**Translation by Janaina Santos**
Mestre Pastinha (Vincente Ferreira Pastinha b. April 5, 1889 - d. November 13, 1981) was a brilliant capoeirista whose game was characterized by agility, quickness and intelligence. He is to a great extent the reason why Capoeira Angola did not died out as a legitimate martial arts system. Known as the great traditionalist, he wanted his students to understand the practice, philosophy and tradition of the pure Capoeira Angola.
In 1964, an anthropologist from Finland went to Brazil to research African-Brazilian culture and white there conducted an interview with Mestre Pastinha. A tape of this interview along with other material was recently discovered in Finland.
*INT: Interviewer from Finland
*MP: Mestre Pastinha
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INT: Master, how long have you been playing Capoeira?
MP: Since 1910.
INT: Explain to me a little about Capoeira.
MP: The explanation about the origin? The origin is African.
INT: Where did you learn Capoeira?
MP: Here in Bahia at 10 years old.
INT: Who taught you?
MP: An African.
INT: What was his name?
MP: He was called Benedito.
INT: Is he from Angola?
MP: Angola.
INT: People say Capoeira is a fight but now it is becoming prohibited as a fight.
MP: No, Capoeira is not prohibited as a fight. Capoeira is inside of a man. When he meets an enemy, he manifests Capoeira as a fight. But when he is happy, Capoeira becomes a dance.
INT: How long have you had this space in Pelourinho?
MP: Since 1952.
INT: Have you ever gone to a foreign country?
MP: I haven't gone yet. I had an opportunity that I lost which was to go to Argentina but because I got an invitation for Sao Paulo I went to Sao Paulo instead of Argentina.
INT: At what age do people learn Capoeira?
MP: Any age. Anybody can learn.
INT: The boys who learn here generally are students and workers?
MP: Yes, they are workers, construction workers, students, employed in business.... Everything we have here.
INT: So Capoeira is only a past-time?
MP: Yes.
INT: Do people only come here in their free time?
MP: Yes.
INT: So Capoeira isn't a livelihood.
MP: No.
INT: What is the difference between the old Capoeira and today's Capoeira?
MP: Before, it was the same thing. It is the same thing. It doesn't have any modification. The modification is in the consideration from one man to another. If he has a vocation and comes with a happy spirit then we play Capoeira with more obedience and more technique. But when the hate comes, Capoeira also changes to a fight. In a happy attitude it is a dance. In an attitude of hate you already know how it is. It is for violence.
INT: Have you personally carried a weapon?
MP: No.
INT: Capoeira is also present in Boa Viagem, Santa Barbara, Santo Amaro, Cachoeira.
MP: Santo Amaro, Cachoeira... I am all over the place. Wherever I am invited I am going to. Here we are ready to attend any purpose and that can be any place where people are interested in Capoeira because then I will be interested in going.
INT: But where do you think the tradition of Capoeira Angola is most pure? Here [in Bahia]?
MP: Yes.
INT: What do you think about Master Bimba?
MP: Nothing I have to answer. He has another purpose and about others I can't address. On this one I can answer for it. But about the other... I know that he is a ....I respect Bimba, and I can't speak for his purpose because he has his purpose and the only one who can say something is him.
INT: Of course, of course. He said that he presents a tradition from Bahia. Do you believe that he presents a tradition from Bahia?
MP: He is from Bahia too. The tradition is the same. From me to him and from him to me I think there isn't any modification.
INT: Does he present more of a tradition from Africa?
MP: He presented another modality that was named Regional. But he was Angoleiro. He learned Angola. He is as Angoleiro as I am. I can't take that away from him.
INT: But others like Waldemar and Caicara? Are they your disciples?
MP: Here I can't give another's purpose because I present mine. I can't present the other purpose.
INT: But I am asking if it is still an African tradition.
MP: It is. The tradition is the same but they have their declaration, which is different. He learned with another master and I can't say anything.
INT: What is the future plan with Capoeira?
MP: The Capoeira future is this: It is here in the function of the man. Then comes also the human evolution. But he has to manifest this inside the Capoeira itself. It can't get out, no it can't be outside.
INT: When people start to salute the Capoeira, that means that there is a religious meaning?
MP: Capoeira is religious. It comes from the same religion as Candomble, as the Batuque and the Samba. Candomble is and has the same amount of religious meaning but now with the modification it is a little bit different. The manifestation is a little bit different but the amount is the same. The religion is the same.
INT: People say that there is a rivalry between Candomble and Capoeira.
MP: It doesn't have rivalry; it is together. The Capoeirista is the same as a Candomble priest. Now he has abandoned one part for another. We follow the Candomble priest. We practice the Candomble. If it wasn't like that we wouldn't go in the Candomble house. We are from the same base. But now, one runs to Capoerismo, the other to Candomble.
INT: Of course, of course.
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