On March 28, 2011 International Conference "Kyokushin In The Modern World" took place in Moscow, Russia.
For the first time, leaders of different Kyokushin organisations participated in this historical event organised by Russian Ministry.
The following representatives were present: Yurii Trutniev - President of Russian Kyokushin Association, Hatsuo Royama - President of Kyokushinkan, Kenji Sugekawa - General Secretary of Kyokushinkan, Hristo Traikov - Kyokushin World Federation, William Keaveneney - General Secretary of IFK, David Pickthall - British IFK, Ivo Kamenov - Bulgarian Kyokushin Federation. Additionally Russian representatives, such as Alexander Ipatov - Russian IKO, Sergei Suvorov - Russian KWF, Nikolai Malikov - Russian Oyama Karate, Mihail Slipenchuk - Russian Kyokushin Karate Federation, Sergei Ryabukin - Russian Kyokushinkai Federation, Alexander Tanyushkin - Russian IFK, were also present.
Shihan Yurii Trutnev opened the conference and during one of his speeches he expressed his opinion that we all have to follow the international sports law, so the World Union will use the European sports law for basic establishment of its regulations.
On behalf of Kyokushin World Federation Member of the Board Shihan Hristo Traykov represented our point of view. He stated clearly several times, that the World Union should be focused on European law of sports and should be fully democratic.
General agreement was reached in the end of the conference and the leaders present in Moscow signed the declaration of co-operation, within the common body called the World Kyokushin Union.
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