* Round 1: Nastula shoots in for a takedown but Yang avoids it. Both fighters are being very cautious.Yang comes in and Nastula goes for another takedown. Yang catches Nastula in the family jewels and the action is paused. The first kick that lands is a low blow. The action resumes and Yang goes right to the groin again, this time with a knee. Yang gets a yellow card. Once again the action resumes. Yang swings away with wild slapping punches. but nothing lands. Nastula ties him up and they clinch before the round comes to an end.
* Round 2: Yang takes Nastula to the mat. Nastula gets to his feet but seems to be in some trouble. He recovers but Yang takes him right back down. Yang is in Nastula's guard. He goes for an armbar but Yang escapes. Nastula complains of pain in his groin and the ref calls the fight. Completely retarded decision. The ref calls it a TKO for Yang because Nastula did not stand up when he called "break."
* Round 3:
* Final Result: Dong Yi Yang wins via TKO (Ref Stoppage) at 2:15 in the 2nd round.
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