test mad doga - Nowa polska stronka o nożach
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A co do tego, co napisales: chcialoby Ci sie czekac 6 miechow na noz, potem go zlamac, wysylac czesci do MD, znow czekac 6 miechow i lamac ? Mnie nie prawde mowiac i zapewne taka nie byla tez intencja ludzi, przeprowadzajacych test...
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"If the knife was broken simply because it was abused, the gentleman who did so is welcome to replace it as he sees fit. I would suggest that he purchase a stout pry bar first though, as this will probably satisfy the bulk of his needs."
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Przypuscmy ze wlasciciel noza mial wypadek, walnal samochodem w drzewo, przygielo go do maski i siedzi uwieziony, jedyna szansa to wywazyc drzwi za pomoca noza, wydostaje sie, ale noz sie lamie, a na to mr MD, ze noz sluzy do ciecia nie do podwazania... Skoro tak, to kupujmy do jasnej cholery spyderco a nie noze, ktore rzekomo sa nie do zdarcia :?
myślę,że ważne jest,żeby jednak wyjść z tego samochodu
żeby nie było "nieszczęścia chodzą parami" - nie dość,że nie wydostałem się z samochodu to jeszcze złamałem nóż
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- zwróćcie uwagę, jak wielu słów potrzebował Kevin, aby wyjaśnić swoje stanowisko ... czyżby nie był całkowicie przekonany co do przedstawianych racji? W zasadzie powtarza te same kwestie: "moje produkty są wspaniałe, ale jeśli je 'abuse'ujesz to spadaj kliencie"
- chyba nie do końca postawił się w pozycji klienta (monopolista? mamy jakieś skojarzenia?). Dla kogoś, kto złamał Mad Doga i dla innych jest to przecież sygnał, że NIE ZAWSZE I NIE DO KOŃCA można ufać nożom od Kevina ...
- tak naprawdę nie wiemy jakie obciążenie pokonało P-ATAK'a ... może kilka kg mniej, niż ważył Niszczyciel? A co będzie w przypadku obciążeń dynamicznych, wielokrotnych obciążeń na udar a potem na zginanie? Hej, to jest narzędzie dla ludzi z pola bitwy i nie wiadomo co i na jak długo się trafi
- no i czy teraz każdy z nas może być wolny od myśli: dobra, trochę mogę nacisnąć, ale nie za mocno, może pęknąć, szkoda, że to nie Busse ...
- w świetle bezwarunkowej gwarancji Busse i Swamp Rat tłumaczenia Kevina to bełkot: albo to jest 'hard core combat tool' albo po prostu wspaniałe, pieknie zrobione, wypieszczone narzędzie do cięcia. I tyle.
... wielu może się też cieszyć, iż być może łatwiej im byłoby kupić wyśnionego MD ...
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I jeszcze bussiarzu ... już się robi-albo i idzie do mnie Active Duty ... :twisted:citizen, ty słompraciarzu jeden ty brzydki... :wink:
... Ale Tichbourne też zachwyca!
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Mad Dog
posted 04-08-2004 11:03
I received the following email from a fellow in Poland this AM.
One of his friends, a fellow weighing in at at least 108 kilos (237 pounds) managed to break a 3/16" Pygmy ATAK TG by hanging on the blade... after chopping through a refrigerator door, rocks, bricks, wire, etc.
He wanted to know if I would replace the blade "under normal warranty" for his friend.
His email:
"Piotr Makuch" [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
Dear Kevin,
I'd like to let you know about one test-report preformed in Poland and ask
you, on behalf of my customer, about the warranty.
First small introduction about my person... I'm a knife writer and high-end
knife dealer in Poland. I'm an authorised dealer of such brands as Chris
Reeve, Microtech and Strider. Also I have long-term deals with some custom
knifemakers. Wy website ([link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]) is more source of info than a shop,
but I sell a lot of high end stuff, also MadDogs, and I'm damn proud of that
fact! I think that one direct link may be nice for you: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
Well, couple of days ago a group of hardcore knife enthusiasts (I've not been
there unfortunately) performed a test on MOD Razorback, Swamp Rat "Battle
Rat" (one of the brands I DON'T like at all and don't support) and your Pygmy
ATAK TG. I know that PATAK TG has been designed as a personal tactical /
utility cutting tool. No more, no less. The test showed EXCELLENT edge
retention of this knife. It was the only one which was still sharp after
heavy cutting and chopping of... fridge door (!). However, they decided to
test also the strenght of the blade. So they installed the knives in a tree
and started hanging on them. PATAK broke under the weight (108kg) of one of
the test participants... here is the link if you'd like to take a look: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
and direct link to broken blade: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
So, the owner of PATAK would like to know if he can have the blade replaced.
