No bo jak chcesz danami zmierzyc rozwoj wewnetrzny czlowieka?
a czym chcesz go zmierzyc?
frazesy Szczepanie, frazesy...
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No bo jak chcesz danami zmierzyc rozwoj wewnetrzny czlowieka?
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Cos na poparcie słów Szczepan z wywiadu z K. Tohei na Aikido JournalTrzecia sprawa to to, ze stopnie w ZADEN sposob nie odzwierciedlaja prawdziwych umiejetnosci. (...) Zreszta potwierdzal to Dziadek rozdajac dany jak cukierki grzecznym dzieciom. Co go ktorys poprosil, to nadawal dana. Niektorym nawet 10-ego :wink:
Fajnie sie chłopaki bawili niet was only after I went into the army that Ueshiba Sensei sent me the rank of 5th-dan. That was the first rank I'd ever received! Until then I'd had neither kyu nor dan ranking, despite the fact that I'd been teaching people who were ranked up to 4th-dan! Actually, though, dan rankings in those days were awarded in an extremely haphazard and subjective way. Ueshiba Sensei would give out 3rd and 4th-dans left and right whenever the urge struck him.
Once Ueshiba Sensei received a request from Kenkoku University in Manchuria to send someone to teach aikido there. It was decided that Mr. Tomiki should go. Ueshiba Sensei then decided that since Tomiki would be considered a member of the university teaching staff, he should be at least an 8th-dan-so Tomiki was immediately awarded an 8th-dan. You have to take those old ranks with a grain of salt. The same could be said of the 4th-dan-ranked man I was teaching at the military police training academy. How else could a completely unranked individual like myself teach him?
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