Rozciąganie statyczne/dyamiczne - kolejność
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Jakie jest wasze zdanie? lepiej rozciągać się najpierw statycznie czy dynamicznie?
(ogólna rozgrzewka oczywiście przed jakimkolwiek)
z góry dzięki za odp
Napisano Ponad rok temu
dynamiczne w czasie rozgrzewki - symulacja ruchow, ktore bedziemy wykonywac w czsasie cwiczen.
a pnf, izometryczne i aktywne w osobnych sesjach, tylko na rozciaganie. o balistycznym zapomniec, ze istnieje.
wg rossa.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
U mnie rozgrzewka na poczatku wyglada jakby ruchy byly ospale. Wszystko robie wolno i dokladnie. Pozniej zwiekszam tepo. I puki co nie narzekam...
Napisano Ponad rok temu
"Never do static stretches before dynamic stretches, kicking, or any other dynamic movements. For several seconds or even minutes following any type of static stretch, you cannot display your top agility or maximal speed because your muscles are less responsive to stimulation—your coordination is off. Static stretches reduce the force production of the stretched muscles."
"It is important that static stretches be performed before any dynamic stretches in your warm-up. Dynamic stretching can often result in overstretching, which damages the muscles. Performing static stretches first will help reduce this risk of injury."
"Relaxed static stretching decreases strength by impairing activation of the stretched muscles for up to five minutes following the stretch and contractile force for up to an hour. Yeah, it temporarily reduces maximal strength utilization. There is no evidence that pre-training static stretching reduces injury. Passive stretching has a calming effect and can actually make you sleepy."
"The purposes of this study were to clarify the effects of static stretching for 30 seconds and dynamic stretching on leg extension power. Eleven healthy male students took part in this study. Each subject performed static stretching and dynamic stretching on the 5 muscle groups in the lower limbs and nonstretching on separate days. Leg extension power was measured before and after the static stretching, dynamic stretching, and nonstretching. No significant difference was found between leg extension power after static stretching (1788.5 +/- 85.7 W) and that after nonstretching (1784.8 +/- 108.4 W). On the other hand, leg extension power after dynamic stretching (2022.3 +/- 121.0 W) was significantly (p < 0.01) greater than that after nonstretching. These results suggest that static stretching for 30 seconds neither improves nor reduces muscular performance and that dynamic stretching enhances muscular performance."
(cudzysłów - inne źródło)
chciałem po prostu znać wasze zdanie na temat kolejności wykonywania rozciągania statycznego i dynamicznego.

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0 użytkowników, 1 gości, 0 anonimowych
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