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Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?

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Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?

As William Reed noted in KI: A Practical Guide for Westerners8 a Japanese dictionary defines Ki as Mind, Spirit or Heart, although he goes on to give a more traditional definition of ki for his book. So we can see that the idea of ki as mind is encompassed within the Japanese language. Unfortunately, ki is a very common part of the language.

In their book, Communication with Ki9, Garrison and Kimiya list over 225 entries and variations using ki in conversational Japanese. They wrote that there were so many meanings and usages, they needed to focus10 on a certain set of meanings. They eventually wrote their book about meanings that described emotional or mental states and activities because the phrases were popular and idiomatic.

So even though ki is a common word in Japanese conversation, and there is a popular, traditional idea of what ki is, the International Ki Society no longer subscribes to that definition. Instead, the Society believes that Ki is mind. In the case of the individual, it would be the individual's mind, or awareness. In the case of the universe, it would be the universal mind.

i co mamy o tym myslec???? :?
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
ja tam w energię ki nie wierzę, ale słyszałem, że jak ktoś nie wierzy to też działa... ;)
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?

As William Reed noted in KI: A Practical Guide for Westerners8 a Japanese dictionary defines Ki as Mind, Spirit or Heart, although he goes on to give a more traditional definition of ki for his book. So we can see that the idea of ki as mind is encompassed within the Japanese language. Unfortunately, ki is a very common part of the language.

In their book, Communication with Ki9, Garrison and Kimiya list over 225 entries and variations using ki in conversational Japanese. They wrote that there were so many meanings and usages, they needed to focus10 on a certain set of meanings. They eventually wrote their book about meanings that described emotional or mental states and activities because the phrases were popular and idiomatic.

So even though ki is a common word in Japanese conversation, and there is a popular, traditional idea of what ki is, the International Ki Society no longer subscribes to that definition. Instead, the Society believes that Ki is mind. In the case of the individual, it would be the individual's mind, or awareness. In the case of the universe, it would be the universal mind.

i co mamy o tym myslec???? :?

Odsylam do ksiazek Searle'a, Fodora lub Chalmersa.
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
[quote name="budo_Szczepan"]
So even though ki is a common word in Japanese conversation, and there is a popular, traditional idea of what ki is, the International Ki Society no longer subscribes to that definition. Instead, the Society believes that Ki is mind. In the case of the individual, it would be the individual's mind, or awareness. In the case of the universe, it would be the universal mind. [/quote]
i co mamy o tym myslec???? :? [/quote]

Japonczycy probowali wytlumaczyc ludziom na Zachodzie co to jest Ki przez ostatnie 60 lat. Niestety Europejczycy i Amerykanie nie byli w stanie tego pojac. Jedyne co udalo nam sie wymyslec to ze Ki jest energia. To z kolei absolutnie nie zadowala Japonczykow, ktorzy zaprzeczaja ze Ki to energia.
Co nie przeszkadza gosciom typu Kyrieelejson twierdzic ze "Ki to energia i on w to nie wierzy" :rofl:
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?

Japonczycy probowali wytlumaczyc ludziom na Zachodzie co to jest Ki przez ostatnie 60 lat. Niestety Europejczycy i Amerykanie nie byli w stanie tego pojac. Jedyne co udalo nam sie wymyslec to ze Ki jest energia. To z kolei absolutnie nie zadowala Japonczykow, ktorzy zaprzeczaja ze Ki to energia.
Co nie przeszkadza gosciom typu Kyrieelejson twierdzic ze "Ki to energia i on w to nie wierzy" :rofl:

W sumie to co to jest ta energia, skoro nie jest nią ki? ;)
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
Uważaj Szczepan :!: W historii był juz jeden taki który preferował "ostateczne rozwiazania" pewnych kwesti i potomni maja mu to mocno za złe :wink: Nie chcemy, aby to spotkało naszego ulubionego Moda :P :) 8)

A co do KI - to po tych kilkudziesięciu latach na macie wyznaje motto a la W. Młynarski, czyli

" róbmy swoje pewne jest to jedno,,ze
róbmy swoje, póki jeszcze ciut sie chce,
skromniutko, tak na własna miarkę
budujmy coś chociazby Arke :wink: (wersja dla Noego 8) "

A to wszystko przeplatam czasem cytatem z "Szewców " Witkacego
"Nie bedziemy gadać niepotrzebnych rzeczy" :wink: 8)
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
Dla lubiących rzeźbić w materii ;) podaję linka do wywiadu z senseiem Yoshigasaki na temat KI [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]

