I co - teraz bedziesz sie filipinskich styli czepial co ?
Czemu czepiał? Właśnie ich BRONIĘ - żeby ktoś kto sobie coś tam robi we własnym zakresie NIE NAZYWAL TEGO FMA...!!
Oj Combat Combat... nie pierwszy przypadek, ktory nie rozumie po co "cale to trzepanie lapami w powietrzu" i powtarzane do zasrania drille.
Zacytuje tutaj kilka osob min Kelly'ego Wardena czy tez Vounaka, ktorzy wspominali, ze wiekszosc tych technik nie nalezy wykonywac na sile ale wplatac je lub tez obcinac w zaleznosci od okolicznosci. Po to wlasnie tak uparcie sie je cwiczy by moc w pelni je potem modyfikowac i dostosowywac.
Czy ja cokolwiek mówiłem? To już jakaś paranoja :roll:
Nie czepiam się FMA, bo nie trenuję... Czytałem jednak opinie
fachowców i jak ze wszystkim tak z FMA trzeba ostrożnie podchodzić...
Lie #4 He's going to attack you a certain way
I have a demonstration that I do during knife seminars. I find the highest ranking Filipino martial arts player present and I tell him to check and pass my attack. I then proceed to do a well balanced, fast, cautious attack. This is a legitimate and fast attack, and they tend to block it. I then tell them to block the another attack - and aiming for the same target - I do a prison yard rush on them. To this day I have gutted everyone of them.The reason? They are entirely different knife attacks.
Many years ago Don Pentacost wrote a book called Put 'em down, take 'em out: Knife fighting from Folsom Prison. In it Don pointed out how actual knife homicides occurred in maximum security prisons. Putting it mildly, he outraged countless martial artists by what he said in that book, who to this day still disparage the book. Except for one thing, that prison yard rush is exactly what I use to gut so many of them. It is not a sophisticated attack, but it is a very common way to attack someone with a knife in the USA.
The FMA are predicated on one basic assumption, that you will be fighting a trained knifer. The problem with that assumption is that not everyone attacks the way that someone trained in the FMA will attack you. This is problematic because the counters of the FMA are designed to work against how people with FMA training will attack you. Against these kinds of attacks, the counters work great.The bottom line is, in the Western culture, someone who is attacking you with a knife is attempting to murder you. They are not going to be hanging back cautiously in fear of your weapon and your fighting skill. Instead they will usually attempt to overwhelm you and quickly kill you by whatever means necessary. Such an attack is totally different than the well balanced and liquid attacks of the FMA. And that is totally different than how someone from Italy will attack you with a knife. And that is different than how someone from Venezuela is going to attack with a knife. And that is different than how someone from Brazil will attack you with a knife. And that is different than how someone from South Africa is going to attack you with a knife. And that is totally different than how someone from China will attack you with a knife. I know because I have traveled around the world and encountered knife fighting systems from all of those places.
I know that those who are selling knife fighting training and others who haven't seen these other systems will deny it, but: Just because you know how to handle one, doesn't mean you know how to handle the others. Each are different, and each are equally lethal. And those differences CAN kill you.
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