Kiedys przegladajac bigrafie Mestre Bimba wyczytalem, ze jego ojciec - Luis Candido Machado - byl wielkim batuqueiro. Ponoc Bimba tworzac Regional korzystal z elementow batuque lub czegos zwanego "row" (nie pytajcie o co chodzi, bo sam nie wiem). Kiedys w serwisie poswieconym roznym religiom znalazlem taka notke o batuque:
"The afro-brazilian religions expanded to the all of the regions. This is how the Batuque of Rio Grande do Sul began, fruit of the religions of the people on the Coast of Guinea and Nigeria with their nations in Jeje, Ijexá, Oyó and Nagô..."
Opis ten dalej przypominal candomble, ale w tymze serwisie osobny opis candomble tez uswiadczylem. W innym miejscu natomiast widniala taka notka:
"Brazilian airs and dances reflect African American rhythms. The names of these dances are the Batuque, Coco, Congada, Jongo, Lundu, and the Mar a catu. These are only a few dances mentioned, and they are from African dialects rather than European influences.
The Batuque has been popular in concert balls and performed by orchestras in the United States. The Batuque also known under the name Batucada is considered most expressive of all the African-Brazilian airs. Batucada is danced by people forming a circle, there is a great deal of clapping hands, beating on the drums, and making noise with pieces of iron, glass and wood. The basic rhythm is common to most African-Brazilian dances."
Wiec jak to jest z batuque
