GracieMagazine o Karolu Bedorfie
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(atom-2zl za kazdy dzien uzywania tego avatara)
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"Unlike the rhythm at the fight area, where veterans like “Pope” John Gorman (“I fought Clinton once because of a political argument, but now we´re good friends”) share the crowd´s attention with youths like Poland´s Michael, an angry blue-belt who, after being disqualified from his weight class due to aggressive behavior as he didn´t let go of an opponent´s arm, nearyly generating a major mess, decided to beat all of his foes in the open and then took off the gi and told the judges to go f. themselves. Again he was disqualified."

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Poland´s Michael, an angry blue-belt -> wiec jak juz bylo pisane w innym temacie nie bedzie on pamietany jako czlonek jakiegos klubu ale wlasnie jako Polak...
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