[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]Capoeira FightBy André Araújo and José Maurício Costa
Ten years ago, in January of 1995, the final match of Desafio Internacional de Vale-Tudo, in Maracanãzinho, Rio de Janeiro, drove astonished Brazilian fight community. All because of an unknown Mestre Hulk, who swung on the ring, applied a 'meia-lua' move and with a hailstorm of punches, knocked down the best BJJ fighters these days, Amaury Bitetti. In only 23 seconds, Capoeira fighter did a shock treatment in the modality that was ruling the world with Royce Gracie, in United States and Rickson Gracie, in Japan. Until today Capoeira fighters remember that moment as the day with Capoeira defeated Jiu-Jitsu.
New generation does not know is what Hulk has done was not an isolated fact in History. Capoeira has always counted with fighters to represent their skills on the ring. On the first half of the century, in a time Karate, Muay Thai and Judo did not exist in Brazil, Capoeira was the only fight to step inside the ring and fight Vale-Tudo. In one of the most famous episodes of that time, held on the floor of Vasco da Gama gymnasium, in 1953, two Capoeira fighters challenged two pupils of Gracie academy. In one of then, Capoeira Rudolf Hermanny punished Jiu-Jitsu fighter Guanair Gomes. In the other, Carlson Gracie made his debut and finished Luiz Aguiar, Cirandinha.
Nowadays, a Capoeira resistance is at Muzenza group, from Curitiba (PR). The Capoeira group promotes events where take downs are value and KO are part of the show. In others, serious beating is allowed and among a swing and other, one of the athletes is submitted. Meanwhile some Capoeiras extrapolate the limits of the 'roda' and take adventures inside Mixed Martial Arts. Chute Boxer Jean Silva, Cage Rage champion in England, is a good example of it. But he is not alone. Lots of MMA fighters started or passed through Capoeira, as Pedro Rizzo, Délson Pé-de-Chumbo, Sylvio Urutum, Eugênio Tadeu, Alex Negão, Carina Damm, and many others.

Capoeira Fight
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Ogólnie o walce w capo:
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] dział movements ---> fighting
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Na tych filmikach jest trochę walki. Warto oglądnąć!
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Ciężko powiedzieć co tak naprawdę trenuje ten kolo ( co poza capo ) ale tak czy owak właśnie tak sobie wyobrażałem capoeira wykorzystaną na ringu 8)
Poza tym oglądam ostatnio filmy z zawodów kicka i tak coś mi sie zdaje że ten kolo ma po prostu talent i byłby dobry w każdym uderzanym jaki by tylko trenował
Takie moje zdanie :wink:
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dalej juz tylko kaszanka i salceson.
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Ale koncząc żarty masz częściowo racje - to co prezentuje owy fighter 8) to już cięzko nazwać capoeira. Dlatego mam nadzieje kiedyś zobaczyć filmik zblizony do artykułu który podałeś wcześniej

I sprostuje swój poprzedni post : jedyne co trenuje ten kolo na pewno to AKROBATYKA z capo 8)
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Wybaczcie - nigdy nie uzywałem tego słowa w pisaniu..

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To jest bardziej realna walka.
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