One of Oyama's students, Jon Bluming, said "The story about Oyama fighting bulls is not true, he never met a real bull, for he never visited Spain. I also doubt that he was gored, for he never told me about it, and he used to tell me everything. Kenji Kurosaki was there, and he told me what happened. They went early in the morning to a stockyard in [the town of] Tateyama. Workmen prepared a fat old ox for Oyama by hitting one of its horns with a hammer so that it was quite loose. Oyama did not kill the ox, he only knocked off the loose horn. Bill Backhus and I saw the 16mm movie in 1959. Oyama himself showed it to us. I told Oyama to never show this film in Europe because it looked too phony, and everyone would laugh at him. As far as I know, nobody saw that movie again." Furthermore, Oyama himself has admitted that the oxen were old.
A tutaj fragment wywiadu z Stevem Arneil'em:
Sosai did kill a bull, but it was not like you see in the film. The bull was on the way to the slaughter house, and was on its last legs. As for the stories about him killing 50, I do not believe them. I did ask Sosai, but he only replied “What do you think?” People exaggerated stories about him so much, that I think it was just easier for Oyama to keep quiet. You know, he kills one bull, then someone says he killed 2, then 5, 10 etc. But he definitely broke the horn off the bull. That story is true.
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