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W temacie: Bieg na poprawienie sprawności fizycznej

Ponad rok temu

Well don't run by the time limit its better that you set your goals by the distance which you have to run every day and then increase the distance. If you go to some park then you set it like you have to run all around the park and complete one cycle then after few days increase it and move up to two cycles of the parks. If you feel tired after runing first day then you can't skip the second day because if you skip then it can make you lazy so you should go to running next day. it don't matter that how much you run with tiredness. You can reduce the running but you should continue it.

W temacie: Najlepsza pora do biegu

Ponad rok temu

Well if you want to run then you should go to runing before the rising the sun and in evening you can go to runing after sunset because the rays of sun are not good directly when you are running. and sun rays also make the ground hot and it transfer heat to our body when we run on a hot ground which is not good for health.

W temacie: Skóra

Ponad rok temu

Well it mean you have defeciency of vitamin E, A and minerals. So you can eat those things more which provide you more vitamin E and A. Drink atleast 8 glasses of water in a day which is recomended by a doctor. Because it makes your skin fresh. Then you can use a lotion on your skin because it makes you skin wet.

W temacie: Nieswieży oddech

Ponad rok temu

Well it mean meat is not good for your healt so try to avoid eating meat foods. Then always try to brush your teeth atleast two times in a day because it remove many germs and other peices of food which are stucked while eating the meal. I hope it will works.

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