After the October 3rd press-conference announcing the October 20th THE BEST, DSE President Morishita answered questions about the upcoming November 24th PRIDE 23 to be held in Tokyo Dome.
PRIDE Fighting Championships: There was an announcement that Sakuraba's eye will be able to heal naturally and won't require surgery. Sakuraba has also said that if it is possible, he'd like to fight in PRIDE 23.
Naoto Morishita: The next event will be on November 24th but it will depend on whether we can coordinate it or not. I want to be sure that his health is good first.
PRIDE: Is there a certain date by which you need to know if he's okay or not? His reevaluation is schedule for October 25th.
Morishita: Of course, sooner is better. At the latest, I'd like to know by the end of October.
PRIDE: If Sakuraba is able to fight, will you put him up against a lower level fighter?
Morishita: No, not at all. I want him to fight a comparable fighter. I think he has to continue to improve his skill. Although there was some bad luck involved in his 2 losses by injury, those losses are still losses. I'd like to make that clear. From now on, I want to match-make a fight where Sakuraba can show his power. I currently have no plans to put him with a fighter that no one has heard of.
PRIDE: Has there been any change in Hidehiko Yoshida's involvement in PRIDE 23?
Morishita: It's definitely advancing but since there has been no final commitment, I can't comment on the matchmaking for PRIDE 23. I certainly do feel that it will be an interesting event, however.
PRIDE: Will Yoshida fight without a gi?
Morishita: I haven't really thought about that. That's a final detail. As long as it's a regular gi, it's allowed within the rules and I don't care if he wears it or not. It's possible that Yoshida will wear a gi and his opponent will not. It's also possible that both fighters will wear gi's or that neither fighter will wear a gi.
PRIDE: Basically, it will be under PRIDE rules?
Morishita: Yes.
PRIDE: Is that okay with Yoshida?
Morishita: That's what we've been negotiating from the beginning. Other than asking him to fight in PRIDE, that's really our only request. He was in the rule meeting for PRIDE 22 so I think he understands PRIDE rules.
PRIDE: When do you think you will be able to announce the card (for PRIDE 23)?
Morishita: At the earliest, next week and at the latest, the week after next, I hope to make some announcement.
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O Sakurabie i Yoshidzie .....
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