wedlug tego ginie kilkudziesieciu bokserow rocznie
ja napisalem ze to bzdura
teraz podales linka gdzie na rok przypada kilka zgonow
tym samym poparles moje slowa
tak wiec co chcesz bym podwazyl ?
Ok, mam odpowiedź od kolesia, bo mnie zaintrygowaly te tabelki.
A lot of the additions were for deaths that occurred in the more remote
past. Thus, during the calendar year November 2006-October 2007, about
half the documented additions were of boxers who died during the 19th
century, and and most of the rest were of boxers who died before 1940.
So, while there were only 10 truly new deaths (e.g., people who died
during 2006 and 2007), there were lots of additions to the spreadsheet
and the summaries.
During 2007, most of the additions came from my apocrypha list. What is
the apocrypha list? The apocryha list documents names, dates, etc., for
which I do not currently have a newspaper, book, or similar external
source with which to confirm that a death (rather than just a serious
injury) really occurred. Eventually, I want to be able to document every
death on that list with a newspaper article, obituary, court report,
book, or equivalent documentation.
The apocrypha list currently contains about 200 names.
Tak wiec okazuje sie(z tego co zrozumialem pierwotnie), ze
December 2006 1,344
November 2007 1,465
Nie oznacza, ze do grudnia 2006 bylo tyle smierci a wzrost o ponad setke przez niecaly rok oznacza 100 śmierci bokserskich.
Do grudnia 2006 lista wynosiła 1344 nazwiska, a przez rok koleś dokopał się do ponad 100 archiwalnych smierci. Jednocześnie dodał około 10 przypadków, które działy się na bieżąco.
Jako, że potrafię przyznać się do błędu niniejszym to czynię :wink: