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Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

Są to dane z PZLA (polskiego związku lekkiej atletyki), a odnoszą się do poziomu wyszkolenia trójskoczków

slabe 150 % masy ciala
średnie 180 % masy ciala
dobre 200 % masy ciala
wybitne 220 % masy ciala

hmm czyli jesli serie 5 robie z 100kg, to mozna uznac, ze moj MR to jakies 120kg(?) /80kg = 150% :D czyli nie jest zle. jak dojde do 200% to bede bardzo zadowolony ;]
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

hmm czyli jesli serie 5 robie z 100kg, to mozna uznac, ze moj MR to jakies 120kg(?) /80kg = 150% :D czyli nie jest zle. jak dojde do 200% to bede bardzo zadowolony ;]

jakoś to malo czytelnie opisaleś :D
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

hmm czyli jesli serie 5 robie z 100kg, to mozna uznac, ze moj MR to jakies 120kg(?) /80kg = 150% :D czyli nie jest zle. jak dojde do 200% to bede bardzo zadowolony ;]

jakoś to malo czytelnie opisaleś :D

zgaduje ze chodzi mu o to, ze w serii robi 5 powtorzen sztanga 100 kg
na tej podstawie przewiduje, ze maksymalnie wycisnie 120 kg
a ze wazy 80 kg to jego wspolczynnik procentowy ciezar maksymalny / masa ciala
wynosi zaledwie 150%

czyli reasumujac jest cienka pipa :wink:
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

hmm czyli jesli serie 5 robie z 100kg, to mozna uznac, ze moj MR to jakies 120kg(?) /80kg = 150% :D czyli nie jest zle. jak dojde do 200% to bede bardzo zadowolony ;]

Jak robisz 5x100kg to twój maks to jakieś 112kg.

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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
:) :) :)

chcialem być subtelny :) :wink:
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

Jak robisz 5x100kg to twój maks to jakieś 112kg.


ok, thx
czyli do 150% jeszcze troche mi brakuje :wink:
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
a mzoe ktoś tu wrzucić jakiś program siłowy kompletny? Czyli popki, brzuszki przysiady i takie tam?
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
wlasnie moze ktos wrzucic przyklady cwiczen zeby sila wzrosla i to bez zadnych przyzadow??(jakies pompeczki i tkaie tam) chodiz mi glownie o sile rak??

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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

Są to dane z PZLA (polskiego związku lekkiej atletyki), a odnoszą się do poziomu wyszkolenia trójskoczków

slabe 150 % masy ciala
średnie 180 % masy ciala
dobre 200 % masy ciala
wybitne 220 % masy ciala

oczywiście, caly czas na przykladzie przysiadu z obciążeniem

Mniej więcej tak jest. Wiele takich tabel w sieci.
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
Spróbujcie tego

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cwiczenia wypisane przez gimnastyka z innego forum

"Arms/Upper Body

Handstand holds
(against wall/not, parallets/floor, one arm, pbars, rings)
Handstand shoulder shrugs - push up and down in a handstand with straight arms
Handstand pushups
(w/balance,against wall, w/parallets/without, on pbars, clapping, hopping, one arm, on rings)
Handstand walks
(on 'floor, up/down blocks/stairs, walk up jump down, on pbars)
Handstand pops - bounce off your hands as high as you can in a handstand
Handstand shoulder touches - lift one hand and a time and touch your shoulder
Presses to handstand
(from floor, on pbars, from L, from straddle L, piked, straddled, straight arm straight body, planche press straight or straddled, straight arm/body from support on pbars press to handstand, bent arm straight body press on rings)
Half press and hold - hold your feet off the ground halfway through a press
Handstand pirouettes - turns while in a handstand
Swing handstands/basic swing

(on pbars/rings, w/hops, swinging forward/back, feet elevated in front)
Shrugs on pbars (support or upper arm)
Dip walks - done on pbars, walk dips walk dips walk

Pushup Variations:

Standard Pushup: Hands shoulder width apart fingers forward or slightly angled outward

Wide Arm pushup: Hands are wider than shoulders fingers forward or slightly angled outward

Close Arm pushup: Hands directly under your shoulders, elbows hug your sides. Fingers point forward

Diamond Pushup: Hands are together with pointer finger and thumb touching. Chest touches center of diamond.

The W pushup: Done with thumbs touching underneath your chest. Similar to Diamond pushups

On Fists: Standard pushup done on fists

On Knuckles: Pushups done on knuckles instead of fingers or fist

Feet Elevated pushup: Pushups done with your feet on a high surface

The jumping pushup: Done like a standard pushup. However at the top you jump off the ground.

