Wywiad z Shogunem :D
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Very good, thanks god! Three months after the surgery I was able to swimming. I was able to training very fast, either.
How did you trained to your next fight, this sunday?
I was able to train hard for one month and a half. I had a good rest and the hard training was the last part of the process. As close as the day of the fight comes, my training was geting harder and harder.
This time of training was enough to make you 100% to the fight?
Of course. I hope so... I will give my best and I hope I'll be 100% at the time of the fight.
It's very hard to don't train for a long time, don't you think?
Very very hard. I use to be very non-stop with my life of athlete. Always training, so I don't feel good when I don't do that. I feel a little crazy, though! I became so nervous/anxiety when I do nothing that I put all my energy on the wheels! (laughs)
How much do you know about your opponent?
I just watched some parts of some of his fights. But I know he's a great Muay-Thai fighter. I will put my own game on the mat and I will define this fight.
After that fight, you'll face KEVIN RANDLEMAN on october, in the US Pride. What do you expect from this fight?
I'm still thinking about my sunday fight. But KEVIN is a very strong fighter, very hard and I hope I can make a good show for the US audience.
Do you think your rematch against COLEMAN will happen soon?
I hope so. This is the thing I want most in my life! He didn't want to fight with me this time, but I hope this fight happen in december.
Everybody saw that you were controling the hole fight 'til the fluke. But COLEMAN gave several declarations as if he had won in the normal way. What was your thoughts about that?
Everyone saw it was an accident. I don't blame him from nothing that he did on the ring that time, 'cos I know he was at heat of the moment. But I blame him for all the shit he said on the interviews. He's the kind of person who is a good-guy in front of you, but is a bad-guy at your back. He claimed for too much glory, but you know, I won't be happy if I had win at that way.
What's your expectations for SILVA at the final round of the OWGP?
I believe he will win the GP. Everyone there is hard as hell, there ain't no easy time for anyone but I believe SILVA will win this thing.
Would you bet in a brazilian finals?
Of course. I think it will be SILVA and MINOTAURO, and SILVA will be the champion. I bet in a brazilian finals like the last GP, when I faced ARONA.
LIDDELL is becaming more and more famous in brazilian media after he challenged SILVA and beated BABALU in the last UFC. What do you think about this guy?
CHUCK LIDDELL is a terrific athlete. He have such a great punch and he is hard to KO. He is the kind of guy I would love to fight. He is one of the best fighters in the world.
The public from PortaldoValeTudo elected your fight against LIL NOG as the best fight in the Pride history. What do you think about that?
That fight was very hard, the hardest of my entire career. The only one that I didn't won by KO. That fight will be in my memories forever and I congratulation everyone who voted on that fight.
Źródło: [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
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Mam nadzieję, że wywiad nie był "wyczyszczony" przez dziennikarzy, jak również Shogun rzeczywiście myśli tak jak mówi

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MOD ON: Przeczytalem topic na sherdogu i przysiegam, ze jezeli ktos jeszcze raz napisze cos w stylu "TO PELE!" to dostanie gonga.
Nie napisałem że TO PELE, napisałem że wygląda jak Pele a to zasadnicza różnica.
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zandark: nie odnosilo sie to do Twojego postu, tylko do setek postow w stylu o ktorym wspomnialem, ktore pojawily sie w temacie na sherdogu. Ot i wsio.
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a co do zdjęć, to z zazdroscią patrze na ten krajobraz

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pamietajmy, ze nadgorliwosc jest ble ble ble...
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poza tym to chyba jakas nowa swiecka tradycja, ze moderatorzy daja "ironiczne" komentarze w MOD ONach.
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Zartuje, a tak swoja droga Shogun to przeciwienstwo Wanda

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