Translated from Sportsnavi:
Fight 1 - Featherweight Bout - 5 RD (3 min. each Rd)
Ishikawa wins by knockout at :57 of the second round over AGE
Fight 2 - Super Featherweight Bout - 5 RD (3 min. each Rd)
Wanlop Weerasaklek wins by TKO at 1:06 of the first round over Utagawa Akifumi
Fight 3 - S-Cup Tournament (Bracket A)
Andy Souwer wins by TKO at 2:37 of the first round over Ole Baguio Larsen
Fight 4 - S-Cup Tournament (Bracket A)
Jens Pulver wins by TKO at 2:58 of the first round over Dai Jyouan
Fight 5 - S-Cup Tournament (Bracket
Albert Kraus wins a unanimous decision (3-0) over Changpuek Chorsepasert
Fight 6 - S-Cup Tournament (Bracket
Katel Kubis wins by TKO at 1:32 of the first round over Kenichi Ogata
Fight 7 - S-Cup Tournament Reserve Bout
Hiroki Shishido wins a unanimous decision (3-0) over Bruce McFee
Fight 8 - S-Cup Tournament Semi-Final A
Andy Souwer wins a unanimous decision (3-0) over Changpuek Chorsepasert (replaced Jens Pulver)
Fight 9 - S-Cup Tournament Semi-Final B
Hiroki Shishido wins a unanimous decision (3-0) over Katel Kubis (Shishido replaced Albert Kraus)
Fight 10 - Shoot Boxing Heavyweight Bout - 5 RD (3 min. each Rd)
Nathan Corbett wins by knockout at 1:53 of the second round over Nilson Castro
Fight 11 - Shoot Boxing Semi-Final Welterweight Bout - 5 RD (3 min. each Rd)
Fikri Tijarti wins by knockout at 1:27 of the third round over Hiroyuki Doi
Fight 12 - S-Cup Tournament Final (2 Rd overtime if needed)
Andy Souwer wins by knockout at :50 of the second round over Hiroki Shishido - Souwer wins tournament