Clapping pushup: Started by a jumping pushup followed by a clap in front of you. Can do multiple claps, a clap behind the back, or a clap in front of you and behind the back

The shifting pushup: Start in a wide arm pushup position. From here you are going to lean to one side and do like a one arm pushup. Leave your other arm on the ground but keep most of your weight on your pushup arm. Push straight up and down, then switch sides and do the same on the other arm. Feet should be together.

The tiger pushup: Elbows on the floor underneath your shoulders, forearm straight out in front of you. Similar to a plank. Push up keeping your hands out in front of you, above your head. Can also be done with feet elevated

Pushup onto fingertips: Start in a standard pushup position. As you pushup also push up onto your fingertips, on your way back down make your hand flat again.

Fingertip pushups: Can be done in close, standard, or wide positions. Done on fingertips. Also can be done on less fingers for more difficulty

Bent fingertip pushups: Similar to fingertip pushups but all fingers are bent instead of straight.

Parallel Bar Pushup: Pushups done on parallel bars

Parallette Pushup: Pushups done on parallettes, similar to parallel bar pushup

Rings pushup: Set up blocks level to the rings, and do pushups like parallel bar pushups. Can also be done with rings turned outwards

Atlas Pushup: Done on chairs. Set 3-4 chairs up like a square. One leg/arm on each chair. Chairs should be about the width you’d set your parallel bars, can be wider for variation

The Pseudo-Planche Pushup: Hands are by your hips. Fingers are turned towards your feet. The closer your hands are to your feet the closer it is to a true planche pushup. When you push up your shoulders should be far in front of your hands.

The Planche Pushup: A pushup done from a planche position. Can be done tucked, straddled, or straight.

Medicine Ball pushup: Feet together, both hands on one medicine ball, pushup. Can also be done with feet elevated.

Yoga Ball Pushup: Same as medicine ball, only feet should be elevated to keep your body even.

Double Medicine Ball Pushup: Same as medicine ball pushup except using one ball for each hand.

Pushup with a full turn: Pushup with a jump and a 1/1 twist before landing

Full body jumping pushup: A pushup where you jump and your whole body leaves the ground and lands back in a pushup position

One Arm pushup: Done with feet slightly straddled, the closer they are the more difficult this skill is on your core. Can be done with elbows turned out or in.

One arm one leg pushup: Same as one arm pushup except one leg is in the air.

One arm clapping pushup: Done like a one arm pushup except you jump and hit your chest.

One arm switching pushup: A one arm jumping pushup landing on the other arm. Alternating.

One arm medicine ball pushup: A medicine ball pushup on one arm.

One arm tiger pushup: A tiger pushup done on one arm

One arm fingertip pushup: A one arm pushup done on fingertips

Tuck planche pushup on medicine ball: Tuck planche pushups done on medicine ball.

Grasshoppers: Bounce off your hands and toes staying in a tight pushup position

Frisbee pushup pulls/pushes: Put your feet on a Frisbee. Pull yourself down the floor with your arms. Also can be done by doing jumping pushups all the way. Can also be done both ways forwards and backwards. Can also be done jumping in circles

Dive Bomber Pushups: I don’t feel like explaining these cuz I’m a bum.

One arm dive bombers: DB pushups done on one arm

Diamond Head pushups: Stand up, put hands about a leg’s length in front of your feet. Put hands in a diamond shape. Do a pushup where your forehead touches the diamond and back up

Forward-back swaying pushups: Do a pushup, at the bottom shift your shoulders back and forth a few times then push back up

Forearm extension pushups: Start in a normal pushup position, pushup with your fingers.

Half pushups: Do half a pushup, hold it down for 2 seconds, then push back up.

High bar pushup: Can be done on a high bar or beam, similar to bench press. Do pushups on high bar. Hands forwards or backwards

Ab rollout gizmo pushup: use an ab rollout wheel that uses a handle on each side of the wheel. Do pushups on the wheel

Inverted pushup: Stomach to the ceiling hands on a block do pushups. Primarily for triceps

Handstand pushup: Handstand… pushup… nuff said

Handstand hopping pushup: Handstand, pushup, jump. Good job!

Handstand clapping pushup: HS pushup w/ a hop followed by a clap.

One arm handstand pushup: HS pushup done on one arm

Hands upside down: NOT RECOMMENDED! THESE ARE BAD FOR THE LIGAMENTS AND TENDONS IN YOUR WRIST! Do a pushup with your hands upside down

Burpies: nuff said

1 arm one leg burpies: I like those.

