Welcome to the Eventsite for ADCC European Trials Open 2005
January 22nd, 2005 Fryshuset, Stockholm , Sweden
Here you will find all the information about the competition. The eventsite will be updated with results and pictures during the whole competition day. In other words, it's as close to a live coverage you get without it being televised or broadcasted the radio.
Submission Wrestling returns to Europe in a big way with the European trials for ADCC world championships scheduled for January 22 nd with five tournaments, one in each of the ACC's competition weight classes.
Under 65.9kg (16 Fighters)
76.9kg (16 Fighters)
87.9kg (16 Fighters)
98.9kg (16 Fighters)
Over 98.9kg (16 Fighters)
90 competitors from over all over Europe will compete in the tournaments, which will be judged by the ADCC's team, led by head judge Lubomir Guedjev.
Quick info SWET 2005
Entrance: 12.00
Competition start: 13.00
Tickets at door: 150 kr
Prepaid tickets: 120 kr
Organizer of this event are ADCC, Hilti BJJ academy and Finnfighters Gym
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