Please, what is your interest? Do you manufacturer knives? Are you in China?
Why do you want this information? What will you do with it?
My reanswer;
I'm interested in MT knives. I already got one and I thought that MT info service suppose to give informations for they clients?
I'm asking You questions which I couldn't get answers on. That's all, I don't manufacturer knives and I'm not in China.
So could You tell me where can I get some informations in future if you're not obligated to give such as?
Does questions about your products are secret or something?
And so the story goes...
We provide what we can, but we have every right to ask who wants to know and why?
Hand ground means hand ground, not done by a machine, which gives a flat grind to the blade. Hand ground will give it a concave structure that can have a varying degree of bevel. The Microtech implementation varies with the model of knife.
Yes, some of our work is secret and not for public.
unhappy end.
So don't ask them questions because the answer will be the same. And remember Hand ground means hand ground :wink: