Nowy wywiad z Tankiem !!!
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Tank: (laughing) No, you misheard me. My breathing probably just sounded like that to you.
PRIDE: What was your strategy?
Tank: Not to get arm barred. That's a joke but I would have been okay no matter what. I'm confident standing and on the ground.
PRIDE: Okay, I see. (laughing) Getting right to the point, have you seen any PRIDE fights?
Tank: Of course. I think that PRIDE is a great place where the world's best fighters fight. I think it's the closest to real fighting among all the organizations. The rules are strict in other places, right? And there are a lot of weight classes. Some of (the weight classes) look like they are adjusted just to create stars. PRIDE's not like that. That's why I wanted to fight.
PRIDE: How do you feel about fighting in PRIDE, considering that you've been a UFC fighter until now?
Tank: I'm really looking forward to it because PRIDE is a new place to fight for me. I fought in UFC-J in Japan once before. You can expect a lot from me because I was waiting after that for a long time for the next chance.
PRIDE: Mark Coleman, a legendary fighter who also came from the UFC, hasn't done well in PRIDE recently. It seems like the current situation, not limited to Coleman, is that the American fighters aren't winning.
Tank: Honestly, whether the Americans are winning or losing doesn't have anything to do with me. If I'm in shape, I'm confident I can beat any top fighter in the world. I'm going to be in top shape when I climb into the PRIDE ring. That's all I think about.
PRIDE: Even so, Kevin Randleman, Josh Barnett and the current Champion, Chuck Liddell, all originally UFC fighters, haven't been able to win in PRIDE recently. What do you think the problem is?
Tank: Hmm, I don't know. Maybe it's just a simple lack of preparation.
PRIDE: Do you think there is any difference, in terms of the level of fighting, between the UFC and PRIDE?
Tank: I don't know for certain. In PRIDE, though, there are a lot of opportunities to fight opponents that have as much skill as yourself, or maybe even more. That's probably the difference.
PRIDE: I see. You are often called a "brawler." Tell us something about your experience as a brawler."
Tank: I've been fighting all my life. As far as I can remember, I started my life as a brawler when I was around 9 years old. My life as a brawler will last at least another 30 years. I've been boxing for 20 years. When I get bored of the gym though, it's fun to go to a bar and beat someone that has an attitude. So, when I'm in a bad mood, sometimes I go to the bar to find that kind of guy. (laughing)
PRIDE: What?!
Tank: I've kicked a lot of guys' asses. It doesn't have to be a bar. Whether it's on the side of the road or a gas station, I don't care where we are. Fighting is fun. (smiling)
PRIDE: If you like fighting so much, why did you leave the UFC for a time and start pro-wrestling (WCW)?
Tank: I love fighting. I thought that my time for making a living in martial arts, including the UFC, was over at one point. It wasn't broadcast on TV and the money wasn't good. I can't make a living that way. That's when I was approached by WCW. Over time, though, WCW probably realized that they couldn't use all of my craziness. I wasn't satisfied with in the UFC because of my roots as a fighter and that's why I chose PRIDE this time.
PRIDE: How do you plan on fighting in PRIDE?
Tank: I think of myself as a wrestler that has two powerful arms. I don't like getting hit, of course, but I'm not scared of getting hit and I'm going to keep pounding with these two powerful arms. I think they are my best weapons.
PRIDE: So, you attach a lot of importance to your punches.
Tank: Of course. I've been training at this Mexican-style gym for a long time because hitting hard will be the focus of my fight. That's the only thing I concentrate on when I'm training.
PRIDE: Exactly what kind of training are you doing now?
Tank: Boxing, grappling, cardio and weight training. I spend about the same amount of time on each of them.
PRIDE: You're going to fight Hidehiko Yoshida on August 28th. Honestly, what did you think when you heard his name?
Tank: When I heard Yoshida's name? I was excited, of course. Then, I remembered his fight with Royce Gracie. I think he's a tough guy. I don't like fighting easy opponents in the first place. Tough opponents are the best.
PRIDE: What do you have to watch out for with Yoshida?
Tank: I'll be watching out for everything. He's good on the ground and grabbing. He's got a lot of strong techniques for using his judo gi to bring the fight to the ground.
PRIDE: Are you doing any specific training for Yoshida?
Tank: I get asked that a lot. If I prepare myself, I don't think there's any need to train for a specific opponent. I'd say that is my specific training. (laughing). This isn't a joke. If I in shape, there's nobody in this world that can beat me. If my mind and my body are prepared, there is nothing to fear.
PRIDE: How do you think the fight will play out?
Tank: No idea. (laughing) I honestly don't know. I've never tried to imagine how a fight would go.
PRIDE: Really?
Tank: Of course! Who do you think I am?! I can't even imagine it. The real question is whether Yoshida can keep up with me. That's what I'm looking forward to the most.
PRIDE: You want to KO him with punches though, right?
