W tivi usa.
btw. zobaczcie co na adcc piszą:
Ever since I started reading your posts, I've started to consider that maybe I was wrong, and that maybe the Gracies are perhaps the greatest athletes to have ever competed in MMA. However now Im starting to question this. Consider the following:
1) Rickson has never fought anybody in the Top 20, even though he boasts about a 400-0 record. His greatness is based upon things like a close match with Duarte, D level fighter, and being able to tap Rigan Machado who got is A kicked at ADCC.
2) Royler was completed DOMINATED by Sak. one thing to lose, but he looked pathetic out there. (However, I will give the some slack, because there was a big weight difference. However, what arrogance he showed by taking the fight thinking he could beat Sak, and basically dictating the rules).
3) Renzo has lost to Sak, and was KTFO by Henderson, and lost to a no name Japanese fighter.
4) Even though Royce did well in the early UFCs, he really just fought a bunch of chumpsdidn't he? Look at his record since the early UFCs: Wallid, a C-level fighter choked him out in a JJ match; he couldnt do anything against Takada, another C-level; fighter; Sak kicked his Arse, and Yoshida, from what I read, was totally dominating Royce in their match. (I have a friend who there ringside, and he is pretty objective. BTW, I heard Yoshida retired from Judo------ABOUT 10 YEARS AGO!!!!). Further, its pretty clear there are many, many fighters out there who could kick Royce arse. Just imagine him against Steibling, or Silva. Oh, man, were talking a massive anal raping.
5) The Gracies are not a class act. They dictate the rules of the matches they fight in. Renzo has purposely stepped on his opponents head after he submitted him, and spits at another opponent in a match because he was frustrated he couldnt take him down, and Royce shoves down a ref because of the ref made a call he didnt agree with.
Whats going? Why do people worship Gracies? There are many, many, many better fighters out there, who show bring a lot more class and dignitity to MMA, like Nog, Arona, Tito, Frye, Igor, Herring---who ABSOLUTELY deserve more recognition, and respect in MMA than the Gracies.
Talk to me Jeff. Im not flaming--- Im just trying to understand. Maybe Im missing something here.