One of the most important aspects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is sport training. Sport Jiu-Jitsu gives its practitioners a safe way to train and develop techniques against a resisting opponent. Sport is essential to the development of the art because it allows its practitioners to test the effectiveness of the moves taught in class, it also allows fighters to be inventive which leads to the creation of new positions and variations on technique. Although sport Jiu-Jitsu is not a street fight, it does have self-defense in mind. In sport competitions points are awarded for achieving positions that would be greatly advantageous in a no rules situation. In addition the fact that your opponent is trying to submit you forces one to be cautious and develop proper defenses and counters.
Once the importance of training sport Jiu-Jitsu is established the question must be asked, how important is sport competition? Sport Jiu-Jitsu competitions offer a person the chance to test the skills they have acquired against a fighter of comparable skill and weight from another academy. The benefits of partaking in sport competitions are numerous. Firstly, competing helps a fighter better understand their strengths and weaknesses. When you compete, the fighter you go against will try to look for your weaknesses and exploit them. If you lose a competition because your opponent was able to take you down at will then you will realize you need work on your takedowns, if when you were taken down you could not control your opponent this may mean you should devote more time to your guard. Even in defeat a fighter can learn a great deal. If you were able to use some of your skills successfully this should be encouraging because it is a sign of growth and progress. For many the taste of victory makes them train harder. Another benefit of competing is for personal challenge. Competing can be very nerve wracking; it takes a great deal of courage to step onto the mat and fight. Overcoming the fear of competition will strengthen your character and make you a stronger person.
There are those who argue that Jiu-Jitsu competitions are unrealistic and will not benefit anyone training purely for self-defense. This is not true, there are self-defense benefits that can be found by competing. Sport competition forces a fighter to use their skills against an unfamiliar opponent who is trying with all their might to defeat them; also competition is a high stress atmosphere in which it is easy to become nervous. These circumstances are similar to a street fight. Someone who is accustomed to competing in sport Jiu-Jitsu will have a greater ability to keep calm and think clearly in a street fight then someone who has never tested their skill outside the comfort of their own academy.
Competition is also used as a meter stick to help determine weather or not an individual is ready for promotion. For example, if a blue belt is consistently winning competitions it may be time to move up to purple. Certain schools place a greater emphasis on competition than others. Personally, I believe that in order to be promoted to the next belt a person should be required to compete at least once. This is because in Jiu-Jitsu each successive belt requires a greater deal of dedication to the art. By competing an individual is showing they are willing to challenge and push themselves further.
Competition is not for everyone. Competing takes a great deal of time and can be very expensive. Also some people are naturally reserved and not competitive. However, if you have a passion for the art and a desire to improve your skills, consider competing sometime, you won't regret it.
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The Benefits of Competition
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