IPB 3.0 się zbliża
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With the upcoming release of IP.Board 3, we will of course be updating our first-party components to be compatible with the new architecture. Releases of IP.Blog, IP.Gallery and IP.Downloads will be available alongside IP.Board 3.0 so that you can update everything at the same time and not have to worry about when your components will be ready.
We are working with the community project teams to help them get releases of Tracker and Shoutbox ready for 3.0 as well. They should be available at, or shortly after, the release of 3.0 to help ensure a more seamless move forward to our latest platform.
We've determined that initially for the big release, we will only be working for application compatibility between our components. We wanted to spend all of our time focusing on IP.Board itself to ensure maximum stability, especially given the fact that we are working on an entirely new platform. This means that you won't really notice any new features to speak of with the Blog, Gallery and Downloads updates. You will, however, notice much better integration between the applications and the board itself, and an updated look and feel for all applications. Some examples of this include
* Integrated searching - one search form will search everything
* All application caches managed from cache management screen.
* All skin data managed from template editor screen.
* Ability to edit all group settings from group management page.
* All application permissions handled from one location.
* Ability to show gallery or blog data on board index through hooks
Shortly after the dust settles following the big releases, and everything is calmer and stable, we will be working on "big" updates for our first-party application addons. At this point, we are still discussing what new features would best serve our customers for Blog, Gallery and Downloads. Below is a list we've discussed that we think you'll like. What do you think of it so far?
* Site/group blog - a blog that can be created belonging to no individual member, but rather to the site as a whole (i.e. a company blog) or a group (i.e. a developer blog)
* Proper user-customizable headers
* RSS blogs - allow members to import their remote blog into your board
* "Blog this post" support
* Ability to crop, rotate, dynamically resize images. Use Javascript for front end, then re-generate image using GD on backend when user saves.
* Fancy slideshow feature. Something like Flickr, but done completely in Javascript (no flash needed), little simpler probably.
* Better album control based on friendships - only allow friends to view album, allow friends to submit to your album, etc.
* Sub-albums
* Image tagging
* Correct category/album markers (ala IPB)
* Allow users to choose album covers from images in an album
* Better and more abstracted support for file records. Ultimately the goal would be to allow you to submit multiple files to a single file record. Uses would include "contributed files", breaking single files into "parts" (i.e. for large movies), and multiple screenshots per record, for instance.
* Support for mirrors
* Ability to shut off "resume breakpoints"
* Better category control - template type system perhaps with ability to selectively override without ditching entire template
* More reliable upload progress meter
* Correct category markers (ala IPB)
* File tagging
* Dynamic and session-based download urls (when you start a download, create a new "url" for it that is only accessible for that session and is destroyed afterwards to further prevent hotlinking)
These are just some ideas we're floating around. Final feature lists will be determined after the release of IP.Board 3.0.
We know many of you have been wondering how component updates will be handled with this release, and we've stayed quiet mainly because we weren't certain what we'd be able to accomplish. Hopefully this information will help you plan your site updates accordingly.
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We've been blogging for a while about some of the bigger changes you will see when IP.Board 3 is released. Things like enhanced bbcode management, hooks and plugins, and personal conversations, for example, tend to be a bit more interesting to read than smaller features. However, we wanted to take a moment to discuss some of the other smaller features being added to IP.Board that we haven't talked about yet.
Minimum posts to view forum
You can now configure forums to only allow access if you have reached a minimum post count.
Minimum posts to post in forum
Similar to the previous setting, you can require members to have a certain post count before they can post in individual forums.
Only allow posters to see their own topics
A very commonly requested feature, you can now configure forums so that posters can only see their own topics. Of course moderators and admins can view all topics in the forum. This allows you to create "help-desk" style forums without the need for additional software.
HTTPS login form
You can now force your login page urls to utilize https via a simple ACP setting. You are still responsible for obtaining an SSL certificate and installing it to your server properly.
"Performance Mode"
We have several larger customers who have a relatively stationary amount of traffic, but have huge spikes at times (e.g. sports teams have huge spikes in traffic on game nights, typically). During these spikes it is often desirable to disable unnecessary features to maintain site stability, rather than purchase hardware to handle temporary spikes in traffic. The performance mode setting allows you to easily disable many features that can save resources with the click of a button. The system remembers the previous setting values so that when the spike dies down you can disable performance mode and return your site to it's previous configuration.
Registration "question and answer"
In IP.Board 3 you will be able to configure questions and associated answers which will be randomly added to the registration form to help combat automated registrations (spam bots).
