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ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic

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ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
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wiem ze zrobili dwa filmy o meksykanskiej mafi, American me, i blood in blood out.
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
w teksasie tez sa twardzi:
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In an attempt to reverse the change and build a reputation, these inmates began to utilize extremely violent means of status preservation. The backlash against their positions of lower status was savagely aimed at the perceived source of change--black inmates.

During the period from spring of 1984 through the summer of 1985, the Texas Aryan Brotherhood established itself as "the mad dog" of TDC10. Unlike the gangs which often waited for an opportunity to "hit" a target when "the man" was not around, the AB appears to have openly courted the reputation as "crazy MFers" as they often wrote to and about each other during this period. Hits were regularly attempted in the presence of staff and other inmates. The desire to build and keep an extreme reputation was so great that an inmate only two months from parole actually murdered another inmate during an administrative segregation recreation period that he knew was being videotaped. The assailant was a member of another gang making his "bones" in order to get into the AB, and the inmate he stabbed 24 times with an eight inch homemade knife was a Brotherhood member accused of having given written testimony against another AB member in the matter of the homicide of a black inmate almost a year earlier.11

Twenty-five percent of all inmate homicides for the years 1984 and 1985 were committed by Brotherhood members. These 13 homicides constitute 30% of all gang-related homicides for the two-year period12. As the newspapers heralded the surge in inmate violence as a response to the power void left by the dissolution of the building tender system (Freelander 1985), and the total inmate assaults for the two years topped the 500 mark (the number of gang-related assaults is not known as no official designation was used to identify victims or offenders by gang membership), many previously unaffiliated white inmates felt the need to associate themselves with the Brotherhood. Inmate Red suggests that this was true because the Aryan Brotherhood was made up of men who were, like the Marines, "the proud and the few".

Inmate correspondence and interviews lend evidence to the fact that the growth of the Texas Aryan Brotherhood was firmly based upon that identification with lost status Lipset and Raab refer to as corporate status deprivation. They were not seeking to regain a lost status within a current structure, but to return an entire group to a position of high status. In order to "set things right", the illegitimate actors within the structure had to be eliminated or at least subjugated. The gravity of the situation necessitated extreme measures. Consequently, reference after reference in monitored correspondence is made to "having to deal with niggers who keep messing with whites." and "the Jews who are purposely screwing up our mail, denying us our rights and trying to oppress the true white man."

This low-status backlash is evidenced in the numerous assaults of Brotherhood inmates on blacks for "disrespecting whites". Analysis of written correspondence during this period reveals AB members chasing blacks around recreation yards with knives, harpooning others through open food slots, fire bombing and assaulting blacks on the way to/from showers, recreation, and legal visits, as well as stabbing, beating, and murdering inmates thought to be enemies of the Brotherhood.

The Aryan Brotherhood had definitely become a major power within its own right by the beginning of 1985. The administration of several units placed known AB leaders in "lock-up" during the summer and fall of 1984 as "threats to the safety and security of other inmates and to the institution as a whole"13. One member of the steering committee wrote to the president in July of 1984 saying, "Sorry to hear you got slammed. I feel like it's a disease spreading throughout the system" (referring to his being placed in administrative segregation).

ten gosc to jest jeden z wodzi nazi lowriders (tez z kaliforni gang ktory teraz hyba jest w wojnie z ab bo nie sluchali ich):
Dołączona grafika

Paul Cornfed Schneider, ras znany jako kaliforni najgrozniejszy jenec:
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o nlr:
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o najgrozniejszym jencem stanow zjednoczonych:
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
uuu, nie przebrnę z moją angielszczyzną przez to :? , mógłbyś przybliżyć mniej więcej o co chodzi, bo ciekawy temat się wydaje ;) ...
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
gangi w kaliforni i w wiezeniach. AB, to jest bialy gang ktory byl stworzony zeby ochronic bialych wiezniow pszeciwko czarne i laczinskie gangi ktory istnialy na ulicach i w wiezeniach. Bialych to jest mniej w amerykanskich wiezeniach to oni sie zgromadzili i ustiali ze tylko najbardzej brutalni doloncza do tego gangi i benda kontrolowac cala bialom gromade w calym wiezeniu i innych wiezeniach. Oni mordowali pszy innych wiezniow i oficerow zeby pokazac ze nic nie moga crobiz i nie maja zadnego strachu, pokazajac innym ze oni sa na misji.
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
dwoch gosci z tego gangy (braterstwo arjanskie) zabili oficera w wtymczasowi naj bardziej potenzniejscym wiezieniu ktorym prawie caly czas bli sami w jednej klatce i mieli tylko godzine poroszania sie, i drugi zabil tez oficera pozniej i nozem poczestowal dwohc innych. wyskoczyl z klatki pszez ukradziony klucz i powiedzial "ty skurwysynie chcecie troche tez" i napadl na nich. Powiedzial pozniej ze nie chcial zeby ten pierwszy co zabil byl do poszodu niego o trupach. Nigdy wczesniej dwoch oficerow bylo zabitych w jednym dniu i szczegulnie w tym samym wiezieniu. Potym zrobili specjalne wiezenie ze oni sa segregowani w jednej celi i nikogo nie widza a Silverstein ma swiatla ktore sie swieca 24 godziny.
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
jeden gosc ktry byl czlonkiem zdecydowal zeby wyjsc z tej organizacji. Bo oni zaczeli mordowac ludzi i rodzine tych ktorze wyszli albo zdradzili gangu. Nawet gosc zanim wszedl do protective custody w wiezieniu (gdzie sa pszyszli gliniaze, pedofile, i inny uchronioni) i chcial go zabic. On powiedzial ze jego szacunek teraz jest gorszy od gwalciciela albo pedofila, bo on sie spszeciwil tego gangu. Jak dziennikarz znim chcial porozmawiac to pier mysleli ze on jest ktos kto jego chce zabic i chcieli go ruszyc do innego wiezenia, ale wreszce sie dziennikowi udalo i on byl za szklanom kulo odporna, i na koncu rozmowy pokazal renke w kturej byl tatuaz z numerem 666, manifestaci zla albo szatana, on powiedzial ze z tym jednym tatuazem moze czlowiek kontrolowac cale wiezenie stanow zjednoczonych. Oni sie zrobili tez silni bo oni mieli wielkie reakcje wobec malych rzeczy. Napszyklad ktos wszedl pszed nich w kolejke, to oni pobili by go odrazu z jakims narzedzem.
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
Zaraz pojawi się moderator... :twisted: i chyba słusznie.
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
Wątek fascynujący jak rachunek za prąd :roll:
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Re: ktos powinnen film o tych goscach zrobic
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