BJJ fights terrorism in airplanes
Last year the co-chairmen of the Brazilian airline Varig, Vinícius 'Vini' Campello (Jiu-Jitsu black belt) and Nílton Arrigone (Karate black belt and Jiu-Jitsu purple belt), together with Jiu-Jitsu black belt Otávio 'Ratinho' Couto and instructor Cristian Yamagata created a course to teach the crew of Varig's airplanes to contain and control rowdy passengers. The result was so successful that Varig, following the requirements of America's Federal International Aviation (FIA) - invited the black belts to create a course against terrorism on airplanes.
The decision was taken last week by Varig after COT (similar to SWAT in Brazil) saw an exibition of the first course created by the Jiu-Jitsu teachers. 'I can guarantee that Varig is in the best hands concerning security methods. We can say that today Varig is ahead of any airline in the world.' said the director of COT, agent Vandik, after see an exibition of some crew members taught by Romero Jacaré Cavalcante's black belts.
The presentation was made during a course on crisis negotiation (hijackers) taught by Federal Police Agents over two weeks to Varig employees. 'In the first course we just had to teach the crew how to contain a out of control passenger with no aggression. Now we are dealing with, law, order and the life of the passengers so we will have to teach some of the best self defense techniques Jiu-Jitsu has to offer.' stated Vinícius Campello. To finalize the course Campello will continue to work with karate black Belt Arrigone and his partner Otávio 'Ratinho' Couto, considered now a days as one of the best Jiu-Jitsu teachers in Brazil.

Mata leo terroryście!
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Bjj w samolocie.
Super, ciekawe co z tego wyniknie.
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nie ma to jak fajne kulanie z sympatyczna stewardesaHehe, nie obmacuj stewardesy w samolocie, bo zalozy ci balache.
Bjj w samolocie.
Super, ciekawe co z tego wyniknie.

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".... bo stewardess ucza" :wink:
Fajna ciekawostka.
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Jesli stewardena, kiedy w samolocie bede szedl do kibla, bedzie chciala sie sprawdzic i porownac trechniki robiac mi wjazd w nogi ta pewnie ze bede sie z nia kulac :wink: :twisted:
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Jesli stewardena, kiedy w samolocie bede szedl do kibla, bedzie chciala sie sprawdzic i porownac trechniki robiac mi wjazd w nogi ta pewnie ze bede sie z nia kulac :wink: :twisted:
"Stewardena"? To takie coś jak na zdjęciu powyżej? :-) Oj ludzie, zwlaszcza Niedziel, kazdy ma prawo byc bi a nawet homo ale bez przesady

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Dla ciebie to stewardessy :wink: :twisted:

A to "pierwsza fala" i dziewczynki napewno beda.
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