Loading javascript files from Google
Google offers a service that allows you to load the prototype and scriptaculous files from their servers rather than your own. This offloads 2 http requests to Google's servers from your own, while allowing them to manage the proper cache and expiration headers for the files.
Guest selectable skins and languages
Guests can now change their skin and language selections if you offer multiple skins or languages. Note that skins can be configured to only be available to certain groups, so you can fine-tune which skins guests can select from.
Better topic/forum subscription controls
You can now unsubscribe individual members from all forums and topics from the edit member page of the ACP, and you can unsubscribe all members from individual forums from the forum management page.
More control over "friends"
You can now disable the friends feature globally via a setting, and individually on a per-group basis (e.g. to prevent validating members from using the friends feature).
Hide last post info for a forum
If you have a forum where different users have different configurations as to which topics they can view, you can hide the forum's last post info on the board index via a setting. This information is cached to improve performance, so it does not utilize permission-based lookups, thus the ability to hide it helps prevent topic information from being leaked.
Contact fields as custom profile fields
All of the contact fields (yahoo, aim, msn, etc.) are now custom profile fields, allowing you to more easily configure them to your liking (or remove them alltogether). Additionally, by default Jabber and Skype will be available for configuration.
Force an entire group to be anonymous
If you would like to force an entire group (administrators or banned members, for instance) to be anonymous upon login, you can do so easily now.
Moderate posts of an entire group globally
You can now configure a group to be moderated across the entire site via a group setting. This will force all of the group's posts and topics to be placed into a moderation queue before they are visible, regardless of individual forum settings.
Per-group signature restrictions
You can now control the maximum number of images, lines of text, and image dimensions for signatures on a per-group basis.
Here's a taste of some of the new features we haven't previously discussed (at least in any detail) which we hope you'll like. Let us know what you think!
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We are preparing the first public preview of IP.Board 3.0.0 alpha and look forward to everyone's feedback and help in testing. It is our current plan to preview IP.Board 3.0.0 alpha the second half of next week (around Nov 5 2008 +/- a day or two). As promised, those in the customer group on the IPS forums will receive the preview a bit earlier. Keep an eye on our company blog for updates.
The public preview will be on a special web site and will not be available for download. You can use the same login as the IPS company forums to login.
A few important notes...
This will be a preview of alpha software. We are not quite to the beta stage so please keep in mind that there are some areas still being finished up. We believe all functionality should be working properly but there are parts of the software that need some skin work. Some of the newest areas, like the new PM system, could use some extensive testing.
We ask that you help us test the functionality, click around the preview copy and report those issues that you find in the special area of our Bug Tracker for the IP.Board 3.0.0 alpha preview (will be available on preview day). When reporting please be careful to look over all already reported bugs to be sure not to submit duplicates. Do your best to try to break it... so we can then fix it.
As we have reviewed in previous blog entries, IP.Board 3.0.0 is very different from the version 1.x or 2.x series. So far the feedback from our private testing group has been great and everyone loves the new look and feel. We can never please everyone original.gif so please be civil if you do not like something that is purely a matter of opinion and offer a constructive suggestion we can consider if you feel something can be improved.
IP.Board 3.0.0 is feature-frozen at this point. We will not be adding any new features but are happy to consider enhancements to those already included. We will always have version 3.1 for feature additions and one of the best parts of 3.0's architecture is adding new features along with upgrading is much easier than the 2.x series so upgrades can be developed and released much faster.
Upcoming Beta Releases
We will use the public preview for our first round of testing and performance evaluation. Depending on how the public preview goes we will begin releasing downloadable betas. Expect updates on the beta release schedule in the week following the public preview.
Components like Blog, Gallery, and Downloads will have their own testing phase so please keep and eye out for those.
Thank you for your interest and everyone at IPS is looking forward to the public preview. We hope you are too and that you enjoy it!
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[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
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The IP.Board 3.0 preview has been going very well. Lots of bugs have been reported and, more importantly, fixed already. The feedback we have received has been very valuable and we have already implemented some of the good ideas our customers have presented us. Thanks again!
We are now ready to open the preview up to the general public. You can visit the preview at [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] and login with the same email address and password you use in the IPS client area or company forums.
A few things to keep in mind:
This is a preview of alpha software. We are not quite to the beta stage so please keep in mind that there are some areas still being finished up. The preview has been open for a couple weeks now to our customer base so lots of feedback and bugs have been posted. Have a look around what is already there before posting new info. Thanks!
