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Cykl ta ph Tren Bomb

Ponad rok temu

Mam na imie Michal 24 lata od ponad 3 lat trenuje na silownii. Mam pare suplementow kupilem je w UK gdyz tutaj mieskam od konca 2005 roku. :lol:

Ok no to przedstawie co posiadam:
1. Gainer PVL Mutant Mass 6.8kg
2. Dymatize Xpand 240 caps.
3. Trec AAKG MEGA HARDCORE 240 caps.
4. Omega 3,6 and 9
5.Dymatize 12H Protein Elite 12 (na noc)
6. PH Tren Bomb x 2 po 60 tab czyli 120 tabs
7. Esto Suppress 60tab
8. Purifi 60tab

I teraz tak co do cyklu na tren bomb znalazlem cos takiego
1st week - 1 per day
2nd week - 2 per day
3rd week - 2 per day
4th week - 1 per day
5th week - off the bombs, take natural testosterone booters (19-Anabol)
6th week - off the bombs, take natural testosterone booters (19-Anabol)
Now, cycle again.
Taking Pro Liver tablets every day.

I traz tak z tego co zalecaja na stronce gdzie kupilem towar

Week 1 – 4
Tren BomB take 2 capsules a day, 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon.

Week 5 – 6
Esto Suppress take 2 a day, 1 in the morning and 1 afternoon.

Week 7 - 8
Purifi take 1-4 everyday.

Then you can restart the cycle again.

Ok ja chcialem zrobic to tak:

1st week - 1 per day TB +AAKG
2nd week - 2 per day TB +AAKG
3rd week - 2 per day TB +AAKG
4th week - 1 per day TB + XPAND +AAKG
5th week - Esto Suppress + XPAND
6th week - Esto Suppress + XPAND
7th week - Purifi + XPAND
8th week - Purifi + XPAND
restart cycle
1st week - 1 per day TB
2nd week - 2 per day TB
3rd week - 2 per day TB
4th week - 1 per day TB
i tutaj mam problem co teraz na odblok czy moze uzyc 2 tygodnie testosteron booster i znowu
1st week - 1 per day TB
2nd week - 2 per day TB
3rd week - 2 per day TB
4th week - 1 per day TB
5th week - Esto Suppress
6th week - Esto Suppress
7th week - Purifi
8th week - Purifi
I koniec sam juz sie gubie prosze o jakies rady no i moze cos innego wymyslicie :thumbup:

Ah przypomne ze trzymam diete i trenuje za pomoca planu przygotowanego przez personal trainer :?:

Pozdrawiam Michal

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