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Dieta Gracie

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Dieta Gracie

Stosowal ktos z Was diete Gracie ?
W skrocie polega ona na nie/laczeniu ze soba pewnych skladnikow.
W sumie nie jest ona jakos znana, dlatego nie wiem czy jest dobra, a jesli jest to na co (zdrowie? energia? chudniecie?)

Oto krotki jej opis po ang

The Gracie Diet
The "Gracie Diet" is a method of eating developed by the founder of Gracie Jiu Jitsu, Carlos Gracie Sr.
The diet is composed of several food tables divided in the following groups:
• Group A: Animal protein, fats and oils, and vegetables.
• Group B: Cereals.
• Group C: Sweet fruits.
• Group D: Acid foods (in majority fruits).
General guide lines of the diet:
• Foods from group A combine with each other and with one of group B.
• Foods from group C combine with each other and with one of group B.
• Foods from group B do not combine with each other.
• Foods from group D can only be consumed individually.
• Banana and Milk are not included in any of the groups since they have chemical combinations of their own.
• Egg yolk (raw or cooked), coconut, coffee, brewers yeast, and many varieties of teas are compatible with any food, for they are considered neutral.
• Avoid: Sweets, canned goods, black pepper, clove, cinnamon, mustard, pickled foods, and vinegar.
• Never eat: Pork and derivatives.
• Bread: to be less fermentable, shall be made out of pure or natural flour and eaten 24 hours after baked. Also, it should be eaten as toast or oven warmed.
• No alcoholic beverages.
• Not smoking.
• Drinking a glass of water when you get up and before you go to sleep.
Important: In order to avoid mixing the conflicting food groups, meals must be at least 4 ˝ hours apart, with no snacks inbetween.
Group A
Almond Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Beets - red Brazil nuts
Broccoli Butter Cabbage Carrots Cashews Cauliflower
Celery Chicken Cocoa Coconut - dried Corn on the cob Crab meat
Crabs Cucumber Eggplant Eggs Endive Fats - oils
Fish French beans Garlic Green beans Green Mustard Green Onions
Green peppers Hazel nuts Leeks Lettuce Lobster Meats
Mushrooms Mussels Octopus Olives Olives Oil Onion
Oregano Oysters Parsley Peanuts Peas Pumpkin
Radishes Savoy cabbage Sesame Shellfish Shrimp Spinach
Squid Thistle Tomatoes Turnip Walnut ---

Group B
Foods That Do Not Combine With One Another:
Barley Breadfruit Chestnuts Chick peas Corn flour
Corn-dried Dried beans Dried peas Flower of mandic All starches & flour
Oats Pearl barley Potato Rice Rye
Soybean Wheat Macaroni Lentils

Group C
Foods That Combine With Each Other Plus One of Group B, Not Prepared in Fat:
Apple Bananas Cream cheese Cottage cheese Persimmons
Plums Dates Grapes Guava Honey
Jaca Fruit Melons Watermelon Papaya Pears
Prunes Coconuts Ricotta cheese Figs Raisins
Sugar cane Syrup Teas of leaves Lemon peel Black/herb tea

Group D
Foods That Do Not Combine With Each Other Or Anything Else:
Apple-Acidic Apricot Blackberries Cider Cherry
Currants Curdled milk Grapes-acid Grapefruit Lemon
Loquat Yogurt Mango Peach Pear-acidic
Plums-acidic Pineapple Pomegranate Orange Quince
Raspberry Strawberry Tangerine Kefir
Important: In order to avoid mixing the conflicting food groups, meals must be at least 4 hours apart, with no snacks inbetween.
The Gracie Diet is not just about fruits, it's about how you combine the foods you eat.

If you're new to the Gracie Diet, we suggest that you start with just one of the basic rules and make it a daily habit. After you've incorporated the first basic rule into your lifestyle, then add additional rules, one by one.
A good basic rule to start with is the basic rule about carbohydrates.
Basic Rule About Carbohydrates

Never combine Wheat or Rice or Potato with one another; they don't go. This means that you don't eat Bread or Pasta if you are having Rice or Potato with your meal.

Corn combines OK with the other fuel foods (i.e., Corn goes with any of Bread, Pasta, Rice and Potato); however, watch out for Cornbread (as well as some of the commercial corn tortillas), because they often contain Wheat flour as well as Corn.

Banana does not go with Bread, so if you're having a banana for breakfast, forget the toast.

Group D -- Foods That Must Be Eaten Alone

Some foods do not combine with other foods, and must be eaten alone. Carlos Gracie (creator of the Gracie Diet) referred to these as "Group D" foods.
After you eat one of the Group D foods, you need to wait 3 to 4 hours for your body to digest it before you eat something different.
Note, none of the individual fruits and foods listed above combines with any other food or even with each other. That means don't blend the juices of different citrus fruits, don't combine blackberries with raspberries, and watch the blend in fruit salad, if you want to follow the Gracie Diet.

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Re: Dieta Gracie
Taak to ona. Slynna dieta rodziny Gracie.
Duzo osob o niej slyszalo. Z tej grupy niewiele osob wie wiecej oprucz tego ze istnieje. Z tej niewielkiej grupy moze kilka osob stosuje te diete.
Tak wiec watpie aby w polsce znalazla sie choc 1 osoba stosujaca te diete z pelna wiedza i przygotowaniem.
Moim zdaniem.
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Re: Dieta Gracie
W takim razie az sie prosi by wrzucic ja na grupe dyskusyjna pl.misc.dieta co by maniacy poprawnego odzywiania mogli ja rozlozyc na czynniki pierwsze. moze cos ciekawego z tego wyjdzie jesli ktos z nich sie nia zainteresuje :roll:
w sumie dietka wyglada dosc intrygujaco a jest malo znana.

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Re: Dieta Gracie
Hmm dieta ta wydaje sie podobna w zalozeniach do diety Michel'a Montignac, on tez jest zwolennikiem nie laczenia ze soba okreslonych produktow.
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