"Melo de Morais Filho in the late 1700's associated the capoeira style from Rio de Janeiro at the time with various athletic exercises, including the French boxing savate, the Portuguese jogo de pau (stick fight), rowing, and English boxing (Oliveira, 1970:74). It is difficult to see any relationship between capoeira as we know it today and rowing, or between capoeira and English boxing. However, when comparing drawings depicting capoeiristas from Rio de Janeiro in the late 1800s with drawings of savate stemming from the same epoch, it is indeed difficult to differentiate the two practices."
Teraz pytanie moze bardziej natury lingwistycznej: Czy w zaznaczonych miejscach chodzi rzeczywiscie o wioslarstwo? (Na to wskazuje moj malutki slowniczek). A jezeli tak to czy ktos ma materialy na temat Capoeira w XVIII i XIX wiecznym Rio de Janeiro? I jak to sie ma do opisywnej m.in. na stronie Beribazu Capoeira Carioca?
PS: Nie widze zadnych cech wspolnych miedzy wioslarstwem a capo