I Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Capoeira
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i znowu powstała niesmaczna dyskusja
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prosze bardzo o niepisanie w tym temacie nic w moja strone i zaakceptoawnie mojego odmiennego zdania
dalsza polemika moim zdaniem nie ma sensu :roll:
z gory dziekuje :wink:
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dopiero co mi wyskoczyl twoj tekst Marreco wiec jezeli mozesz napisz jakie sa zasady tych zwodow bo naprawde nie mam pojecia i moze sie myle
ABADÁ-CAPOEIRA's major concern in developing these regulations was to enable a competition where Capoeira's character is preserved as best as possible. A competition and evaluation system has been set up so that points will be afforded to the play and not to the individual player. Thus, if one individual does not do well, the play will be given low grades. The capoeirista will be assessed as a whole: his rhytm, skill, creativity, straightforwardness, characterization, flow, and his knowledge of the Capoeira art cultural identity.
The world's best will be appointed: absolute*by graduation*by team*best foreigner*best Angola play*best Sao Bento Grande play*best Iuna play*best Benguela play*best female capoeirista
The 4th World Games will follow a schedule: there will be 64 finalists, 32 of them are pre-classified foreigner in international events as the European and American Games; 14 were the best players of the Brazilian Games, the last 18 places are going to be filled by the qualify which is going to include more than 500 worldwide capoeira players that haven't been ranked yet. The finalists will be distributed in 4-participant groups, in which they all take turns against one another; only those 2 with the best score will proceed to the next phase. The one who obtains most points at this phase will be the winner. At every phase, the capoeirista will play three times, each to a different rhytm: Sao Bento Grande, Iuna and Angola or Benguela.
1st phase Round A: 64 participants 16 groups of 4 participants
2nd phase- Round B: 32 participants 8 groups f 4 participants
3rd phase Quarterfinals: 16 participants 4 groups of 4 participants
4th phase Semifinals: 8 participants 2 groups of 4 participants
5th phase Finals: 4 participants 1 group of 4 participants
SCORES (1-10)
Technique and creativity (0-3)
Rhythm (0-1)
Straightforwardness (0-2)
Flow (0-2)
Characterization (0-2)
The points will be given to games and not to individuals. Each participant will add the grades given to his play. The 2 capoeiristas with the highest points in each group will proceed to the next phase. At every phase, scores will be zeroed. The general points will only be used as a tiebreaker criterion between two or more participants in a group.
Tiebreaker criteria
1st top score in the competition
2nd Berimbau takes (Berimbau tiebreakers will happen between any two phases of competition)
Intentionally hitting an opponent and/or clutching - loss of 2 points in the individual's score. (If the opponent is incapable of proceeding in the competition, the aggressor will be eiliminated.)
Increased decharacterization of the play- loss of 1 point.
Each team will be entitled to substitutions provided any competitor is rendered incapable of proceeding in the competition due to medical problems (to be confirmed by the official medical department).
A competitor who has no opponent for a scheduled play, for any given reason, will receive points according to his average in the remaining plays within that group.
Time of a play
Sao Bento Grande 45 seconds
Iuna 60 seconds
Angola and Benguela 75 seconds
Cases not listed in these regulations
The cases not listed in these Regulations will be analyzed and judged by the 4th Capoeira World Games organizing commission.
Źródło: Jornal Abada Capoeira; Ano VII Nr 44, Agosto-Setembro/2003
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poprostu jestem ciekaw jak wygladają takie zmagania
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co do imprezy, o której mowa to mam nadzieje ze i mnie tam nie zabraknie (choć jeden dzionek), o ile bedzie taka mozliwość
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chyba się wybiorę :roll: ...
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Moze sie wybiore na festiwal , bo warszaty bede mial akurat u siebie 8)
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Wybiera sie ktos na trzy dni / tydzien ?
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i nie znalazłem tam bardziej szczegółowego harmonogramu Festiwalu, tzn. dokładną rozpiskę w jaki dzień odbędzie się np. "Noc Maculêlê (na plaży)", "Otwarta Lekcja Capoeira w centrum miasta", "Korowód Samby ulicami miasta", "Uliczne Pokazy Samby i Capoeira", "Koncerty, pokazy sceniczne uczestników obozu".
I pytam tu z pozycji osoby nie ćwiczącej Capoeira, a po prostu ciekawej zobaczenia jak to wygląda i chcącej zaplanować w jakie dni najlepiej przyjechać do Ustki żeby zobaczyć to co go interesuje ??
Wie ktoś, gdzie można zapoznać się z bardziej szczegółowym harmonogramem ?
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Napisano Ponad rok temu
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ja wlasnie wrocilem z zawodow Capoeira
Na czym polegały zawody ??
Użytkownicy przeglądający ten temat: 0
0 użytkowników, 0 gości, 0 anonimowych
10 następnych tematów
Fakty i mity...
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która grupa?
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