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najleszpe jest to że ta króka seria to będzie zapowiedź nowych nożyków, które fallkniven chce wypuścić w listopadzie. będą właśnie z 3G, znajdą się 2 (albo 3, nie pamiętam) folderki i jakieś dodatkowe fixed (nowe projekty), ponadto noże z dotychczasowej linii też zdaje sie będą oferowane w nowej stali. znając strategie firmy, zmienią technologię w całej ofercie i 3G zajmie miejsce vg10 (którą oni zdaje sie jako pierwsi na rynku zastosowali).
będzie ciekawie...
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No coz - znowu moja rodzina Fallknivenow sie powiekszy

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ale moze byc przyjemnie jezeli obietnice sie sprawdza i cena nie bedzie zabijac

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A tu oryginalny post Petera Hjortberger'a, szefa firmy Fallkniven:
We're releasing a new kind of steel called 3G.
It's a brand new laminate stainless powder steel where the outer layers are made in VG2 and the edge in SGPS (Super Gold Powder Steel).
The outer steel is at HRC 59 while the core is at HRC 62.
Our tests has shown upon an even better bending strength compared to the laminate VG10, though the difference isn't very large.
The big difference is in the edge rentention and those of you who have tested the U2 folder knows what I'm talking about - it's excellent.
We have made a smaller test series of this new steel using the F1 pattern and members of the KnifeForums have now the possibility to be the first to make a purchase of this one-night-stand offer.
We have 110 pc to sell and when these are sold, we have no plans to make anymore.
later this year (November) we will offer two new fixed blades knives and two new folders with the 3G steel. These knives will be our best ever and certainly, considered to be the best in the world. They will offer something very, very special and in time, you will know. Don't ask!
The F1/3G Pilote Survival Knife can only be bought directly from our company since we have so few samples to sell. It's available with a fullcover or open top black leather sheath, glossy blade. The etchings speaks about Lam. 3G steel and Test Series.
If you wish, we appreciate to receive your possible reactions when you test the knife.
The prices go like this:
F1/3G inside Europe - SEK 1.490,00 (around EUR 165.00)
F1/3G outside Europe - SEK 1,192.00 (around USD 165.00)
Air Mail and insurance costs will be added, we accept Visa/Master Card for shipments outside Sweden. We will provide firm quotes for your consideration. Orders are put to our e-mail address mailto:info@fallkniven.se
You can ask much about this matter but you will find that we won't disclose much more than this.
You who have followed our company thru the years may see a line in our development of knives and steel: We were the first company in the world to use ATS34 for volume production of sheath knives. Then we switched to (at that time totally unknown) VG10, moving further to the laminate VG10, last year introducing the laminate powder steel blade in the U2 and now - for both fixed blades and folders, the new 3G steel, making the strongest, sharpest knives in the world.
The F1/3G will move fast but those of you who won't get your sample will find some new interesting knives in November 2004.
Take care
Peter Hjortberger
Fallkniven AB, Sweden
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mogliby okolicznosciowo raczki jakies wygodniejsze zrobic :wink:
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