Przede wszystkim chcę sprostować nieporozumienie: KM to nie jedyny combat, np. marines już dawno temu włączyli wiele różnych kombinacji i JEST TO W RAMACH programu MCMAP. Więc NIE MOWCIE: "combat to, combat tamto". A skąd wiecie, że sambista by czegoś nie zrobił, a marine - mający parter w szkoleniu, a KM-owiec po bazie w zapasach czy judo etc. Combatów od groma, każdy inny
Marines should avoid being on the ground during
a close combat situation because the battlefield
may be covered with debris and there is an increased
risk of injury. However, many close combat
situations involve fighting on the ground. The
priority in a ground fight is for Marines to get
back on their feet as quickly as possible. In any
ground fighting scenario, Marines will usually
end up in one of four positions with the opponent.
The offensive positions, in which Marines have a
tactical advantage, are the guard and mount. The
defensive positions, which are used as counters
when the opponent has the tactical advantage, are
the counter to the guard and the counter to the
mount. Marines can also employ chokes during
ground fighting to quickly end a fight.Skoro marines uznali, że parter jest potrzebny- to

Parter trza znać - nie ulega wątpliwości! A co można a co nie - darujmy sobie - na matę i sprawdzać - a nie dywagować.
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