As we have reviewed in previous blog entries, IP.Board 3.0.0 is very different from the version 1.x or 2.x series. So far the feedback from our private testing group has been great and everyone loves the new look and feel. We can never please everyone original.gif so please be civil if you do not like something that is purely a matter of opinion and offer a constructive suggestion we can consider if you feel something can be improved.
IP.Board 3.0.0 is feature-frozen at this point. We will not be adding any new features but are happy to consider enhancements to those already included. We will always have version 3.1 for feature additions and one of the best parts of 3.0's architecture is adding new features along with upgrading is much easier than the 2.x series so upgrades can be developed and released much faster.
We hope you enjoy!
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The IP.Board 3.0 preview has been going quite well and we have received some good feedback and ideas for version 3.0 which we have already implemented. This blog entry will outline some of the changes that have been implemented in 3.0 since the preview was made available. Other than the changes listed here there have been lots of minor skin interface improvements and many bug fixes too numerous to go into.
Search Index
For a long time we have been looking at ways to solve a problem with global searching. Searching is very resource intensive and we are under pressure to deliver a comprehensive search that is both quick and light on the server. One solution we implemented on the preview board was a search index. This index contained the text from various sources such as posts, blogs and calendar events.
The search index was successful in making global searching quick and efficient but it was limited by MySQL itself. While it worked well on smaller boards, there was an issue with scaling in that MySQL does not deal very well with large tables. While the posts table would often lock in normal searching, the search index table would lock in many more situations thereby eliminating any benefits it brought to IPB. Also, when upgrading to IPB 3 the search index needed to be built which could potentially take many hours. This is obviously undesirable.
We also found that it limited what you could search for and how the results were displayed. For these reasons we have decided to remove the search index option in IPB 3.0. We will instead work on enhancing the normal search system (including some of the good ideas from the preview site) and large search solutions such as Sphinx. Removing the search index will not impact the overall ability to search and find content you are looking for and we will work on the normal search routines to make displaying the search results easier to work with.
Gravatar Support
Gravatar is as service that hosts your avatar so you can have the same avatar on the various communities you visit. It also allows you to centrally update your avatar and have it show up all over the web. You just sign up on their site and then enter your email address you registered with Gravatar in IPB 3.0's settings area.
Warn Panel Updates
The warn panel has been updated to allow for moderators to be able to better control troublesome members and posts without administrator intervention. Enhancements include:
* Option to "ban" a member permanently from the warn panel
* Increase or decrease warn value by a custom value (rather than just +1 or -1) for super moderators only
* Ability to unapprove (hide) all member's posts and/or topics made with the last X days/hours
* Member's current reputation and other general information now displayed on warn panel
Mutual Friends
Adding and removing friends is now a mutual option in that if you add someone as a friend you will also appear on their profile as a friend. The same goes for removing a friend: if you remove a friend you are also removed from their friend list.
Reputation Logs
Administrators can now edit a member's reputation points. They can also view the record of ratings that member has left for others and the ratings others have left for that member.
Enhanced Watched Topics/Forums
The listing of watched topics and forums in your user settings now displays the number of new topics or posts since your last visit. You can click this link to be taken to the forum listing showing only those new topics since your last visit.
Filter Forum by New Topics
You can now filter a forum using the filter options bar at the bottom of the page to show only new topics posted since your last visit.
Public Polls
The option to allow public polls is now in the admin area. Public polls are like normal polls but they show the name of the members who voted and what they voted for in the poll. Administrators can also optionally allow members to delete their vote and re-vote in polls. This new feature only functions with newly-created polls. Administrators can switch a poll from private to public only if the poll has had no votes.
IP.Board 3.0.0 Release
The preview testing and feedback has been going so well that we have decided to reevaluate our release schedule. We will still have a downloadable beta version of IP.Board 3.0.0 out by the end of this year but a final version will not be out by the end of this year. Because the preview site has become so useful, we are treating it as a "pseudo-beta" and using it to test various features and learn about how IPB 3.0 behaves in a production environment. Although this will delay our final release until early next year, it brings the benefit of a much shorter beta-release cycle since IPB is being so heavily tested now. This means that we will have fewer beta releases before moving on to the final release. It also means that the final release of IPB will be as good as it can be which is good for everyone.
We believe that this short delay until the final release will be beneficial for all as the final version of IPB 3.0 will be as stable as it can be on day one.
Thanks to everyone for your help and ideas. We will keep you updated on our progress in the coming weeks.
