Witam znalazlem w sklepie cos takiego Vitarite Tribulomax 3000mg Veg.Caps 60's
Tribulus Terrestris is an herb grown in various parts of the world and used medicinally for its virilizing effects. After centuries of use in traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, modern research is backing up the claim that the Tribulus Terrestris herb may have the power to restore a man’s virility while making a more muscular appearance easier to achieve.
Research conducted throughout the 1980s has concluded that Tribulus extract may be of benefit to men troubled by impotence (an ability to achieve or maintain an erection satisfactorily for enjoyment of sex), a low libido and poor sperm quality. Although the exact mode of action is not yet fully understood, it has been proven that Tribulus can increase the amount of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) produced by the body’s pituitary gland. LH stimulates the tests to secrete the male Hormone Testosterone.
For many years now, Bulgarian strength athletes have been taking Tribulus extract in an effort to increase the strength of their muscles. Once again, the results are due to role of Tribulus in increasing the production of luteinizing hormone, thereby stimulating the secretion of testosterone. It is commonly known that testosterone improves the body ability to build muscle mass and strength. That’s why synthetic testosterone supplements (in the form of anabolic steroid) are used. However, it should be plainly understood that Tribulus is not a hormone supplement. By promoting the production of the body’s own hormones, it works only within the body’s natural limits to help men achieve their strength and muscular potential. Tribulus will not cause the body to indefinitely produce more and more of any hormone, but rather it balances natural hormone levels.
As with any sport supplement, Tribulus is no quick fix. It will only help to improve strength in conjunction with an exercise programme that places the muscles under strain and then allows them to recover. In the USA, Tribulus is trotted as an energy enhancing and bodybuilding supplement because agent that increases testosterone may be able to increase man’s muscles. Tribulus may also help body builders achieve their goals in weight lifting and muscle development.
Increased Stamina, self-confidence and general well-being are all reported to improve with a Tribulus extract. Some research evidence suggests that the herb may also be useful for lowering the cholesterol through its action on liver. Tribulus Terrestris is generally regarded as a safe non-toxic herb. However, it is important not to exceed the recommended dose, nor to take the herb for extended period of time. Tribulus is a completely natural alternative to some conventional methods employed for increasing virility, fertility and masculinity.
Increases the natural level of Testosterone.
Increases the Strength & Stamina.
Stimulates Sexual Drive and Performance.
Increases Sperm Production.
Improves Reproductive Function, Libido and Ovulation
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Vitarite Tribulomax 3000mg Veg.Caps 60's
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