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oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
OK, ja już znalazłem.
TloluviN, nie zapominaj, że to Amerykanie - musisz gdzieś napisać, że jesteś sarkastyczny, bo nie zrozumieją ;)
Zresztą... bo ja wiem, czy zrozumieją "sarkastyczny" :roll:

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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
Śledzę w sumie całe "zajście" od samego początku i zaczynam powoli nie wierzyc własnym oczom - poziom dyskusji i argumenty "amerykańców" są po prostu niesmaczne...zobaczymy co będzie dalej - ja i tak nie kupiłbym Mad Dog'a - wygląd noża kuchennego mnie odstrasza (może za bardzo śnie o Tiger Stripes na nożach innej firmy :wink: )- po tej dyskusji tym bardziej :?
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
Poczytałem i jest mi niedobrze. Nie ma sensu komentować tych debilnych wypowiedzi niedouczonych i zadufanych w sobie amerykanów.
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

Poczytałem i jest mi niedobrze. Nie ma sensu komentować tych debilnych wypowiedzi niedouczonych i zadufanych w sobie amerykanów.

Zachowanie Kevina, jak i tych forumowiczow zdecydowanie odbiega od standardu sposobu prowadzenia rozmow, do jakiego przyzwyczailo mnie pewne amerykanskie forum. Szkoda nawet komentowac tych debili, wrzucajacych nas do jednego worka i obracajacych kota ogonem...Niech bedzie z tego szum i niech MD skonczy wreszcie grac luja :evil:
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
Piter najlepiej nic mu nie odpisuj ponieważ ten pan jest w brodziku intelektualnym i nie ma sensu z nim konwersować.
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

Piter wez zostaw ta wazeline na inne okazje i skrobnij cos powaznego w naszym imieniu...

Mysle ze TloluviN odpowiedzial za Pitera tak jak nalezalo.

Co do nuklearnej zimy :-) , mozemy pomyslec, Polak potrafi.
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
Ja Mad Doga przed i po incydecie nie kupił bym ,poniewarz sa brzydkie ,przypomianaja mi przerosniete noże kuchene(wysokiej jakosci i drogie noże kuchenne).Ale to jedynie jest moje odczucie , nie wiem jak inni?
A Kevinowi juz kiedys z T.U.S.K. noga sie podwineła ,ale to juz inna historia.
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

Co do nuklearnej zimy , mozemy pomyslec, Polak potrafi.

A przynajmniej mozemy pomyslec o "Jesieni Sredniowiecza" :twisted:
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

Nie ma sensu komentować tych debilnych wypowiedzi niedouczonych i zadufanych w sobie amerykanów.

Hej ludzie, wrecz przeciwnie, jest sens! To jest kurwa noz za 300$ a im wlasnie o to chodzi zeby wlasciciel polozyl na to lache, co prawda to nie nasza sprawa i udzielac sie nie powinnismy, ale szum z tego powinien powstac, zeby Kevin noz wymienil! Takie jest moje zdanie...[/code]
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
Przeczytalem ostatnia odpowiedz na tamtym forum...
Panowie, oni naprawde mysla ze byliscie nawaleni :)
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

Przeczytalem ostatnia odpowiedz na tamtym forum...
Panowie, oni naprawde mysla ze byliscie nawaleni :)

Ha! nie widzieli mnie nawalonego ;-)
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
A co ewentualne nawalenie lub nie, moze miec wspolnego z peknieciem noza??

Pewnie maja jakies kompleksy na punkcie swoich slabych glow...
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

A co ewentualne nawalenie lub nie, moze miec wspolnego z peknieciem noza??.

No jak kurwa co? brak argumentów z ich strony przeca, hehe
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu

Dear All,
first of all - I wont be yappin again - Id like to write a few words.

Originally posted by Robert Finley:
Wow! The pics! It wasn't just a sheet metal and styrofoam refrigerator door that this innocent blade got shoved through.
These guys were intentionally chopping up BRICKS--before hanging the giant ham in the tree off of the PATAK! And then documenting all of this for the world to see! And then seeking replacement under warranty!(?) WTF?!

Incredible! Disgusting.


Disgusting? What is disgusting? Our question or your reply? You are talking about
human beeing. Would you tell the same thing to your wife or other member of your
familly? And other thing - would you tell this guy that he is a giant ham personally?

Originally posted by conunobrazo:
This is all pretty silly, says I.
Several days ago, I saw that gap-toothed cretin grinning as he chopped ROCKS with one of the finest examples of cutlery extant, and I thought "My input is not needed here. That which is obvious is adequate."

Well, while my input is still not likely needed, I find it necessary to express my astonishment that anyone would do such baboonish business to knives of any description or lineage, much less Mad Dogs.

Chopping rocks? ROCKS? ROCKS?

We are not required to take such people seriously, and we should not.



We were chopping bricks. Not rocks.
Im the "cretin" you are talking about. And to be honest - I dont like the way you talk
about me. I can see you got problems with formulate your opinions without be unkind to
your opponents. Im sure you look like Tom Cruise and got IQ like 240. You are far enough
to write whatever you want about people you dont know.

Originally posted by Mad Dog:

Apparently, there is some legend extant in the eastern european countryside about Mad Dog knives being able to sever bricks and do other magical non knifelike things, and some small percentage of these folks imagined or assumed that the Mad Dog warranty was supposed to cover those legends...


