Dana White has gotten verbal commitments from Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz for a rematch on the October 10th "Ultimate Fight Night" card on Spike TV. Obviously Tito and Ken would prefer the fight be on PPV as they get a cut of the PPV revenue and doing the fight on free TV, could cost each fighter in the neighborhood of $750,000 in PPV revenue (UFC will likely have to kick in some extra cash). The problem is, I don't see fans shelling out another $40 for a fight they were disappointed with in July and it's basically a make good for the fans that felt cheated with the July fight. TV is the best way to go for that fight and you will get more eyeballs watching UFC that night that probably any fight in their history. The current high water mark for viewers was for the June 24th fight between Ed Herman and Kendall Grove.
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych Użytkowników]
A wiec ogolnie : Tito i Keny znow zawalcza poniewaz Ken i Kibice byli nie usatysfakcjonowani z lipcowego pojedynku. Walka odbedzie sie 10 pazdziernika (kurde 11 bedzie co sciagac PRIDE I UFC:UFN )
Narazie toczone sa jeszcze rozmowy czy walke puscic w FreeTV czy w PPV, wybor FreeTV wiazalby sie ze stratami ok 750,000$ dla obu zawodnikow z profitow od PPV
Jak widac Shamrockowi bylo za malo oklepu i chce po raz kolejny dostac wpiernicz od Tito. Mam nadzieje ze tym razem Tito wysle go juz na emeryture