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by Richard Dimitri
One of my students has a friend who trains in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. During an alive session, where we were working Holistic Comprehension drill training with weapons, my student asked me if what we did was functional for the ring in NHB style tournaments. He said his friend was curious about our system in comparison to BJJ. I told him that I couldn’t really give a rat’s ass about NHB tournament training and that my sole concern was his survival, however; it could be toned down for such tournaments. He then got back to his friend who stated that systems that claim they’re too lethal for these tournaments are usually useless and that the excuse was a cop out. (People still think that way? It’s like, so 80’s. I guess that’s what Bruce Lee had to face in the 70’s.)
I politely invited his friend to come and train with us. A few weeks later he did. I decided to see what he could do (since talk is cheap) and put him in the ring against a few of my students. Now, I’m not the type of egomaniac who’ll put him in with an instructor and claim it’s a beginner to humiliate him, so I put him in with students of his caliber. The first fight began (all out with Plexiglas helmets) and he adopted the classical Royce Gracie stance, hands out (forward), slightly crouched. They exchanged a few strikes before he immediately clinched and went for the takedown.
Now, from the clinch to the take down, my student struck him in the eyes, throat, bit him, elbowed him, kneed him and repeatedly bashed his face with palm strikes all the while he was attempting an arm bar. Due to the fact that IT IS simulation, we ensure safety in training and they are wearing protective gear, he didn’t feel the strikes nor did he bother to negate any of them. His sole focus was the submission hold. He couldn’t grasp the overkill concept nor did he understand the severity of the beating he was taking.
If you watched the second or third Vale Tudo with Gerard Gordeaux (please excuse the spelling if it’s incorrect) you’ll understand what I mean. In that particular fight, Gerard was fighting against a Japanese guy (forgot his name) and literally beat him to a pulp. The Japanese fighter didn’t land a single strike; his sole focus was an ankle lock, as Gerard was literally stomping down on his head repeatedly. The end result? The Japanese guy won the fight with an ankle lock, but at what cost? His eye was practically hanging out of its socket and Gerard didn’t even have as much as a red mark on him.
So, after my student’s friend took the beating of his life, he finally got the arm bar and my student tapped out. What if that was a real fight though? Do you see what I’m getting at? If anything, the Gracies woke up the martial arts world. They introduced a crucial element that was long neglected. However, their undefeated streak came to an end when the rest of the martial arts world adopted their teachings. It seems that they didn’t adopt their own preaching that striking alone is not enough, well, grappling alone is not enough either.
Grappling alone is obsolete. Just like Kicking and Boxing alone or together is also obsolete. But where does the close quarter range come into all of this? Hardly any NHB fighter out there has any decent close quarter skills. As soon as the kicking and boxing range enters the trapping range, they immediately bypass it and choose to grapple. A crucial mistake in the street.
I went on to explain to this BJJ guy the error of his ways but it went in one ear and out the other. In his second fight much of the same happened. He took a severe beating to end the fight in a rear choke on the ground. That’s when I stepped in and stomped on his head telling him that I was a friend of the guy he was choking and that is probably what would happen if he attempted this in the street.
While he’s busy going to the ground attempting a submission hold, he’s negating many factors. Number one, Environment. I once took a grappler and put him in a staircase in a full out fight and he got massacred. He had no mobility and he injured himself trying to go to the ground. No mats on the stairs. Rude awakening. How about knee high snow?
Number two, a knife or concealed weapon. On several occasions, I give my students concealed weapons to work with without letting their partner know about it. Presto in the middle of the fight, usually in the clinch, the knife appears. Every grappler who faced this situation during a NHB fight at my school was caught completely off guard and got reduced to minced meat. Their excuse? "You didn’t tell me there would be weapons involved!" Do you see a problem here? Is the guy on the street going to tell you he has a knife? My students however, are prepared for this sort of possibility and handle themselves quite well in these situations.
Number three, multiple attackers. The unforeseen friend. The potential bystander who’ll get involved. What do you do when on the ground with someone in your guard, as his friends are hell bent on mixing your skin and blood with the pavement? Not much.
Remember, a good grappler knows how to grapple, a great fighter knows WHEN to grapple. Grapple when you have to, for the most part on the street it is strategically safer and wiser to remain on your feet. I’ve been in several physical altercations in my life; I’ve faced knives on many occasions as well as multiple attackers, broken bottles and guns. I never went to the ground; the fight never lasted any longer than 20 to 30 seconds at the most and I never got seriously hurt, which is much less than I can say for the other guy. Had I instinctively went to the ground on more than half of these altercations, I could not say the same, I assure you.
Richard Dimitri
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Napisano Ponad rok temu
Co do fanatyzmu w bjj. Hmm, fanatycy slepo zapatrzeni w swoj system sa w KAZDEJ sztuce walki. Powtarzam KAZDEJ. Ze wiekrzosci ludzi na forum dali sie we znaki radykalowie odnosnie bjj to nic na to nie poradze. Prosze o nie demonizowanie bjj. Prosze nie patrzec na kazdego adepta bjj jako na takiego co "tylko bjj". Zawodnicy bjj sa pewni siebie bo wiedza ze to co trenuja ma wartosc. Sprawdzaja to co trening na sparinach. Potem na sparingach podczas ktorych dozwolone jest uderzanie. Chyba to ze tyle sparujemy powoduje ze mamy realna swiadomosc swoich umiejetnosci.
Ze chlopaki daza do konfrontacji ? Chca sie sprawdzic ? To nie sa zle pomysly. Dla mnie jest Ok o ile nie zaczynaja bezpodstawinie obrazac innych systemow.
Jezeli taki adept bjj dostanie becki. Zrozumie i wyciagnie wnioski dlaczego tak sie stalo. Jezeli wygra to bedzie wiedzial ze to co robi jest dobre. Inna sprawa jak zacznie ublizac pokonanemu.
Z tego co pobieznie przeczytalem to jest tam miedzy innymi mowa o stosowaniu przeszkadzajek w postaci "brudnych trickow" aby uniemozliwic chlopakowi z bjj skonczenie walki przed dzwignie lub duszenie. MOZE tak byc jak zostalo napisane. Ze te przeszkadzajki sa jakas metoda obronna przed chwytami. O ile jest ona leprza od normalnej polegajacej na chwyty nie podejmuje sie odpowiadac. Wiem tylo ze gdyby taka metoda byla skuteczna metoda obrony przed chywtaczami wogule to na pewno byla by nie dosc ze szeroko znana co stosowana.
Wiem ze nie odnioslem sie do calosci pierwszego postu. Ale tam jest naprawde bardzo duzo zagadnien poruszonych.
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