Pushups in a pit: feet on something solid, hands in a foam block pit. Do pushups

Spider pushups: Make your arms and legs as spread out on the floor as possible. Either bounce in this position or do pushups

Straight pushups: Lay down, back facing upwards. Arms straight forward by your ears, Push down with your arms and push up. (similar to end of an ab rollout)

(on bar, on rings, with hop, clapping, wide arm, using both pbars, hop switch, holding a pull up)
Muscle ups - a pullup to a dip. pull from the bottom all the way to support
(rings or highbar)
L hang pullup
inverted pullups - using inverted hand on rings or on a bar
Lever pulls - pull up, go to front lever, then back to pullup
Rope climbs
(normal, one arm, no feet, 2 handed jump, upside down)

Core / Torso

(regular, feet elevated, hanging, twisting)
Crunches (feet on ground, feet and head movement, feet elevated, w/ medicine ball variations, on gymnastics ball, tuck ups)
Side crunches
(just arms, just legs, both together
V-ups - scoop hold to V and back to scoop hold
Scoop holds - hollow position and hold. shoulders and feet 6 inches off the ground
Scoop rockers - rock back and forth in hollow position
Scoop lifts - lift and hold 2 seconds
Leg lifts/raises - hang on bar and lift toes with straight legs to the bar
(tucked or straight)
L holds
L lifts in support on rings/pbars, v lifts (which are supported leg raises)
Seated pike lifts - sit in a pike position and put your hands in front of your knees. now lift your legs
(pike or straddle)
Windshield wipers - leg lift and then side to side like windshield wipers
Rocky balboas - also known as dragon flags


Reverse situps - lay on stomach and arch back etc
(hanging with legs on ledge and from hips on up off ledge)
(same as reverse situps w/out hanging)
Superman holds
Superman rockers
Reverse leg lifts on pommels/vault - lay on stomach on vault, legs off the vault. lift legs as high as you can
opposite-opposite together - like supermans but u lift opposites...


Roll jumps - roll backwards then forwards and jump
(one or two legs, onto block, to tuck or straddle jump)
Jumps on soft mat
(regular, tuck, straddle, squat/frog)
Block jumps - jump up onto a tall block
Up-downs onto block
(fast for explosion, slow w/stick for strength and tendons)
Jump downs w/sticked landing from high block - or explosive rebound
(depth jumps)
Frog/squat jumps
(in place or across distance i.e. floor)
Calf raises
(straight, toes in/out, feet apart, single leg, w/ partner, toe flexes
Thrusts w/ toes - jump with only your toes and then bounce on your toes
Straight leg jumps w/ calves - jump with just your toes once, then repeat
Russians - low squatted jumps with a straddle

(1 leg or 2)
Speed squats - sqiats done quickly for 30 seconds, rest for 5, then 30 sec, rest of 4 etc...
Jump rope
(Skipping too)
Punches w/ toes - run and punch like you are going to do a front tuck but don't flip
Wall sit
(one or 2 legs)
Squat holds - like a wallsit without a wall

No / Uncatagorized

Press throughs on pommels - support on pommel horse, lift legs and without touching pommels bring through to the other side arch your back, then lift feet back through to the beginning without touching. do on all 3 sides of the pommels
Manna swings - swing to a manna or a V on parallel bars and slowly lower it down
Cross pullouts - go to an iron cross (by yourself or with a spot) and pull back to support. can also be done from a hand for straight arm pullups
Spider hops on floor - spread out as wide as possible on floor with arms and legs like a spider and hop
Scoop - whip - roll - scoop position, roll to superman, and back to scoop
Donkey kicks on floor - basically jump to a handstand and then let your legs come down and punch off your toes back to handstand

Wrists / Forearms

Tennis Ball squeezes
Support on fingertips
Stick w/ string and weight at end roll up and down
Wrist rolls w/ weight up and down - stick with a string and a weight attached. roll up and down