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As announced in our last blog entry, we are working diligently to clean up any problem areas in IP.Board 3.0 and to finish up the admin control panel so that we can deliver a beta release of our software to all of our users before the end of this month.
Things are taking shape nicely. Rikki has the admin control panel nearly finished and we've cleared out hundreds of bug reports since the preview site was first launched. We are very hopeful that by the time everyone has their hands on a beta version of IP.Board 3.0, you'll find all of the biggest potential issues have already been dealt with.
Additionally, the Blog, Gallery and Download Manager applications are coming along nicely as well. All of the application code has been converted, and we're working on skinning these modules so that we can put up previews for you to start testing. Look for the first of these modules to be launched very soon on the preview site so you can begin testing it.
In preparation for the upcoming beta release of IP.Board 3.0, we have put together this script which you can upload to your server in order to test for support of our latest version. Please note the following requirements:
* PHP v5.1.0 or higher (5.2.0 or higher preferred)
* MySQL 4.1 or higher (5.0 or higher preferred)
* SPL, GD2 and libxml2 PHP modules installed
This script will test for everything IP.Board 3.0 requires, except for MySQL. Please consult with your host if you are not sure if you are running MySQL 4.1 or higher.
Attached File check_requirements.php ( 5.97K ) Number of downloads: 315
To use this script:
* Upload the file to your server somewhere that is web accessible. For example, you can upload the file to your forum root directory where "conf_global.php" is located.
* Visit the file in your webserver. For instance, visit [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników] (replacing yoursite.com/forums/ with the appropriate domain and path to the script you just uploaded).
* Verify there are no "FAIL" marks reported. If there are any items that fail the check, you will need to consult with your host about updating your server, moving you to another server that supports all of the requirements for IP.Board 3, or contacting another host that does.
We do not rely on any proprietary modules for PHP, so the majority of our users shouldn't have any problems. original.gif
We look forward to getting the first beta out so everyone can continue testing the software and the new admin control panel. More information to follow!
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Nie sap tylko nagrywaj nową wersje i będzie super group analsex orgyTak mniej więcej będzie wyglądało nowe forum: http://www.fabrykasily.pl/test/

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Jeszcze poczekajmy trochę bo nie ma spolszczenia na dzień dzisiejszyNie sap tylko nagrywaj nową wersje i będzie super group analsex orgy
(czyt. zajebiście będzie)

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IP.Converge is designed to be an open platform allowing any website or application to make use of its features. However, due to some limitations and the complexity of writing the modules, it's only been used by IP.Board until now.
In IP.Converge 1.1 we have added the features developers need to make almost any application IP.Converge-ready.
Username support
One of the most frequently requested features for IP.Converge from both developers and end-users is username support. Some applications don't support e-mail address-authentication which IP.Converge natively uses and many end-users would simply prefer to log in with their username.
In IP.Converge 1.1 developers can now set IP.Converge to send usernames to their applications instead of e-mail addresses.
We have also added a transparent layer into IP Board 3 so that even if you are using IP.Converge, you can log into IP Board using your username.
Users will also be able to change their username on one application and have it update across all your IP.Converge applications, just like e-mail addresses and passwords.
Sending non-md5 password
A lot of applications don’t deal with passwords the same way IPS applications do. IP.Converge 1.0 sends passwords in md5 format, while this works well for IPS applications, it means a lot of third-party applications cannot be made IP.Converge-compatible.
We didn't want to compromise security by sending plain text passwords, but we really wanted to make any third-party application IP.Converge ready. So, in IP.Converge 1.1 each application can set it’s own password hashing
Converge also imports any extra information such as salts that are needed for hashing, so no matter how the application handles passwords, IP.Converge will be able to communicate with it.
These two additions make it possible for almost any application to be made IP.Converge-ready. We'd love to hear from developers who are interested in making some popular applications IP.Converge-ready for the benefit of our customers, if you are familiar with a popular application and would like to be part of this, please e-mail mwade@invisionpower.com.
All of this will be done while maintaining backwards compatibility, so if you do use a custom IP.Converge module, or perhaps you would like to use IP.Converge with a mixture of 2.3 and 3.0 IP Boards, that will be possible with IP.Converge 1.1.
The beta version of IP.Converge 1.1 will be available with the next beta release of IP Board 3, and as always, your testing and feedback is greatly appreciated.
