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Po bankructwie głównego sponsora UFC firmy produkującej napój energetyczny Xyience, szefowie federacji szybko znaleźli sponsora i to nie byle jakiego !!! HARLEY - DAVIDSON, bo o nim mowa, jest największym sponsorem w historii sportów walki, który postanowił zainwestować swoje pieniądze w ten sport.
Harley zyskał miejsce na swoje logo w centralnym punkcie ringu ( wcześniej miejsce to zajmowało logo Xyience ). Jest to historyczne wydarzenie, ponieważ HD, reklamuje się po raz pierwszy w historii w sportach nie związanych z motoryzacją.
Szefowie HD liczą na zainteresowanie swoją marką młodych ludzi z dużą kasą.
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Niech zgadne... w tuf7 będą przyjeżdzać harleyami a nie mini vanami
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WWE? :roll: :?Hmm ciekawe... bankructwo Xyience i zbanowanie przez UFC firmy Affliction, która sponsorowała dużo czołowych zawodników.
Niech zgadne... w tuf7 będą przyjeżdzać harleyami a nie mini vanami![]()
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We are still gathering all of the details about this story, but we have been able to confirm it with a couple of people within the MMA community. From what we’re being told, the UFC is no longer allowing the clothing line Affliction to sponsor its fighters. For the past year, Affliction has been a big part of the UFC as they have sponsored many of the fighters who have fought in the UFC including current interim UFC Welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre, Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell and current Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton “Rampage” Jackson. It seems as though Affliction wore out its welcome with the UFC as soon as the UFC got wind that Affliction was planning to get into the MMA game themselves.
The word is that the UFC was not happy about Affliction starting their own fighting organization. We currently aren’t sure if Affliction is partnering up with anybody or if they are going about it by themselves, but that was what we were able to confirm with our sources. Affliction has been one of the most notable names around the UFC, if you don’t believe me go to a UFC event because you’ll see every other person wearing an Affliction shirt.
The last fighter to actually wear Affliction during an event was Georges St. Pierre at UFC 79 where he sported Affliction on his tights and gi. If you review UFC 80 and Wednesday’s Ultimate Fight Night: Swick vs. Burkman, you’ll notice that Affliction was noticeably absent from any fighter’s apparel.
This rumor has been flying around over the past few days, but still hasn’t been brought up because everyone was uncertain about the validity of the report. We could’ve reported this yesterday, but we wanted to give both the UFC and Affliction a chance to comment on the situation, when we attempted to e-mail both parties, we received no response.
We’re working around the clock to get more information behind this report, and we’ll definitely let you know first when we get it. Remember that 5thRound.com was the first to break this story.
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Affiction zbankrutowało...
Co?????Jak?Gdzie?KIedy???.Niewiem jak w pl,ale tu w Kanadzie i Usa Affliction to jedna z najlepiej sprzedajacych sie marek wsrod fanow MMA i nietylko:)).W jaki sposob mogli zbankrutowac??.Wydaje mi sie ,ze przyczyna zabanowania jezeli juz bylaby inna!
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We are still gathering all of the details about this story, but we have been able to confirm it with a couple of people within the MMA community. From what we’re being told, the UFC is no longer allowing the clothing line Affliction to sponsor its fighters. For the past year, Affliction has been a big part of the UFC as they have sponsored many of the fighters who have fought in the UFC including current interim UFC Welterweight champion Georges St. Pierre, Heavyweight Champion Randy Couture, Chuck Liddell and current Light Heavyweight Champion Quinton “Rampage” Jackson. It seems as though Affliction wore out its welcome with the UFC as soon as the UFC got wind that Affliction was planning to get into the MMA game themselves.
The word is that the UFC was not happy about Affliction starting their own fighting organization. We currently aren’t sure if Affliction is partnering up with anybody or if they are going about it by themselves, but that was what we were able to confirm with our sources. Affliction has been one of the most notable names around the UFC, if you don’t believe me go to a UFC event because you’ll see every other person wearing an Affliction shirt.
The last fighter to actually wear Affliction during an event was Georges St. Pierre at UFC 79 where he sported Affliction on his tights and gi. If you review UFC 80 and Wednesday’s Ultimate Fight Night: Swick vs. Burkman, you’ll notice that Affliction was noticeably absent from any fighter’s apparel.
This rumor has been flying around over the past few days, but still hasn’t been brought up because everyone was uncertain about the validity of the report. We could’ve reported this yesterday, but we wanted to give both the UFC and Affliction a chance to comment on the situation, when we attempted to e-mail both parties, we received no response.
We’re working around the clock to get more information behind this report, and we’ll definitely let you know first when we get it. Remember that 5thRound.com was the first to break this story.
Spox.Teraz czaje.Rowniez poszukalem cos na ten temat na sherdogu i pisze podobnie,ze Affliction planuje Swoja organizacje zalozyc.Pozatym niewiem czy moze miec to cos wspolnego ale Affliction razem z Randym promuje tez nazwe ''Extreme Couture".Jak wiadomo Randy i Ufc sa teraz na drodze sadowej.
Ostatnio duzo szumu zrobila wiadomosc o tym ,ze Affliction nakrecilo reklame telewizyjna z Randym i FedoremFedor specjalnie do LA przylecial
Moze jak Afflition chce zalozyc Swoja organizacje,planuja ma otwarcie walke Fedor vs Randy:))
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powinni sformowac tag teamOstatnio duzo szumu zrobila wiadomosc o tym ,ze Affliction nakrecilo reklame telewizyjna z Randym i FedoremFedor specjalnie do LA przylecial
.Reklama jeszcze nie wyszla ale zdjecia i filmiki z procesu krecenia juz sa:)
Moze jak Afflition chce zalozyc Swoja organizacje,planuja ma otwarcie walke Fedor vs Randy:))
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