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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
Zalezy co sie wybiera z tych cwiczem z obciazeniem ciala, jesli sie robi pompki to dla wytrenowanego to nic. Ale juz te same pompki na jednej rece - to juz jakies tam wyzwanie jest. To samo z przysiadami z obciazeniem swojego ciala - ale na jednej nodze, to juz cos. Drazek. Widzialem jak wielu ludzi wygladajacych jak szafy i podnoszacych ogromne ciezary na plecy - mialo problemy ze zrobieniem kilku seryjek na drazku.
Ja osobiscie lubie co jakis czas trening z obciazeniem tylko swojego ciala.
Acha... Zdziwila mnie jedna sprawa - cwicze ciezarami z naprawde silnymi ludzmi, kiedys im zaproponowalem trening z guma (zapasnicy i judocy znaja to:), mieli naprawde spore trudnosci z tym. Dla nie znajacych tematu guma ma chyba ponad dwa metry dlugosci, w polowie zawiazuje sie na drabince np. i jazda:)
PS. Ostatnio podnioslem na klatke setke 12 razy, po rozgrzewkowej seriii 60 kg - 30 razy - to ile by teraz byl moj rekord i dlaczego tak malo?:)
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
wy to pakiery jesteście. JA słabiak(jak na moja mase) i dla mnie pompki to juz dużo :)

poprosze dobry program na pompki :)
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
na poprzedniej stronie masz 50 rodzajów pompek. czego chciec wiecej ?
4serie po 25 powtorzen zmieniasz rodzaje pompek z kazda seria.
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

wy to pakiery jesteście. JA słabiak(jak na moja mase) i dla mnie pompki to juz dużo :)

poprosze dobry program na pompki :)

Powiedzmy, ze wykonujesz maksymalnie 20 pompek. Wyznacz sobie szczyt piramidki biorąc połowę maksa. Czyli będzie ona wyglądała tak:
                              9  9   
                             8    8  
                            7      7
                           6        6
                          5          5
                         4            4
                        3              3
                       2                2
                     *1                  1#
Zaczynij od 1 powtórzenia (np: tego z *) i jedziesz do góry piramidki 1 przerwa 2 przerwa 3 przerwa itp. Gdy dojdziesz do szczytu wykonujesz szczytowe powtórzenia i zaczynasz z piramidy schodzić, aż dojdziesz do jedynki (tej z #) i na tym koniec.

PS. Ostatnio podnioslem na klatke setke 12 razy, po rozgrzewkowej seriii 60 kg - 30 razy - to ile by teraz byl moj rekord i dlaczego tak malo?:)

+/- 140kg ?

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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

wy to pakiery jesteście. JA słabiak(jak na moja mase) i dla mnie pompki to juz dużo :)

poprosze dobry program na pompki :)

Powiedzmy, ze wykonujesz maksymalnie 20 pompek. Wyznacz sobie szczyt piramidki biorąc połowę maksa. Czyli będzie ona wyglądała tak:
                              9  9   
                             8    8  
                            7      7
                           6        6
                          5          5
                         4            4
                        3              3
                       2                2
                     *1                  1#
Zaczynij od 1 powtórzenia (np: tego z *) i jedziesz do góry piramidki 1 przerwa 2 przerwa 3 przerwa itp. Gdy dojdziesz do szczytu wykonujesz szczytowe powtórzenia i zaczynasz z piramidy schodzić, aż dojdziesz do jedynki (tej z #) i na tym koniec.

PS. Ostatnio podnioslem na klatke setke 12 razy, po rozgrzewkowej seriii 60 kg - 30 razy - to ile by teraz byl moj rekord i dlaczego tak malo?:)

+/- 140kg ?


fajne dzięki :)
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
A moż macie lub wiecie gdzie dostać taką książke, z ćwiczeniami jak robi Ross tylko że po polsku.

edit:Czy Ross ma jakąś książke w stylu atlasu ćwiczeń??
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budo_kubuś puchatek
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay
Tylko 140 kg:( No tak slabne z wiekiem... Kiedys 175 kg. A juz bez zartow - teraz szkoda mi stawow na duze cieazary, a do treningu walki bardziej "przydaje" mi sie 30 ruchow 60 kg.
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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

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Re: Trening siłowy bez sprzętu - Olivier Lafay

Tylko 140 kg:( No tak slabne z wiekiem... Kiedys 175 kg. A juz bez zartow - teraz szkoda mi stawow na duze cieazary, a do treningu walki bardziej "przydaje" mi sie 30 ruchow 60 kg.

Kubuś - jeśli chcesz coś naprawdę dobrego do treningu walki to zainteresuj się treningiem olimpijskim i ćwiczeniami dynamicznymi (zarzut, rwanie, podrzut i inne). Akurat wyciskanie leżąc to zastosowania raczej nie znajdzie :) Chyba, że traktujesz to jako takie uzupełnienie.

Aha - jeśli chodzi o to ile masz maxa przy 12 x 100 kg to niestety nie ma tu żadnej reguły. Wielu ludzi ciśnie ogromną ilość razy mniejszy ciężar i nigdy nie wychodzą poza pewną granicę. A teoretycznie to powinni ho ho :)

Tym optymistycznym akcentem :wink:
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