I was originally expecting to be in Wroclaw from the 7th of April, but Central Wings cancelled that flight, so I will be teaching classes in our gym from the Monday 15th of April.
Since the first week we will have a special program to speed up the learning proccess, focusing on a different theme every week. And on the second week we will introduce beginner classes that will make it easier for new students to catch up with our group. So we will have more classes, with and without GI. The updates on the schedule will be on our website as soon as it changes.
Soon I will organise my schedule to visit our clubs in Silesia, Lublin and Bydgoszcz between April and June. If you have an independent club and are looking for some help in developing your BJJ and Grappling program, please contact me or my representatives Krystian Kwiecien and Krzysiek Golaszewski, I will be available on most weekends for seminars.
I will be in Poland for most of the year and hope to see our sport growing more and more! We can work together to make it happen!

Atalla in Wroclaw
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