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Hej - pon. północ czasu Zachodniego Wybrzeża - czyli JUTRO 10:00 RANO. :roll:czyli nasze popoludnie...
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Tyle czekania i się człowiek gorączkuje!

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kurde dajcie mi 200$ na AD!

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Niejaki Tim Zowada pisze:
"Busse Combat's INFI is a steel that is beginning to unravel all my theories about high chromium steels. Jerry Busse sent me some recently to test its' suitability for forging by custom makers. At this point I have only done preliminary testing, but the results are very intriguing.
While this isn't truly a stainless steel INFI does resist staining about like ATS-34. It is stronger than any stainless steel I have ever seen. I think it will rival O1 in tensile strength and L6 in impact strength. After shaving a lot of cardboard it will easily keep up with, and probably surpass most carbon steels on edge holding. Finally, there is a rust resistant steel that really cuts and cuts and cuts?
One of the weird things I noticed was how the hardness test marks looked under the microscope. In many carbon steels the dent crater will have cracks around the edge. This is especially true if the steel is not martempered. Even at a hardness of 62HRC INFI just seems to mush out of the way like putty.
INFI is an air hardening steel. It is also difficult to forge. You really have to hit it to get it to move. For heat treating, kilns and liquid nitrogen are required."
Joe Talmadge:
"In place of some of the carbon (INFI contains .5% carbon), INFI has nitrogen. The result is a non-stainless steel that is nevertheless extremely stain resistant (informally reported at close to D-2, or even better), incredibly tough for a high-alloy ingot steel, and with extremely good wear resistance."
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(.5%C juz wiadomo 8) )
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