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Vulkan Ultra Light

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Vulkan Ultra Light
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Zastanawiam sie nad kupnem tego gi. Jak ktoś z was posiada takie to byłbym wdzięczny za podzielenie się ze mną uwagami :lol:
Jak znacie jeszcze jakieś strony gdzie można zamówić gi to też poprosze :wink:
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  • Zainteresowania:BJJ

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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
Przyłączam się do prośby o jakieś stronki sprawdzone gdzie można kupić gi. Z góry thx
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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
masz takowe na allegro. poszukaj-dobre kimono
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budo_mr d
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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
Z tego co wiem to "u nas" takie są dostępne ( nie wiem czy aktualnie są) a użytkownicy są zadowoleni.
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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
ja mam i sobie je chwale, lekkie, przyjemnie sie w tym ćwiczy
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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light

Z tego co wiem to "u nas" takie są dostępne ( nie wiem czy aktualnie są) a użytkownicy są zadowoleni.

Na BigDealu już nie ma, czyli są raczej (chwilowo?) niedostępne.

Co do samego kimona, ja również je sobie chwalę, choć mam je stosunkowo niedługo i mało w nim ćwiczyłem. Należy ostrzeć, że model "shrink to fit" (starszy) dosyć mocno się kurczy.
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  • Lokalizacja:Mayaxatl

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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
i bardzo łatwo na nim złapać uchwyt, dodam...
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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
The new Vulkan ultra light GIs are total quality, I have 2 made specially for me and they are excellent, durable and really light.

So would you like to have one of those GIs, totally FREE?

So train hard because after the summer we will have a BJJ tournament in Wroclaw, sponsored by Vulkan, and the winners of most divisions will earn GIs. Dates are still not confirmed but soon we will have more details.

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  • Lokalizacja:Mayaxatl

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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
Prizes are nice but new event is more important than gis.
We will wait for more informations about new competition.
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  • Lokalizacja:Mayaxatl

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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light

So train hard because after the summer we will have a BJJ tournament in Wroclaw (...) Dates are still not confirmed but soon we will have more details.

Now is after summer, so have you any informations about new competition?
Can you confirm your announcement?
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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light
We are about to confirm the dates but the tournament in Wroclaw will be done when we are ready to do it big and well run. Probably very early next year but after the Europeans in Lisbon. We intend to bring competitors from abroad so we must arrange things well

This year i strongly recommend anyone that is competing and doing well, to fly to Barcelona and fight the Copa Catalunya, december 6th and 7th, the level is very good, one of the best tournaments in Europe last year, there all the winners will get Vulkan Gis and many prizes and a also a chance to prepare for the Europeans. All info can be found on [link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]

Last year they had about 300 people from many countries, eletronic scoreboards and professional reffing, and a fierce fight for 400 euros on the black belt open. This year there will be 1 thousand euros on the black belt divisions, 500 under 80kg and 500 over 80kg and more people are expected.

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  • Lokalizacja:Mayaxatl

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Re: Vulkan Ultra Light

We are about to confirm the dates but the tournament in Wroclaw will be done when we are ready to do it big and well run. Probably very early next year but after the Europeans in Lisbon. We intend to bring competitors from abroad so we must arrange things well

So we will wait for a spring... There's such a polish proverb. :wink:
good luck!
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