Nie spodkalem sie jeszcze w polsce z tym PH ale mysle ze jesli wezmiesz dwa opakowania to na odblok niezbedny bedzie clomid.
No tak clomid ale ja go nie zalatwie tutaj ciezko ztym... ale za to Esto Suppress jest czyms podobnym przeznaczonym do Tren Bomb
Podaje linka z anglojezycznej stronki o tym produkcie:
CATEGORY: PCT, Anti-Estrogen
SIZE: 60 capsules per bottle
ESTO SUPPRESS DESCRIPTION: In the male body, the unwanted rise of estrogen can cause havoc to your health, fitness goals and physique quality. There are a variety of ways to defend against this. One of the most popular anti-estrogen class of compounds is the SERM (Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator). Until now, most SERMs have been prescription only medications such as Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) or Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) but Pharma Labs, makers of the heavy duty prohormone Tren Bomb, now have a legal second generation SERM on the market. Much like medical SERMs it works by blocking the receptor sites for estrogen in various body tissues, thus denying its ability to act. Esto Suppress is especially useful in protecting men from developing breast tissue from excess estrogen levels. Esto Suppress can be used as an ancillary anti-estrogen during prohormone cycles to minimise estrogenic side effects and/or during PCT (post cycle therapy) protocols to help instigate and support normal testosterone function and minimise estrogen rebound problems. Lowering estrogens effect in the male body can result in rapid fat loss, reduction of water bloat, improved mood, better sex drive and retention of muscle tissue.
>Genuine legal SERM alternative to Nolvadex or Clomid
>Powerful proven ability to block estrogen in body tissues
>Excellent protection against Gyno (Gynecomastia)
>Well noted for use on problematic prohormone cycles to minimise sides
>Popular part of many PCT protocols, noted for its effectiveness
>Suitable for male users over 21 due to potency
1 capsule
Take 1 capsule upon waking and 1 capsule shortly before bed with a glass of water. Can be taken with or without food. Do not exceed 4 capsules in any 24 hour period. Esto Suppress is a powerful anti-estrogen and is advised for use in males only. Reduction of estrogen in females can be hazardous and should be practiced only under medical supervision. Esto Suppress can be used concurrently with aromatising prohormones to limit side effects from conversion. It can also be used during PCT to support natural testosterone production and minimise rebound of unwanted estrogen levels. Esto Suppress can also be used as a standalone anti-estrogen product in males to encourage masculinisation. Esto Suppress is a very potent product and it's use is not recommended for long periods. Prolonged use of this product may cause temporary infertility due to altered hormone profiles. Limit use to 6 to 8 weeks and take a decent break inbetween uses. Esto Suppress can be stacked alongside prohormones as on cycle anti-e product. It can also be stacked with other forms of anti-estrogen or testosterone boosters during PCT or natural enhancement cycles. Not suitable for tested athletes.
1,2-diphenyl-1-butene 10mg
No i ok to niby jest po cuklu na tren bomb przez nastepne 2 tygodnie (czyli 5-6 tydzien Esto Suppress) a 7-8 tydzien biore na oczyszczenie organizmu z toksyn i innych smieci PurifiA total body cleansing experience.
What does it do?
It works as a cleanser/detox so allows you body to rid any toxins from it. So if you have been on a course of Pro-hormone or a heavy night out, your body may have taken a battering from all the toxins. Purifi can also help support your liver and digestive system.
Key Benefits:
* Eliminates toxins
* Helps your body recover from PH cycle
* Good hangover cure
* Helps clear up your skin
ShapeNoBull Results
The results for the Purifi were both amazing and bizarre, because we all seemed to respond differently. The bottle suggests taking up to four a day.
Taking the full amount was too harsh for one team member and it caused a laxative effect. Another found that bowel movements actually got better. Another found this great for a hangover, and generally felt more energised. Another member came out in lots of spots due to the detox effect but within a few days the skin cleared up and looked much better.
For the body builders this would be useful to take during your time off from any pro-hormone such as the Tren BomB as part of the post cycle therapy.
Quick Summary
Fantastic ingredients – awesome as Post Cycle Therapy, for detox and to after a heavy night out. Be warned may help your bowel movements.
The Ingredients: (Please note the amounts below are per serving, a serving size of 4 capsules)
Liver Support
* Milk Thistle - 80% Silymarin (300mg)
* Bupleurum Root Extract (300mg)
* Dandelion Root Extract (250 mg)
* Barberry Extract (200mg)
* Artichoke Extract (150mg)
* Golden Seal Extract (150mg)
Digestive Support
* Slippery Elm (300mg)
* Cascara Sagrada (200mg)
* Senna Leaf Extract (300mg)
* Ginger Root Extract (200mg)
* Burdock Root Extract (200mg)
* N-Acetyl Cysteine (100mg)
* Alpha Lipoic Acid (100 mg)
* Vitamin C (100mg) - also helps support the immune system.
