UWAGA 1: póki co zamieszczam relację z "ABS World Championship Cutting Contest" (które to zawody odbyły się podczas Blade Show) jedynie w języku Angielskim. Obiecałem kilku osobom, iż pierwsza ukaże się taka wersja... a chwilowo po prostu muszę skończyć komputerowanie. Ale postaram się szybko przetłumaczyć, słowo! Tymczasem zapraszam... i tak wszystko widać na fotkach

UWAGA 2: na końcu tego raportu, za postem 'cynika', dopisałem jeszcze opis konkurencji PO POLSKU.
I’ve missed that last year. But this time I’ve planned my Blade Show well so there was no way I could miss the cutting contest! Here I’d like to address my thanks to Jerry Fisk for the support and time for discussion about bladesmithing.
OK, when I left the hotel building I met them right in front of the door. left to right:
Dan Farr | Reggie Barker | Dickie Robinson | Daniel Winkler | Adam DesRosiers

MS Jerry Fisk led the contest in an awesome way. Fully professional approach, but still a lot of humor. Jerry, you were great! Anyway here you can see Jerry giving last directions to the ABS smiths on how to take care of safety issues, where to put the table, etc.

The cutting table… last adjustments & rope-hanger installation:

And here we go! All five guys are ready, knives on the table. Let the contest begin!

Here Master Smith M. Williams explains safety rules during the competition: “… and you can start only after CLEAR ‘GO’ from the judging official!”

In the meantime all knives has been measured for blade length (10” maximum), overall length (15” maximum) and belly positioning (only 20% of the blade as far as I remember).

Jerry explains all the contest rules and safety aspects to the people watching the contest. The last thing he wants is someone on the line, where a chipped tip of razor sharp blade could fly fast enough to go through someone’s torso. It’s not a poetry contest after all…

Adam: “Reggie, old buddy, this time watch my rope cutting technique”. Reggie: “wanna bet? I’ve cut more rope than yo’ve seen in your whooole life kid!”