Tank: I don't know. There are a lot of patterns in a fight. It may be a fight that ends with a KO or it may primarily be a grappling match. I may even submit him. (laughing) That's why I can't imagine what will happen.
PRIDE: PRIDE is broadcast all over the world, including the US. What do you want to show everyone that will be sitting in front of their televisions?
Tank: That's simple. The guys that watch my fight want to see my type of win. They want to see me beat my opponent down.
PRIDE: Is there anything that you want to say to Yoshida?
Tank: Yoshida! Do you know what's going to happen to you? I am going to beat you down! That's all.
PRIDE: Is there anyone that you want to fight in PRIDE after Yoshida?
Tank: Not really? Why? Because I will fight anybody. I didn't think I'd be fighting at this age either but I'm addicted to fighting. (laughing)
Jak co to zamieszcze polskie tBumaczenie.
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Tank: Yoshida! Do you know what's going to happen to you? I am going to beat you down! That's all.
już to widzę

głupi jakiś chyba...
I may even submit him

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tzn.Yoshida przerobi Tanka,mam nadzieje...?
W samej rzeczy

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Tank: Yoshida! Do you know what's going to happen to you? I am going to beat you down! That's all.
Cos podobnego wybakal przed walka z Vitorem Belfortem...
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PRIDE: Co mowiles, gdy uderzales wczesniej we worek? Brzmialo, jakbys mowil "zabije" za kazdym razem, gdy uderzasz.
Tank: (Smiejac sie) Nie, przeslyszales sie. To tylko moj oddech prawdopodbnie tak dla ciebie brzmial.
PRIDE: Jaka byla twoja strategia?
Tank: Nie dac sobie zalozyc dzwingni na reke. To zart, ale czulbym sie dobrze bez wzgledun na nic. Jestem pewny siebie w stojce i w parterze.
PRIDE: OK, rozumiem (smiech). Przechodzac do sedna, widziales juz jakies walki PRIDE?
Tank: Oczywiscie. Mysle, ze Pride jest wspanialym miejscem, gdzie walcza najlepsi fighterzy swiata. Mysle, ze jest to najblizsze prawdziwej walce sposrod wszystkich organizacji. Zasady sa rygorystyczne w innych organizacjach, racja? I maja wiele kategorii wagowych. Niektore (z kategorii wagowych) wygladaja jakby byly dostosowane tylko aby tworzyc gwiazdy. Pride taki nie jest. Dlatego chcialem walczyc.
PRIDE: Jak sie czujesz majac walczyc w PRIDE, biorac pod uwage, ze byles dotad fighterem w UFC?
Tank: Naprwade oczekuje tego z niecierpliwoscia, poniewaz PRIDE jest dla mnie nowym miejscem. Walczylem juz kiedys w UFC-J w Japonii. Mozesz sie po mnie sporo spodziewac, poniewaz czekalem potem przez dlugi czas na nastepna szanse.
PRIDE: Mark Coleman, legendarny fighter, ktory takze przybyl z UFC, ostatnio nie radzi sobie w Pride dobrze. Wydaje sie obecnie, nie tylko jesli chodzi o Colemana, ze amerykanscy fighterzy nie wygrywaja.
Tank: Szczerze mowiac, to czy Amerykanie wygrywaja czy przegrywaja nie ma nic wspolnego ze mna. Jesli jestem w formie, jestem pewny siebie, moge pokonac kazdego z najlepszych fighterow na swiecie. Zamierzam byc w formie, gdy wespne sie do ringu Pride. To wszystko o czym mysle.
PRIDE: Mimo to, Kevin Randleman, Josh Barnett i obecny mistrz, Chuck Liddell, wszyscy pierwotnie fighterzy UFC, nie byli ostatnio w stanie wygrywac w Pride. W czym uwazasz tkwi problem?
Tank: Hmmm, nie wiem. Moze to prosty brak przygotowania.
PRIDE: Myslisz, ze jest jakas roznica, pod wzgledem poziomu walki, miedzy UFC a Pride?
Tank: Nie wiem na pewno. Chociaz w Pride jest wiele okazji by walczyc z przeciwnikami, ktorzy maja tak duze umiejetnosci jak ty sam, a moze nawet wieksze. To prawdopodobnie stanowi roznice.
PRIDE: Rozumiem. Czesto jestes nazywany 'awanturnikiem'. Powiedz nam cos o swoich 'awanturniczych' doswiadczeniach.
Tank: Bije sie przez cale moje zycie. Odkad pamietam. Zaczalem zycie awanturnika majac okolo 9 lat. Moje awanturnicze zycie bedzie trwac co najmniej nastepne 30 lat. Trenuje boks od 20 lat. Gdy jednak znudzi mi sie sala treningowa, zabawnie jest isc do baru i pobic kogos kto ma jakies problemy. Wiec, gdy jestem w zlym nastroju, czasem ide do baru by znalezc takiego goscia. (smiech)
Tank: Skopałem tyłek wielu kolesiom. To nie musi byc bar. Czy to jest pobocze czy stacja benzynowa, nie obchodzi mnie gdzie. Bicie sie to zabawa. (usmiechajac sie)
PRIDE: Jesli lubisz tak bardzo sie bic, czemu opusciles UFC na jakis czas dla zawodowych zapasow (WCW)?