Other Ingredients: Magnesium Stearate, Gelatin
Quantity: 60 Capsules
Directions: We would suggest taking this first thing in the morning and ShapeNoBull would only recommend taking two a day. If you take any more we found it caused a laxative affect.
The bottle also suggests taking for a two week period, then rest for two weeks.
You could also take this product for at various other times, just as a hangover cure, as and when required, it may be suitable after a period of over indulgence e.g. Christmas, holidays, and heavy weekends.
ShapeNoBull warning:
If you are taking for the full two week period, it would be advisable to try taking a couple on the first day to start with as, to make sure you can handle all four capsules in one day, as we mentioned it did cause a laxative effect.
No i teraz czy odrazu moge zaczac 2 cykl na tren bomb.
Ah cos o tym PH
SIZE: 60 capsules per bottle
DESCRIPTION: Tren Bomb by Pharma Labs represents one of the latest advances in hardcore mass prohormone design from one of the Labs renowned for innovative international research and development. Structurally similar to DHT derived hardcore prohormones such as M1T (Methyl-1-Testosterone. For real M1T please see 17-T-Alpha product) this is a powerful methylated orally available compound and suitable for powerful strength and mass gains with proper use. Tren Bomb, despite it's name and allusions to the steroid Trenbolone, is actually more powerful and known for more androgenic effects. Many users have found Tren Bombs to be similar enough to be a replacement for M1T, while others have found it slightly more androgenic and slightly less harsh. Tren Bomb is still an immensely powerful gainer and is not for use by inexperienced individuals. It is methylated which means a proper cycle support formula should be used throughout the cycle. Tren Bomb will cause extremely rapid rises in maximal strength, strength-endurance, muscle belly size and development and protein synthesis. It may cause a certain amount of fat increase and some mild water retention due to it's method of action. Gains of more than 10lbs in a 2 week cycle of Tren Bomb are not uncommon and with proper PCT a decent proportion of this gain will be kept post cycle.
We recommend that Tren Bomb is used in 2 week cycles for balance between gains and side effects, followed by a 2 week period of PCT (Post Cycle Therapy). These mini, or burst cycles can be performed up to 3 times before a break is recommended without the use of prohormones of any description.
Due to the anabolic nature of Tren Bomb some users may notice a disruption of androgens towards the end of the 2 week cycle use. This may result in fatigue and inhibited libido (sex drive). To counteract this, Tren Bomb is often stacked with a more androgenic compound for increased gains and reduced side effects. EPI by Pharma Labs is a useful option, however for a less toxic and more powerful compound, Andromale-AD (4-AD) by Androtech Labs is very highly recommended. For all-out mass cycles Straight Phlexed by Black China Labs is also a useful choice.
>Tren Bomb is one of the most powerful oral compounds ever released
>This is the Pharma Labs premier mass gaining agent
>Tren Bomb offers immediate strength boosts and rapid muscle gain
>Users of Tren Bomb can expect reasonably solid size gains and high retention following proper PCT protocols
>Tren Bomb may cause some fat and water gain and is not ideally suited to fat loss cycles
>Users of Pharma Labs Tren Bomb should use proper cycle support due to methylated oral bioavailabilty
1 capsule
Take 1 to 2 capsules of Tren Bomb daily in divided doses. Never exceed 3 capsules in 24 hours. Tren Bomb should be taken with food for maximum absorption.
Use in 2 week cycles, never exceed 2 weeks use concurrently. Tren Bomb can be used in a 2 week on, 2 week off fashion up to 3 times before a break is required. Always follow each 2 week cycle of Tren Bomb with a proper PCT.
Increase protein intake during the cycle for maximum muscle development.
Always use proper cycle support and avoid alcohol while cycling Tren Bomb.
Tren Bomb use is not recommended for tested athletes.
This is an extremely powerful compound and is recommended only for healthy male athletes over 21. Always follow completion of Tren Bomb cycles with a proper PCT.
17-Beta-Hydoxy-Androstan-4-one 10mg
CYCLE TYPE: Bulking, Performance.
CYCLE DURATION: 2 weeks recommended.
GAIN TYPES: Excellent mass gains, explosive strength increases, some water and fat accumulation
STACK GUIDE: Can be stacked with Andromale-AD, EPI, Straight-Epi or Straight Phlexed for improved androgenic balance.
No i prosze teraz jakiegos specialiste od mocnego staffu o rade co i jak mieszac

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