In his opinion 108kg should be not that much for MadDog knife and it should
be replaced under normal warranty conditions. I'd be grateful if you could
let me know what's your opinion about that Kevin.
Kind Regards,
Piotr Makuch [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
Authorized Dealer
Strider - Chris Reeve - Microtech
My emailed reply:
First Off: I am not in the habit of underwriting destructive testing by
giving away free replacements for destroyed blades.
My knives are warranteed against failure due to defects in materials and
workmanship for the lifetime of the original owner.
Nothing more or less.
My knives are designed to be cutting tools, first and foremost.
Your statement, "I know that PATAK TG has been designed as a personal
tactical / utility cutting tool. No more no less", seems to indicate that
you understand this.
Any other uses would be entirely at the discretion and risk of their
I assume that you understand the difference between use and abuse as well,
so I will also assume that you are writing at the behest of the man who
broke the knife.
Given the quality of the pictures you sent, I can not make a determination
as to how much damage from impact, prying, etc. was done to the blade prior
to the man breaking it, but it seems reasonable to suspicion that the knife
saw some quantity of other abuse prior to the obviously abusive
prying/hanging "test".
(I can not read Polish, so the text of the article you appended to your
email remains obscure to me, but the pictures do speak several thousand
I make no specific warranty as to that knife model (Pygmy ATAK TG) holding
up a 237 pound (108Kg) man by its tip, nor would I reasonably expect it to.
After all, the stock in that bade is only 3/16" or .187", full flat ground
to a zero edge at 62 HRC. This is hardly a suitable design geometry for a
piton or prybar, nor is the heat treat of that blade design intended for
such efforts.
All Mad Dogs are strong for their size, but even my knives have their
limitations. One of them is that thin blades should not be used as prybars,
splitting wedges or cold chisels without expecting some problems.
If you honestly believe that the blade failed due to a defect in material or
workmanship, return the both halves of the blade and any fragments to me, I
will examine them and make a determination as to whether the knife failed
due to abuse as opposed to actual defects in material or workmanship.
If in my judgement the knife has broken due to a defect in materials or
workmanship, I will replace it as per my specific warranty.
If the man who broke it wants the fragments back after inspection, he should
include a cashiers check in US dollars for covering the return shipping to
If the knife was broken simply because it was abused, the gentleman who did
so is welcome to replace it as he sees fit.
I would suggest that he purchase a stout pry bar first though, as this will
probably satisfy the bulk of his needs.
Should he decide he needs a Mad Dog specifically designed for a set of tasks
other than normal cutting, I would be happy to build a custom blade for him,
at custom prices. I would probably suggest something along the lines of the
DESTROYER, which was purpose designed for use in extremely harsh situations.
Even the DESTROYER has its limits though, so without a specific set of
design criteria to work to, it will be difficult at best to come up with a
suitable tool for your friend.
Thank You,
Kevin McClung
MD Labs
8333 Pecos Drive #4
Prescott Valley, Az, 86314
I will comment further if/when they return the blade for inspection.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited 04-08-2004).]
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited 04-08-2004).]
Mad Dog
posted 04-08-2004 11:15
And this came in a few minutes ago:
first of all thanks a lot for your detailed and clear answer. I couldn't agree more with you. The guy who borke [sic]the PATAK is not even my direct customer... however, I've sold quite some MD's here, also for trade. Well...
I'm quite well known person in Poland as far as top quality knives are concerned, so in the end I've been asked to ask you. That's more or less why I've contacted you.
For me it's simply act of irresponsibility to perform such tests with PATAK... what's more TG wersion made of thinner stock. I really admire your knives, but I personally treat them as finest cutting instruments, not prybars or screwdrivers. If you were able to read my review of PATAK on MY
website [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] (not this destruction test, which I'm not involved in at all) you'd see that I advise to use and treat your blades as cutting tools. Strong, but still only hand tools. So your email speaks to me.
