As William Reed noted in KI: A Practical Guide for Westerners8 a Japanese dictionary defines Ki as Mind, Spirit or Heart, although he goes on to give a more traditional definition of ki for his book. So we can see that the idea of ki as mind is encompassed within the Japanese language. Unfortunately, ki is a very common part of the language.
In their book, Communication with Ki9, Garrison and Kimiya list over 225 entries and variations using ki in conversational Japanese. They wrote that there were so many meanings and usages, they needed to focus10 on a certain set of meanings. They eventually wrote their book about meanings that described emotional or mental states and activities because the phrases were popular and idiomatic.
So even though ki is a common word in Japanese conversation, and there is a popular, traditional idea of what ki is, the International Ki Society no longer subscribes to that definition. Instead, the Society believes that Ki is mind. In the case of the individual, it would be the individual's mind, or awareness. In the case of the universe, it would be the universal mind.
i co mamy o tym myslec???? :?