I wyimek dla paddzierżki razgawora :)

1. What is Ki?
Ki is a Japanese word which is written with a Chinese character so there is a Chinese meaning and a Japanese meaning of the word Ki which are very different which creates much confusion. Of course for the Chinese meaning -I suppose that the Chinese pronounce it as Qi or something like that-you better ask the Chinese people, but since I am Japanese I prefer to use the word Ki in the Japanese way. So in the Japanese meaning Ki is something which is unclear, something that cannot be defined. In daily life it means something like feeling , sentiment or emotions or ideas which are not yet clear but will become clear later. Or some motivation, etc, etc. That is why to understand Ki is very important in the sense that it is a process of understanding one's own life and understanding ourselves.

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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
Jakos cisza zapadła ' w tem temacie" jak mawiał były Pan Prezydent :wink: No to moe to was rozrusza - znalezisko z internetu:

November 2000 - Scientists discover 'second brain' in the stomach

Scientists are claiming to have discovered a second brain - in the human stomach. The breakthrough, involving experts in the US and Germany, is believed to play a major part in the way people behave. This 'second brain' is made up of a knot of brain nerves in the digestive tract. It is thought to involve around 100 billion nerve cells - more than held in the spinal cord. Researchers believe this belly brain may save information on physical reactions to mental processes and give out signals to influence later decisions. It may also be responsible in the creation of reactions such as joy or sadness.

The research is outlined in the latest issue of German science magazine, Geo, in which Professor Wolfgang Prinz, of the Max Planck Institute for Psychological Research in Munich, says the discovery could give a new twist on the old phrase "gut reaction". He said: "People often follow their gut reactions without even knowing why, its only later that they come up with the logical reason for acting the way they did. But we now believe that there is a lot more to gut feelings than was previously believed." Professor Prinz thinks the stomach network may be the source for unconscious decisions which the main brain later claims as conscious decisions of its own.

The second brain was rediscovered by Michael Gershorn, of the University of Colombia in New York, after it was forgotten by science. He says it was first documented by a 19th century German neurologist, Leopold Auerbach. He discovered two layers of nerve cells near a piece of intestine he was dissecting. After putting them under the microscope he found they were part of a complex network. Recent research has already raised the idea that many reactions may be made in the stomach. Benjamin Libet, of the University of California found the brains of volunteers asked to raise their arms only registered activity about half a second after the movement had been made. He believes his work implies another part of the body may have been involved in making the decision.

Article from [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] or read more detailed article here

This discovery lends great support to the belief that at the higher levels of martial art training, particularly Aikido, one is able to move and/or defend themselves without conscious thought.

:-) 8) 8)
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] :-)
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?
Łabędź napisał:
Jakos cisza zapadła ' w tem temacie".......

Temat przygasł, ponieważ zdrowi ludzie nie rozmawiają o takich bzdurach, zaś sekciarze wyjechali w teren łowić nowych współwyznawców. Czas wakacji to dla nich żniwa!!!
Ty zaś usiłujesz grać rolę animatora. Próbuj, próbuj, może ci się uda, jak mawiał były Pan Prezydent!!!
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?

Temat przygasł, ponieważ zdrowi ludzie nie rozmawiają o takich bzdurach, zaś sekciarze wyjechali w teren łowić nowych współwyznawców. Czas wakacji to dla nich żniwa!!!

Oj kosimy, kosimy... :lol: jak my kosimy :wink: :wink: :wink: :) :twisted: zwłaszcza uwielbiamy "kosić" takie duszyczki jak TWOJA :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :wink: :wink: :wink:

November 2000 - Scientists discover 'second brain' in the stomach
Scientists are claiming to have discovered a second brain - in the human stomach.

Jeśli dobrze zrozumiałam, naukowcy odkryli drugi mózg w żołąku 8O :shocked!: No to dopiero musi być Kiai wydane przy urzyciu tego drugiego mózgu.... :wink: :D :) :lol: :twisted:
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Re: Ostateczne wyjasnienie Co To Jest KI?

Łabędź napisał:
Jakos cisza zapadła ' w tem temacie".......

Temat przygasł, ponieważ zdrowi ludzie nie rozmawiają o takich bzdurach, zaś sekciarze wyjechali w teren łowić nowych współwyznawców. Czas wakacji to dla nich żniwa!!!
Ty zaś usiłujesz grać rolę animatora. Próbuj, próbuj, może ci się uda, jak mawiał były Pan Prezydent!!!

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