Anyway I'll ask the guy if he wants to send the knife to you for inspection and if so, I'll advise him to include $30 for return shipment via USPS Global Priority insured (I use USPS a lot and that's the best way if you
send to Poland). Also I can take the knife with me in June to Atlanta if you are there at Blade this year (I assume so) and we can also have a small talk about knives... I'd be honored frankly speaking!
So, thanks again for your email and have a good day Kevin! Please, make some
bad@$$ cutting tools today! Best I'm aware of...'
Piotr Makuch
------------------------------------------------ [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
Authorized Dealer
Strider Knives - Chris Reeve - Microtech
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited 04-08-2004).]
posted 04-08-2004 13:35
I saw shades of Cliff Stamp in the making, but I have to say the guy sounds reasonable in his second letter.
His client/ friend/ acquaintance however is a bit beyond the realm of clever-hood.
If he decides to send the knife back to you, I will happily pony up the $6 for a Wonder Bar or Cat's Paw to send with the knife.
I hear voices. They don't like you.
posted 04-08-2004 14:04
Well... first of all, I'm not judging anyone / anything here. For me anyone can do anything he / she wants with his / her knife. That’s obvious. Also, for me it’s quite fair to ask if this blade can be replaced if it breaks for any reason. This test showed one important thing to me... the guys were chopping wood, rocks, bricks, metal wire, hemp strings, metal fridge door... everything! And in all those cutting tests PATAK passed excellent! In fact, it was the only one, which survived with non-damadged, non-chipped and still working edge!!! WOW... cuting tool... as I’ve said.
Now we come to the next point... the answer from the maker. It’s up to you Kevin to examin the blade and give teh verdict. Once per thousands of blades there can be an imperfection in the steel... inside, hard (impossible?) to find during making the knife. SO, that may be such a case, who knows? I’ve not seen the knife after it has been broken so I can’t tell that. However, I know the reputation of Kevin, and I’m quite sure that he’d like to see this broken blade. Just to take a look and judge. Maybe it should be replaced, who knows... or maybe not. But that’s not me to judge that.
Kevin, for me (and I’ve also expressed that on our knife forums in Poland) this PATAK performed excellent all in all. Used as a cutting tool of course...
[This message has been edited by PiterM (edited 04-08-2004).]
[This message has been edited by PiterM (edited 04-08-2004).]
posted 04-08-2004 14:29
I think I've sleuthed out the problem. On Piotr's website, I noticed that the Pygmy ATAK is made from "Starlet 01" steel.
I knew that the switch to the new Britney Spears steel was a bad move...
Mad Dog
posted 04-08-2004 14:38
Like I said: If you want a cutting tool, buy a cutting tool. If you want a pry bar, buy a pry bar.
Don't expect to get both in the same package without badly sacrificing performance in one or the other functions.
I make cutting tools called Mad Dog Knives.
They cut very well in the usual materials.
I make prybars called the Guard Bar.
They are extremely robust in prying and other demolition applications.
They don't cut at all, as they have no sharpened edges.
I can make knives that are designed to survive prying reasonably well and at the expense of some cutting ability, but the thin stock blades are not included in that group, nor have we ever been claimed them to be.
[This message has been edited by Mad Dog (edited 04-08-2004).]
posted 04-08-2004 14:51
Kev, I could see your answer in your first email quite clearly. I know my English is "so, so" but it's not bad enough to miss the point
Anyhow, I'll pass your replay of course to the guy. It's fair statement and says all.
[This message has been edited by PiterM (edited 04-08-2004).]
Anode Effect
posted 04-08-2004 14:51
A Pygmy ATAK, 3/16", TG... broken in two pieces?!?! Brings a tear to the eye.....
posted 04-08-2004 19:54
Ed, I have to agree. What a shame to lose such a desirably formated Mad Dog. Pygmy 3/16th with a thin grip, that is the cat's meow!
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Prawda Ci to - SR to rewelacyjne narzędzie codziennego wsparcia nożowego, lekkie (tj. Howker lub Bandicoot) i ergonomiczne (kształt i tłumienie drgań na rękojeści!), bardzo robocze poprzez swoje wykończenie, a i cena pozwala bez żalu wymienić połamane/wyszczerbione/zardzewiałe narzędzie na nowe (jeśli producent pozwoli i nie wyśle nowego w ramach gwarancji ... ). Ostrzy się doskonale, trzyma ostrze bardzo długo, szczerbi się dopiero na gwoździu na paluszek grubym (podobno ...).bussiarzu to akurat bardzo dobrze... ja nie utożsamiam tych dwóch firm. No contest!
