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W temacie: Co to jest sambo?

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Nurtuje mnie to pytanie od dłuższego czasu.Przewertowałem stare posty ale sie nie natknąłem na opis tego sportu.
Czy mógłby ktoś wskazać różnice sambo- np.ju-jitsu poza genezą powstania.

cytuje posta Fiodora, raz juz bylo podobne pytanie:temat bjj&sambo, wersja angielska, niestety nie chce mi sie tlumaczyc

informacje które znalazłem w sieci:
XX century: beginning
Before the revolution of 1917 year there wasn't teaching of hand-to-hand combat methods in army, even in special forces. At soviet time mass preparing of fighters at most times was in reports only, but some things were changed.

Besides different schools of early sambo, Red Army also had applied hand-to-hand combat, sometimes combined with fighting vs. armed opponent. Compulsory curriculum of training for that-time "commandos" included so-called "free-style fighting" (another name - "fighting of unarmed"), fighting with short weapon (with knives and unarmed vs. armed with knife), bayonet fencing and unarmed vs. bayonet fighter. There were no counter-methods against opponent armed with more long weapon (sabre, "shashka" (special cavalry sabre)) or revolver: it was clear that teaching "for all" cannot prepare such a fighter.

1920s were marked by new interest for complex fighting systems. But they weren't non-controlled: coaches usually worked in NKVD ("Narodnyi Komissariat Vnutrennih Del" - People's Commissariat of Inner Affairs; police of that time), and common citizen couldn't study those systems. At that time law became prosecute for "exceeding of self-defence limit". Combat methods could be studied "for special using" only. The most-known coaches of that time were Nil Nikolaevich Oznobishin and Ivan Lavrentievich Solonevich.

Oznobishin was born in noble family, but became a circus actor. Together with his circus Oznobishin visited many countries. He knew many languages and liked boxing very much. At 1915 year he participated First Moscow boxing championship. During 1918-26 he served in Red Army, coached boxing for soldiers. At 1930 he published a book "Art of hand-to-hand combat". After false accusation, he was arrested in 1941 and exiled to Kazakhstan on five years.

There are also very few information about Solonevich. He was born in 1880s. First and only printed work with description of his school was made at 1928 year. It was illustrated book "Self-defence and attacking without weapon". Most methods of catching and throwing were from "free-style american wrestling". Unlike Oznobishin, who estimate fist strikes from english boxing adn included them in his system, but underestimated really power strikes, Solonevich advise to use "power" strikes, and boxing's evades. But unlike Oznobishin, Solonevich wasn't familiar with french boxing. But in any case he created a good school, useful in application. According to indirect information, at 1930s I.L.Solonevich was succesful in emigration from USSR.
Creation of sambo
One of the first men who was succesful in studing "combat wrestling" was V.A.Spiridonov, officer of old Russia Army. He came to army as volunteer, became officer, fought during Russia-Japan war 1904-05. After the war he began to study europian version of japanese jujutsu. During WWI he was injured and retired. Since 1919 he worked in the field of physical development of soldier and began to develop new system of self-defence. Up to the end of 1930s he never denied that his system was based on japanese art of close-range combat.

Since 1920s, Spiridonov's system "Sam" became to spread among USSR policemen and borderguards. At 1928 year his students won a match against german's judo wrestlers (2:1).

Another famous person of that time - Vasilii Sergeevich Oshchepkov. He was born on Sakhalin island, at that time - japanese land. He studied judo in Kodokan-judo, up to 2nd dan. At 1920s he worked in Vladivostok and in China. Later, after a short period of working in Novosibirsk, Oshchepkov came to capital, and was successful in partial pushing of Spiridonov's school. On the base of judo he developed new system of hand-to-hand combat for army. He called this system "free-style wrestling".

Ochscepkov's system was for fighter, Spiridonov's system - for saboteur. Oshchepkov didn't agreed to keep silence about oriental origin of his system. As a result, he was arrested as "japanese spy" and immediately killed in prison. His school kept existence and became a base of modern sambo (SAMBO is "SAMozashchita Bez Oruzhiya" - "Self-defence without weapon"). New heads of school (Kharlampiev, quickly named as "creator of sambo", and others) made great efforts for deleting all similarities between sambo and oriental martial arts. Gradually the best martial art of soviet time became not the best sport competition art...

Spiridonov's system had another fate. This system didn't exist officially, but kept in real life: this school was popular among NKVD officers. Many methods became a part of sambo. But army's sambo and police's sambo had different purposes: soldier usually has to kill his opponent in situation when he lost his weapon, policeman prefer to keep his opponent alive (but immobilised).

