carriço screams in horror, but Ferreira da Silva did not stop. Back to fire a second time and the shot goes along. Desperate, the lawyer tries to escape, but the murderous fires four more times, hitting him on the back. Even now without bullets, the engineer continues to shoot dry. "Over, over," shouted the man.
Seconds later, Ferreira da Silva delivers his daughter and granddaughter calls - that will go away. Conception, the lawyer girlfriend, who was six months pregnant, and niece, who was filming the discussion, just realize that the gun is true when Claudio fell to the ground. "What did you do? This is a real gun?" Says Conceição.
Before leaving the site, the engineer also says: "I will deliver - me to the police."
"I love you," wrote CLAUDIO ON FACEBOOK
The day before the tragedy, Claudio left a message on Facebook: "I love you daughter! Daddy was humiliated today, made it worse, they did it harm you But you'll feel neither and Dad will make you this humiliating withdrawal I promise you baby! tomorrow at 11, we will have two hours just for us! Life is beautiful! "
The next day, Claudio gets to the park accompanied by his girlfriend Mamarrosa (Conceição) and the niece of his girlfriend (Liliana). They guarantee that the girl played happily with his father until he went to the car to get food to the ducks. Then, a girl has spoken to his mother's family and, since then, rejected the approach of the father. Everything spiraled out of control.
SIMPLE indicted for murder
Ferreira da Silva was charged with homicide and was remanded in custody by the judge's decision from Agueda, Aveiro. According to Paulo Brandao, presiding judge of the District Baixo Vouga, the judge responsible for the regulation of parental made several recommendations to the child's mother, who were not respected. "A report conducted by a psychologist, who monitored the process, suggested a reunion of father to child," said the magistrate, adding that it was proposed to the child's mother that the visits were held on Social Security. "It was also said to warn parents to avoid their discussions," confirmed the CM.
Ok nastepna ciekawa akcja
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IMO dupek myslal ,ze jak jest na wozku to jest nietykalny i moze robic co tylko chce. Przynajmniej jego glupota byla pozyteczna i teraz kazdy policjant bedzie mial Tazera.
Ja napewno nie wdawalbym sie w szarpanine z kolesiem z nozem nawet jakby byl na wozku.
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A statystyki policji nowojorskiej z lat 1994-2000 pokazują, że podczas strzelania z odległości 0-2 metrów wytrenowani policjanci chybiali w 62%. Przy strzelaniu od 3 do 7 metrów odsetek chybionych strzałów wynosił 83 %. Na strzelnicy byłoby to nie do pomyślenia by chybić z odległości 7 metrów...
Pozdrawiam, Thufir
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czy ja dobrze czytam ten filmik zastrzelili goscia na wozku? 8O wystarczylo przestrzelic opony.niemoge wyjsc z podziwu dla ich wyobrazni :roll:

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w takim razie tazer wydaje dzwiek wystrzalu i to kilkakrotnie.chyba nie.chyba mowie bo akurat na tazeraach sie znam niezbyt.
Przeczytaj opis filmu. Koles na wozku z nozem zranil juz jednego policjanta ktory chcial go obezwladnic dali mu duzo szans na poddanie sie wiec dostal olowiem bo policjanci nie mieli tazerow ( po tej akcji wszyscy dostali ).
A tekst o przestrzelaniu kol w wozku inwalidzkim to chyba nie na powaznie ? Jesli tak to

EDYTA: Cwaniak myslal ,ze jak jest na wozku to beda go traktowac jak ksiezniczke

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czy ja dobrze czytam ten filmik zastrzelili goscia na wozku? 8O wystarczylo przestrzelic opony.

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czy ja dobrze czytam ten filmik zastrzelili goscia na wozku? 8O wystarczylo przestrzelic opony.niemoge wyjsc z podziwu dla ich wyobrazni :roll:
facet na wózku odpycha się nogami od asfaltu. Mam poważne wątpliwości, czy był faktycznie niepełnosprawny.
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tutaj jest gif tego, wiec prawdopodobnie nie zostanie usuniety. Generalnie chudy się przeliczył ;p
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Klasyczny lewy, prawy prosty + gnp

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