Czy potrzebna faza nasycenia?
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Pozdro 8)
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"kto pyta nie błądzi" rzekomo 8)
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"...W rzeczywistości ciągłe przyjmowanie mniejszych dawek kreatyny daje lepszy końcowy efekt przyrostu mięśni niż połknięcie ogromnych ilości kreatyny w fazie ładowania..."
"...Okazuje się, że kreatyna może być bardzo skutecznym środkiem, szczególnie przyjmowana w małych dawkach, cyklicznie i bez fazy nasycenia..."
no wdg. lekarzy nie ma sensu nasycac, wiecej szkodzi (nerki,watroba) niz pomaga, wdg. producentow suplementow faza nasycenia jest potrzebna
z tego co wiem duzo ludzi bierze bez fazy nasycenia i niektore firmy na opakowaniach tez juz podaja dawkowanie bez fazy nasycenia
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Napisano Ponad rok temu
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Aha mozna w ten sposob brac kreatyne bez przerw.
Long-term creatine intake is beneficial to muscle performance during resistance training
K. Vandenberghe, M. Goris, P. Van Hecke, M. Van Leemputte, L. Vangerve, and P. Hespel.
1 Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, and 2 Biomedical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit, Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; and 3 Department Rega School, Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium
Received 13 March 1997; accepted in final form 30 July 1997.
The effects of oral creatine supplementation on muscle phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration, muscle strength, and body composition were investigated in young female volunteers (n = 19) during 10 wk of resistance training (3 h/wk). Compared with placebo, 4 days of high-dose creatine intake (20 g/day) increased (P < 0.05) muscle PCr concentration by 6%. Thereafter, this increase was maintained during 10 wk of training associated with low-dose creatine intake (5 g/day). Compared with placebo, maximal strength of the muscle groups trained, maximal intermittent exercise capacity of the arm flexors, and fat-free mass were increased 20-25, 10-25, and 60% more (P < 0.05), respectively, during creatine supplementation. Muscle PCr and strength, intermittent exercise capacity, and fat-free mass subsequently remained at a higher level in the creatine group than in the placebo group during 10 wk of detraining while low-dose creatine was continued. Finally, on cessation of creatine intake, muscle PCr in the creatine group returned to normal within 4 wk. It is concluded that long-term creatine supplementation enhances the progress of muscle strength during resistance training in sedentary females.
Title: Performance and muscle fiber adaptations to creatine supplementation and heavy resistance training.
Researchers: Volek JS, Duncan ND, Mazzetti SA, Staron RS, Putukian M, Gomez AL, Pearson DR, Fink WJ, Kraemer WJ.
Institution: Department of Kinesiology/Center for Sports Medicine, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park 16802, USA. Source: Med Sci Sports Exerc 1999 Aug;31:1147-56 Related Articles, Books, LinkOut
Summary: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of creatine supplementation in conjunction with resistance training on muscle fiber hypertrophy and muscle creatine accumulation.
Methods: Nineteen healthy resistance-trained men were matched and then randomly assigned in a double-blind fashion to either a creatine or placebo group. Periodized heavy resistance training was performed for 12 wk. Creatine or placebo capsules were consumed (25 g x d(-1)) for 1 wk followed by a maintenance dose (5 g x d(-1)) for the remainder of the training period.
Results: After 12 wk, significant increases in body mass and fat-free mass were greater in creatine (6.3% and 6.3%, respectively) than placebo (3.6% and 3.1%, respectively) subjects. After 12 wk, increases in bench press and squat were greater in creatine (24% and 32%, respectively) than placebo (16% and 24%, respectively) subjects. Compared with placebo subjects, creatine subjects demonstrated significantly greater increases in Type I (35% vs 11%), IIA (36% vs 15%), and IIAB (35% vs 6%) muscle fiber cross-sectional areas. Muscle total creatine concentrations were unchanged in placebo subjects. Muscle creatine was significantly elevated after 1 wk in creatine subjects (22%), and values remained significantly greater than placebo subjects after 12 wk. Average volume lifted in the bench press during training was significantly greater in creatine subjects during weeks 5-8. No negative side effects to the supplementation were reported.
Conclusion: Creatine supplementation enhanced fat-free mass, physical performance, and muscle morphology in response to heavy resistance training.
Sorz ya literowki ale mi sie kodowanie roywalilo a nie mam silz juz o tej godyine y tzm walcyzc.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
faza nasycenia kreatyna warto
faza nasycenia kreatyna opinie
mozesz znalezc materialy napisane przez zawodowych kulturystow i sportowcow. Nia mam zgody do kopiowania artów, a na budo nie mozna wklejac takich linkow ( do innych forow ).
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Napisano Ponad rok temu
Vitalmaxa ale już zaczełem z fazą pierwszy dzień 4x5g, więc dzięki za odpowiedziJaka masz krete?
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Otuż trening 3 razy w tygodniu, ale jescze w 3 dni nietreningowe robie sam brzuch, czy mam brać kreatyne jak w dzień treningowy czy tak jak pisze na opakowaniu tylko rano??
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Mam kilka pytań dotyczących kreatyny. Najważniejsze z nich brzmi :
czy mozna brać kreatynę i pić ( alkohol )??
Może to i nie najmądrzejsze pytanie ale moja wiedza w tym zakresie jest żadna.
Wiem że kreatyna powoduje gromadzenie wody w organizmie czy coś takiego :wink: ale czy ktoś miał jakieś interakcje? Jak tak to przy czym.
Dzięki i pozdrawiam
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pozdro 8) :-)
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Napisano Ponad rok temu
Thx za zwięzłe i treściwe rady.
Żeby było jasne - ja piję nieczęsto ale teraz będę musiał trochę nadrobić formę po maturze i poświętować po maturze - więc dowiaduje sie zawczasu :wink:
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0 użytkowników, 1 gości, 0 anonimowych
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