Kung Fu vs. Muay Thai na początku wieku
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poza tym kubel zimnej wody nie jest zly... i niektorym by sie przydal

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na przyklad pochodzenie "mistrzow kung fu" i ich styli:
In my early article "A History of Kungfu VS Muaythai", I related how 2 Taiji Masters from Hong Kong got thrashed in the Ratchadamnern Stadium Ring by Thai opponents for the first time in 1958
taijiquan z HK w roku 1958.....
[quote]06/08/1921 - The First Kungfu VS Muaythai match in history, btw Mr Zi Zheng & the "Highland Tiger" Nai Yahng. Zi Zheng appears to be a master of Southern Kungfu[/quote]
[quote]Master Han Hongdun of Hainan descent facing the "Divine Kick" Nai Tah. Notice his low & awkward fighting stance.
Hainan - glownie wyspa ok. wielkosci taiwanu najbardziej wysunieta na poludnie Chin
[quote] Master Wu Daqian, also of Hainan descent, [/quote]
[quote]Right: Master Fu Xingpeng, again of Hainan descent.[/quote]
He, along with 3 other Kungfu masters, Han Hongdun, Wu Daqian & Fu Xingpeng, all of Hainan descent,
[quote]Thus in the subsequent year, on the 13th of May 1922, again at the Rose Garden, they sent yet another well-known Shaolin Kungfu master, Mr Lai Hu, the "Iron Tiger", to face Nai Yahng, who so easily beat Kungfu in the previous year. This match was called the "Clash of the Tigers". Lai Hu, of Hokkien descent, was 20 pounds heavier than Nai Yahng.. but that didn't make much difference in the fight. He fared slightly better than Mr Zi Zheng - he lasted 2 rounds before being knocked out. Truly, he was a "better" fighter than Zi Zheng[/quote]
mozna zalozyc ze posuwamy sie powoli na polnoc no bo przeciez polnoc kopie....

Andrzej co to jest ten "Hokkien decent", bo jakos nie moge dojsc jakie miejsce w Chinach autor mial na mysli, chyba ze Hokkaido????? to bylo by jeszcze lepiej

[quote]on the 29th of July something much more significant happened. Another Chinese fighter, Mr Li De (also of Hainan descent), challenged the Highland Tiger again and fought him 3 rounds, forcing him into a draw. Unfortunately, there aren't any pictures of this fight. To the surprise of many, Li De was able to knock down Nai Yahng 9 times throughout the fight. The judging was of course biased. What was most notable here was that Li De did not fight Nai Yahng using Kungfu, but Muaythai!![/quote]
po pierwsze nie wiadomo, tak naprawde jakim stylem walczyl...
w yiquanie tez uzywaja technik kicka......

po drugie nawet jesli Muaythai musial uzyc rzeczywiscie to facet nadal z poludnia przybyl....
[quote]is that no matter what the Chinese do to their native fighting style, they still can't really beat the Thais at the fighting game.[/quote]
kategoryczne strwierdzenie...
jak bym sie uparl to wymienil bym Cui Ruibin...

[quote]Another significant phenomena that I see here is that of all the peoples on the vast China Mainland, the first people to accept Muaythai openly are the Cantonese. The Cantonese are known to be forward thinking, and the many Great Men to issue forth from Canton, like Mr Sun Yat Sen, are a testimonial to this trait. It makes one proud to be of Cantonese descent...[/quote]
eee.... 8O

no po prostu niebywale.....

a tak wogole to facet jest z Singapuru...
[quote] Bruce Lee used Wing Chun as a base upon to build JKD.[/quote]
to chyba troche naciagane stwierdzenie....
w sumie podchodzil bym rowniez do tego artykulu z duzym dystansem, nie wiadomo jak to bylo, a na tych zdjeciach to gowno widac i nic one nie mowia bo sa statyczne, moze sie sobie przedstawiali akurat, rozmawiali o pogodzie pozujac do zdjec....cholera wie jak wygladala walka... wiec komentarze dot. pozycji sa raczej bez sensu
z kolei znow warto zobaczyc i porownac walke z Makao

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