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We are pleased to announce Invision Power Board 3.0.0 Beta 5 is now available. Additionally, the following development releases are available in your client area to test:
* IP.Blog 2.0.0 Beta 3
* IP.Downloads 2.0.0 Beta 3
* IP.Gallery 3.0.0 Beta 3
The fifth beta release of IP.Board 3.0.0 is now available for download to those with current, active licenses to IP.Board. This fifth beta is only available to active license holders.
This is the fifth beta release so please take a moment and read this entire announcement before downloading.
* As this is a beta release there will be bugs and issues with the software. Please report any issues using our bug tracker. Before reporting please first quickly check to see if anyone has already reported your issue.
* This beta is encoded using IonCube. Beta releases are encoded so we can better control the release and ensure any reported problems are code-related and not due to modifications. Please ensure you are familiar with how to install IonCube encoded PHP software. The final version will not be encoded.
* Technical support is not available for this beta software.
* Do not use this software on a public install. Wait for the final series for your public installs.
* There may be no upgrade path between beta versions.
* You may upgrade from IP.Board 3.0.0 Beta 4, or from any pre-3.0.0 version of IP.Board all the way back to version 1.1.
* In general, only download and participate in the beta test if you are comfortable working with beta software.
System Requirements
This beta version of IP.Board 3.0.0 requires PHP 5.1.0 or greater and MySQL 4.1.22 (5.0 or greater preferred) to operate. We have included the Ioncube loaders with the download for 32 bit servers. If your server is running a 64 bit operating system, you will need to visit Ioncube directly to download the loaders.
Testing Help
Please thoroughly test the skinning system, importing, exporting, creating new skins, editing templates,
Download IP.Board 3.0.0 Beta 5
If you have an IP.Board License:
To download, log in to your client area. You will see the beta download information by clicking into your license purchase. As stated above, technical support is not available so please only download if you are comfortable beta-testing software.
If you have IPS Hosting:
Shared hosting customers can download by clicking into their hosting package. Forum hosting customers can also download but will not be able to install in their hosting account as Forum Hosting packages are limited to one install. Feel free to use another hosting account for this.
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We are (extremely) pleased to announce the first release candidate of Invision Power Board 3.0.0 is now available.
This is the first release candidate release so please take a moment and read this entire announcement before downloading. Everyone here at IPS is very excited to reach this milestone of development and we look forward to working with everyone to sort out any remaining issues that crop up during the RC stage so we can quickly move to the final release.
The release candidates for IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads will be available in about a week.
What is a Release Candidate?
A release candidate is a version of the software between the beta phase and a final release. With the first release candidate of IP.Board 3.0.0 you can safely assume that we consider the software stable enough to use on your live community. There will be bugs and issues but it is our belief that any issues that come up should not impact your overall ability to manage your community. Keep this in mind as you make your decision to upgrade to IP.Board 3.0.0 RC1 and only upgrade if you are comfortable working around any possible issues that are present. We will of course fix any issues that come up in IP.Board 3.0.0's final release.
Technical Support and Service
IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 1 can be considered safe to use on a live site but it is not quite the final version of the software just yet. We want to give those comfortable upgrading to an RC release the chance to do so and report issues before we encourage everyone to upgrade. Technical support and service is not offered during the RC stage but of course will be available when the final version is announced.
Download IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 1
To download, log in to your client area. You will see the RC download information by clicking into your downloads. As stated above, technical support is not available so please only download if you are comfortable testing software.
IPS Hosting clients: a build of RC 1 for your use will appear in the client area soon. Sorry about the delay there.
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This is the second release candidate release so please take a moment and read this entire announcement before downloading.
The second release candidates for IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads are also now available.
What is a Release Candidate?
A release candidate is a version of the software between the beta phase and a final release. With the second release candidate of IP.Board 3.0.0 you can safely assume that we consider the software stable enough to use on your live community. There will be bugs and issues but it is our belief that any issues that come up should not impact your overall ability to manage your community. Keep this in mind as you make your decision to upgrade to IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2 and only upgrade if you are comfortable working around any possible issues that are present.
Technical Support and Service
IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2 can be considered safe to use on a live site but it is not quite the final version of the software just yet. We want to give those comfortable upgrading to an RC release the chance to do so and report issues before we encourage everyone to upgrade. Technical support and service is not offered during the RC stage but of course will be available when the final version is announced.
Download IP.Board 3.0.0 RC 2 along with IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, and IP.Downloads
To download, log in to your client area. You will see the RC download information by clicking into your downloads then development releases. As stated above, technical support is not available so please only download if you are comfortable testing software.
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