Tank: Uwielbiami walke. Myslalem w pewnym okresie, ze czas zarabiania na zycie sztukami walki, wlaczajac w to UFC, dla mnie sie skonczyl. Nie bylo transmisji w TV i pieniadze nie byly dobre. Nie moge sie w ten sposob utrzymac. Wtedy wlasnie skontaktowala sie ze mna WCW. Po pewnym czasie jednak, WCW prawdopodbnie zdala sobie sprawe z tego, ze nie moze wykorzystac moich szalenstw w pelni. Nie bylem zadowolony w UFC z powodu moich fighterskich korzeni i dlatego wybralem tym razem PRIDE.
PRIDE: Jaki masz plan walki w Pride?
Tank: Mysle o sobie jako o zapasniku, ktory ma 2 silne rece. Nie lubie byc oczywiscie uderzany, ale nie boje sie bycia uderzanym i zamierzam bez przerwy tluc tymi dwiema silnymi rekami. Mysle, ze to moje najlepsze bronie.
PRIDE: A wiec przykladasz duze znaczenie do twch ciosow rekoma?
Tank: Oczywiscie. Trenuje od dluzszego czasu w szkole o meksykanskim stylu poniewaz mocne uderzanie bedzie glownym punktem mojej walki.
PRIDE: Dokladnie jaki rodzaj treningu teraz stosujesz?
Tank: Boks, grapling, kondycja i ciężary. Poswiecam kazdemu z nich mniej wiecej tyle samo czasu.
PRIDE: Bedziesz walczyc z Hidehiko Yoshida 28 sierpnia. Szczerze, co pomyslalem slyszac jego imie?
Tank? Gdy uslyszalem nazwisko Yoshidy? Bylem oczywiscie podekscytowany. Potem przypomnialem sobie jego walke z Roycem Gracie. Mysle, ze jest on twardym gosciem. Zreszta nie lubie walczyc z łatwymi przeciwnikami. Trudni przeciwnicy sa najlepsi.
PRIDE: Na co bedziesz musial uwazac z Yoshida?
Tank: Bede uwazac na wszystko. On jest dobry w parterze i w chwytaniu. Ma wiele silnych technik z uzyciem judogi, by sprowadzic walke do parteru.
PRIDE: Czy robisz jakis szczegolny rodzaj treningu pod Yoshide?
Tank: Sporo jestem o to pytany. Jesli sie przygotowuje, nie uwazam, ze jest jakakolwiek potrzeba by trenowac pod poszczegolnego przeciwnika. Powiedzialbym, ze to jest moj szczegolny trening. (smiech) To nie zart. Jesli jestem w formie, nie ma nikogo na tym swiecie, kto moze mnie pokonac. Jesli moj umysl i moje cialo sa przygotowane, nie ma sie czego bac.
PRIDE: Jak myslisz, ze ulozy sie walka?
Tank: Nie mam pojecia. (smiech) Szczerze, nie wiem. Nigdy nie probowalem sobie wyobrazac jak ulozy sie walka.
PRIDE: Naprawde?
Tank: Oczywiscie. Za kogo mnie masz?! Nie moge sobie nawet tego wyobrazic. Prawdziwe pytanie to czy Yoshida moze za mna nadazac. To jest to, na co czekam z najwieksza niecierpliwoscia.
PRIDE: Jednak chcesz go znokautowac ciosami, racja?
Tank: Nie wiem. Jest wiele wzorcow w walce. To moze byc walka zakonczona KO, albo to moze byc glownie pojedynek grapplingowy. Moge go nawet zmusic do poddania. (smiech) To dlatego nie moge sobie wyobrazic co sie wydarzy.
PRIDE: Pride jest nadawany na calym swiecie, wlaczajac w to USA. Co chcesz pokazac wszystkim siedzacym przed telewizorami?
Tank: To proste. Ludzie ogladajacy moje walki chca widziec moj styl zwyciezania. Oni chca zobaczyc jak zbije przeciwnika.
PRIDE: Czy jest cos co chcialbys powiedziec Yoshidzie?
Tank: Yoshida! Czy wiesz co sie z toba stanie? Zamierzam cie pobic! To wszystko.
PRIDE: Czy jest ktos z kim bys chcial walczyc w Pride po Yoshidzie?
Tank: Nie bardzo. Dlaczego? Poniewaz bede walczyc z kimkolwiek. Nie myslalem takze, ze bede walczyc w tym wieku, ale jestem uzalezniony od walki. (smiech)
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