Busse tylko macałem, ale to jest inna klasa: wykonanie, dopieszczenie, stal jakby bardziej drapieżna - zdecydowanie wybrałbym jako narzędzie w nieznane.
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Uważam natomiast, że jego ostateczny komentarz, iż "do wyważania niech sobie kupi łom" nie powinien się pojawić jako conajmniej nieprzyzwoity.
Ja nadal uważam jego noże za wspaniałe, szczególnie te nie za duże jak PATAK, Arizona Hunter, Pack Rat itp. I pewnie popełnię któryś z nich jako swój "miejski fixed EDC". Nie zmienia to faktu, iż PODEJŚCIE Kevina do użytkownika jego noża jest poniżej moich oczekiwań mówiąc delikatnie. To już nawet MT ma lepsze podejście (nie, niestety nie serwis, tylko podejście). Nie wykazał sie Pan K.
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Rat" (one of the brands I DON'T like at all and don't support)
Dlaczego nie lubisz SW coś jest z nimi nie tak?
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zacytuje boda bez jego wiedzy - zainteresowanego z gory przepraszam
"Kevin zachowal sie jak wiejski sprzedawca uzywanych samochodow".
Ja rozumiem twarde podjescie do polityki gwarancyjnej. Gdyby napisal - przegieliscie, przyslijcie do mnie, zobacze to i ocenie i wtedy bedziemy gadac to wyglada zupelnie inaczej. jednak z tych postow wynika, ze on nie dopuszcza do mysli sytuacji, ze jego noze maja jakas wade!!! a to dla mnie nie do przyjecia.
Po prostu nie rozumiem takiego zachowania Kevina - robi sobie rysy na opinii - opini na ktora pracowal latami i jest warta wiecej niz noz za 500$. kurde - jakby napisal - przegieliscie - wymieniam go wyjatkowo, ale jak drugi raz nawet lom sie Wam zlamie w testach to nie wymienie - w oczach uzytkownikow jego prestiz rosnie.
A tak nie ma juz noza one life - one knife. jest noz, ktory moze zawiesc, bo jak sam Kevin mowil - to jest just cutting tool...
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- jego własny tekst nt. własnych produktów: "Mad Dog Knives uses Starrett 496-O1 high carbon tool steel on all their steel knives. Hardened, then selectively tempered, our blades have a Rockwell C-scale hardness of 61-62 at the edge (hard as a file), anda HRC 50-54 throughout the spine and full hidden tang.This provides superior edge-holding ability with exceptional durability for prying and chopping."
Widzimy PRYING? Może warto, abyś o to zapytał, Piter?Facet jest niestabilny, ot co. Ale tnie się MD-iem rewelacyjnie.
... I może zmień Piter tego Starleta na Starretta ...
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No w sumie...Widzimy PRYING? Może warto, abyś o to zapytał, Piter?
W treści tekstu przy pisaniu word mi zmienił bo mam ustawione na "auto", ale już dawno jest jak trzeba. A w tabelce było OK od początku. Ha, shit happens... I może zmień Piter tego Starleta na Starretta ...
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Uważam natomiast, że jego ostateczny komentarz, iż "do wyważania niech sobie kupi łom" nie powinien się pojawić jako conajmniej nieprzyzwoity.
Tu się w pełni zgadzam.
I stawiam krate browaru że trener za 80 zł by przeszedłby ten test bez szwanku. Po to się kupuje fixed aby wytrzymał takie obciążenia.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Uważam natomiast, że jego ostateczny komentarz, iż "do wyważania niech sobie kupi łom" nie powinien się pojawić jako conajmniej nieprzyzwoity.
Tu się w pełni zgadzam.
I stawiam krate browaru że trener za 80 zł by przeszedłby ten test bez szwanku. Po to się kupuje fixed aby wytrzymał takie obciążenia.
hmmm... mozna by to sprawdzic, o ile ta krata aktualna :-)
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z tym , ze trener pewnie by sie wygial i....i tyle ,nie odgial by sie spowrotem...
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