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Guerrilla Interview(wywiad z Davem Camarillo)

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Guerrilla Interview(wywiad z Davem Camarillo)
Paul Schreiner: So what have you been up to?

Dave Camarillo:Well I’m always going to UFC to corner our fighters, but before that, the preparation – generally it’s a ten-week training camp. The last one I was training Swick and Koscheck for their recent UFC fights where Kos defeated Diego

PS: Coming from a Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu background how do you feel about coaching fighters for mma?

DC: I feel very privileged number one, a lot of bjj competitors and instructors are incredible at what they do but haven’t had the privilege to work for an academy like AKA. A lot of my success comes from privilege. Working with UFC definitely increases my popularity and you know I’m just thankful to Javier Mendez to give me a chance to show what I can do both as an instructor and a training partner to the fighters.

PS: Is there a chance we’ll see you in MMA?

DC: Only in a blood sport style kumite for lots of money.

PS: What about your life outside jiu jitsu – how has that been changing?

DC: My life outside jiu jitsu is spending time with my wife and playing oblivion on x-box.

PS: Watching you train, it looks like you draw a lot of influence from dungeons and dragons (it’s the crazy eyes) do you imagine you’re fighting an orc or something?

DC: Regardless if I’m fighting an orc or a gold dragon my plan is to attack fast, on the mark and with my +4 bastard sword.

PS: So what level dungeon master are you?

DC: Dungeon masters don’t have levels – Idiot. (Dave hi-fives the air)

PS: So when did you realize you were gay: (Laughs)

DC: The day I proposed to my WIFE!

PS: What does Guerrilla Jiu Jitsu mean to you?

DC: It depends on where I’m at at that moment. In New York it means shopping at Dave’s Quality Meats, cab rides with Groundhog, NYC playboy and El Technico, and of course shopping for Dog Lingerie: that’s so guerilla! But no matter where I go guerilla is wearing flip-flops weather it’s 75 out in California or wearing them when it’s -14 in Minnesota. No, but in all seriousness, Guerilla Jiu Jitsu is a movement to end Jiu Jitsu politics.

PS: How was it to finally meet Groundhog?

DC: Sometimes somebody hypes up a movie so much that when you finally see it, the magic’s gone. Going to meet Groundhog I thought I was going to have a good time and ended up having the time of my life. His comedy game is like Marcelo’s Jiu Jitsu – his attacks are relentless. Because of Groundhog I now know the truth – there is no God, no Jesus, no Allah – only alien astronauts who genetically engineered us as human slaves. (laughing)

PS: So what you’re saying is you’re the Dennis Kuchich of Jiu Jitsu _ - No, I have a better chance of becoming president (laughing)

DC: I saw him on cool new people on myspace and I plan on voting for him: Very Nice! (Laughs)

PS: So back to Jiu Jitsu - how is your game changing – and how at your level do you continue to learn and improve?

DC: Well, when I was going through the belts, my mind was closed and I was only training one way – kill, kill, kill. Now that I’m a black belt and have been exposed to other people like Bj Penn, Sean Williams and Paul Schreiner, I’ve learned not only to kill but to be smooth and controlled. I’ve learned to be a student for the first time. For me being a student is not just showing up to class – it is a holistic approach to jiu jitsu, namely showing up everyday to class approaching the techniques with an open mind, analyizing, dissecting their functionality and constantly utilizing varied strategies to train. I have this ability because I have been exposed to so many good instructors and a group of students that have not only helped me learn to teach but helped me become a good student. My students are my real teachers.

PS: Can you list your instructors in the martial arts for us:

DC: Judo:
My father, James Camarillo
Harou Imamura
David Williams at San Jose State

Jiu Jitsu:
First and foremost Ralph Gracie
Cesar Gracie
Sean Williams
Paul Schreiner
BJ Penn
I was also very influenced by Nino’s jiu jitsu

Javier Mendez
John Hackleman

Jon Fitch
Josh Koscheck

PS: You’re in New York visiting Fabio Clemente’s Academy training with Marcelo Garcia, Tarsis Humphreys and Josh Griffiths can you tell me a little about how that’s going.

DC: I met Marcello at the Pan Ams and was throughougly impressed by his attitude and how nice he was so I asked him for a private lesson and he said just come and train and I did.
It’s the first time it’s trained outside of my home academy (besides seminars) since I was a blue belt. It’s ended my isolation.

PS: So how good is he?

DC: A lot of people describe my game as constantly attacking from every angle – Marcelo is the same but beyond my capabilities. He is the greatest finisher I’ve ever trained with. I think because of our shared philosophy it is the most exciting, best training I’ve ever had. He is the greatest jiu jitsu fighter to ever live.

PS: So, hypothetically speaking in a five-minute match how many times would Marcelo catch you?

DC: Hypothetically speaking three. (Laughing)

PS: How is training with Tarsis?

DC: Great pressure, very dangerous and he capitalizes on any mistakes. He’s a really nice guy and really has made me feel at home.

PS: What about the NYCplayboy?

DC: I’ll say this one thing – I went to his 6:30 am class – I was the first one there and last to leave. I came for the jiu jitsu but stayed for the comedy.

PS: Anything else you want to add?

DC: I just want to thank Fabio Clemente and all his students for being so warm and welcoming. The whole experience meant a lot to me. It’s life changing.

PS: Last question George W. Bush, great president or the greatest president?

DC: The answer is C, none of the above. I’ll end with NYC playboy’s words – “I’m just happy to be in New York breathing in the sweet air of George Bush’s free AMERICA”.

Author: Paul Schreiner

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