Please check this out - [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
It seems not only in our region people had the same feeling about MD's legend.

Originally posted by Mad Dog:
Once I got past the shock and horror, I came to realize how genuinely funny this is.
Rather like the Darwin Awards. Unfortunately though, these guys got off cheap. They lived.
Sigh. There's always next time... I'll bet their last words are, "Watch This!!" (in Polish, of course)


You are right Kevin. It is so funny... I'll bet that when somebody will fall and try
to save his life with your knife, but It will unfortunelly breake (abuse) you will put him to Darwins
Awards. You are right - there is always next time... But for sure not with MD.

Originally posted by Mad Dog:
Not even brick set hammers and chisels which are specifically designed for trimming bricks are used thusly. I can only imagine what their cars look like...

What It has to do with this case? To be honest - I dont care about your car. And you really cant imagine how mine looks...

Originally posted by Mad Dog:

I guess I would like to thank these fellows for renewing my faith in the ingenuity of idiots.


You are welcome. I think the same thing will say all your customers, which use their knifes for other things
than placing it in glass-case and watching every morning and enjoy what a masterpiece they got.
Did you ever consider this? One of us bought your knife. He put his trust in your work and company.
And for now you treat him like idiot or moron.
Please check results of the vote which was called after a lot of people collecting knives in Poland saw
how you deal with this case.

kupisz mad doga po tym incydencie? - Will you buy Mad Dog after this incident?
Nie - NO
Tak - YES
Wszystkich Głosów : - All votes amount:

Originally posted by Mad Dog:

Thank God I had the foresight (and curmudgeonliness) to craft a warranty anticipating such idiocy, otherwise one or two such customers could bankrupt me.


You are wrong. It seems you still think we wanted to breake this knife. We did not! It broke to 3 pieces and really looked like there
was a defect in the steel. Thats why we asked PiterM to replace it. My personal opinion - this knife had the chance to hold it!
And I'll bet that when he does - you would be proud and wanted to share your glory with others. You would inform everybody about
this. I make such a good knives! But unfortunately it broke. And now you try to make us idiots and allow other members of this forum
do the same thing. Shame on you!

Originally posted by Robert Finley:
'Twas genetics played a part in this.
Rasputin's ass lives!


I really try to be nice. Another god damn Tom Cruise. Let me tell you something - Rasputin lived in Russia, not in Poland.
I know that for you it makes no difference. But there is something called MAP. Im sure after few tries you will be able to use it.
Point your finger to Russia. Then to Poland. Can you see the difference now? No? Let me explain you the difference. Russians are
able to change your weather-forecast for nuclear winter for next 10K years. We are not.


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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
Niezły sajgon się zrobił 8) Polacy do boju! :wink:
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
dalej na psubraty!Panowie Bracia! :)
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
ja juz mowilem - jakby mnie bylo stac to i tak bym nie kupil - do cholery falkniwen klepany tasmowo podaje ponad 200 i pewnei spoko tyle by wytrzymal - kiedys stawalem na polskiej WZ-ce wbitej w pien i bez problemu wytzymala chociaz to gowniany nóż a waze ponad 90 - dla mnie wcale to nie byla hard corowa sprawa
a co do amerykanow - ch...e i barany - wrecz ksiazkowa pozycja obronna stosowana przy braku powaznych argumentow - jezeli przeciwnika sie osmieszy i zmniejszy jego "poważanie" to latwo wtedy odbic jego argumenty nie majac zadnych swoich - ale to tandetna metoda dla debili
ja to żałuje tylko że nie znam angielskiego i poczytac nie moge i tymbardziej odpowiedziec - chociaz jakbym cos napisal to i tak by to wycieli.
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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
cd (tym razem od Teryla McClunga):

St. Teryl
Administrator posted 04-14-2004 09:13
This is the first chance I've had to read through all of these posts and it bothers me that it has become a personal attack on these people. I'm going to go back through the posts and edit for language and personal attacks, although I would appreciate it if you would save the time and edit your own posts.

This thread is about how a 3/16 Pygmy ATAK that was broken and the owner wanting a replacement blade under warranty. That is the only thing that should be discussed on this thread.

The pictures and video clearly show excessive abuse, so that is not even a matter of debate. I thought Kevin was going to have a heart attack as he watched the video which showed them chopping up a brick with a 3/16 Pygmy ATAK! He must have sat there and watched that a hundred times. Then the picture of the 230 lb guy hanging from it until it broke!!! All that work, all that time, all ruined, and for what? To prove the obvious; that a 3/16 blade cannot hold up a 230 lb man, particularly after it has already been subjected to extreme abuse by chopping through a brick?

Kevin did offer to look at the blade before making a final decision, and gave detailed instructions to that effect. That is what the customer wants and that is what Kevin offered to do from the beginning.

If, upon examination, the knife shows defects in material or workmanship, we will replace it with a new one.
It is that simple.

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Re: oj dogu dogu...mad dogu
CHolera, co ma do wytrzymalosci Mad Doga to czy czlowiek jest nawalony czy nie??
Chocby nawet byli nawaleni to noz peknal nie pod czolgiem tylko pod wiszacym na nim czlowieku.
A chocby wypil 10 piw to i tak nie bylby znaczaco ciezszy :-)

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