1938, october, 16: data of signing the order about "borning" sambo. This order said, that this system "was created on the base of elements from national kinds of wrestling - georgian, tadjik, kazakh, uzbek, kirghiz - and best elements from other kinds of wrestling". Obviously, that at 1928, at Stalin's time, georgian wrestling was the first, and there was no place for europian and japanese kinds of wrestling. But what can we say about wrestling of different USSR nations?

W temacie: ...nie robiąc krzywdy.

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wiem ze z moja skromna wiedza w aikido moge znowu cos palnac ale wedlug mnie ataki aikido sa oparte na mieczu, a to ze techniki sie na nich wykonuje spowodowane jest tylko checia opanowania motoryki ruchu jaki trzeba wykonac po kilku latach atak przestaje byc taki istatny gdyz mozna przy jakimkolwiek ataku wykonac technike ktorej ruch cwiczylo sie podczas kilku innych atakow i tak dlatego uczy sie wykonywania techniki z kilku atakow jak np. kotegeshi z shomen, yokomen czy tsuki

troche a propos tematu, na stronie jest ciekawy artykol Pomianowskiego ( zakładka pt. "O skuteczności"). Nie chcialem kopiowac calego artykulu na forum ( ciut za duzy).
ps. cala reszte strony mozna sobie darowac :D

W temacie: ...nie robiąc krzywdy.

Ponad rok temu

>Aikido zawiera intencje zeby nie robic zbyt duzej krzywdy atakujacemu, >i daje narzedzia do tego w przeciwienstwie do innych SW.

Po czterech, gora pieciu latach cwiczenia walki w ktorej masz sparingi - moze to byc box, kickbox, jakis sensowny styl karate, judo, czy jakis sensowny styl ju jitsu - jestes w stanie bez najmniejszego klopotu unieszkodliwic nie szkolonego czlowieka o podobnych do Twoich warunkach fizycznych w taki sposob, zeby mu nie zrobic krzywdy.

Aikido jest jedna z niewielu sztuk walki ktore wlasnie tego n i e umozliwiaja, poniewaz techniki sa tak ekstremalnie trudne, ze przez wiele wiele lat nie uzyskujesz jako praktyk aikido tego co jest niezbedne do unieszkodliwienia bez zrobienia krzywdy, czyli po prostu nie uzyskujesz wyraznej przewagi nad napastnikiem.

Cwiczenie aikido z jakimkolwiek zalozeniem zwiazanym z samoobrona jest bez sensu dla ludzi o nastawieniu wojowniczym, ale tez podwojnie bez sensu dla pacyfistow ktorzy marza o pokonaniu przeciwnika przez zniechecenie go za pomoca sztuki unikow, bo skutecznych unikow mozna duzo szybciej nauczyc sie cwiczac rzeczy ktore wymienilem.

Pawel Drozdziak
Szkola Samoobrony dla Kobiet WSDP

oj, .. chyba cos w tym jest,..choc granica jest cieniutka :oops:

W temacie: Motywacja

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Ską wziąsć motywacje do monotonnego i żmudnego treningu,pomóżcie bo mam cholernie słomiany zapał.

metoda jest prosta,musisz sie zaopatrzyc w :osteroporoze skolioze lub inne tego typu zjawiska ( tylko nie przesadzaj z partenogeneza), a ochota splynie na ciebie jak objawienie. jak nie mozesz dostac tych drobiazgow,to wlacz wyobraznie, motywuje jak diabli :wink:

W temacie: okulary a MA

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Sama nie nosze okularow ale nigdy nie spotkalam sie zeby byly wymagane od kogokolwiek badania lekarskie :shocked!:

ba.. zawsze mozna sie zbadac, ale nie dajmy sie zwariowac. mam szkla -4,75, i co? mam jezdzic winda na 5 pietro, nosic nie wiecej niz 3 kg zakupow?.. nie wiem czy to dobry przyklad ale wielu sportowcow nosi powinno przestac cwiczyc z powodu wady wzroku (choc by jeden z naszych sprinterow). jakos siatkowka im sie nie odkleja. jasne ze jesli nagle po 10 latach siedzenia na d.. nagle zaczeli by biegac maratony to nie tylko siatkowka ale i pluca, nerki i trzustka odkleja sie od ciala, ale jesli ktos cwiczy regularnie, to nie widze specjalnych problemow.
osobiscie znam pewngo pana który ma ponad 60 LAT :!: , i cwiczy ( aikido i to dosyc intensywnie), choc z medycznego punktu widzenia powinien poruszac sie o lasce. nie dajmy sie zwariowac

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