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Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo

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Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Tam w tle widac panienke z kamera. Moze jakis film sie ukaze z treningow pana Pawla? :)
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
ładnie ładnie .. skąd masz ?? :P
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Suuuuper :D juz sie nie moge doczekac pierwszej walki p.Nastuli :D
Tez chcialbym potrenowac z Sakuraba :D
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Tłumaczenie rybki:

True っ white under chest judo arrival mark of Takeda school. When ' PRIDE.29 ' of the other day rising to the ring, in the same to be with, nature showed the form before us. "It was the splendid event concerning the conference of yesterday. You were surprised to the event management of especially PRIDE. Rather than by his being imaginative, it was the big conference of scale much. The heat which is felt at that place is not different from the Olympics ", that the nature which you look back. Even among those most it was a battle of the ミルコ clo glass where the tournament which to impression remains the beam, itself desires opposition quickly. However "several punch of the call man was received, finally it murdered ミルコ with proud punch. As for that strategy you think "that it was very splendid, that you appraise high. On the other hand if if "me game you are borne, you practice the technology which catches tackle and ミルコ. If you look at the tournament of yesterday, you sleep in him and there is no technology of skill. It crushes the distance which receives punch and high kick, テイクダウン does and sleeps and masters skill "that, the nature which analyzes ミルコ as a opponent promptly. "If there is a lead time, it can win sufficiently," with you talked strongly.

There is such an anecdote in the nature which sleeps in judo age and makes skill proud. The occasion where it plays in the country other than Poland, when nature sleeps and becomes attitude of skill, you say that judgement had ordered "waits" directly. To the last, because it is subjectivity of nature, whether or not that is fact, it cannot conclude. But as for nature "rule of the judo like of the time before, you sleep and time of skill is long, when and it is not disturbed in judgement, the number of one victories due to my sleeping skill is the expectation which more increased", that, the fact that you sleep and have absolute self-confidence in technology of skill certain. Furthermore "of course practice of boxing and shock you must be popular, you think that. But I 25 years furthermore would like to master the sleeping skill of the judo which is done ", you said.

After the interview with the release practice which was done, nature announces the sleeping skill one after another. Takahashi 渉 of Takeda school in partner, as for nature 絞 め and arm cruciform setting from mount position. From a state where side is poured, Takahashi's body to leap in rear, it returns position, it decided also the sweep from オモプラッタwhich is proud skill of ノゲイラ. And here cherry tree garden harmony will demonstrating the tackle uniting attachment in comprehensive case competition vis-a-vis nature. "This while playing only one time is the skill which is not decided", that prefacing, showing the cat deceiving, the cherry tree garden which makes that place be softened. But after the that dropping the waist into the occasion where the partner strikes punch, it guides rather detailed technology e.g., it enters into tackle. Even when, but you eat that and in order to enter, it was the nature which you stared being, standing, it becomes unable to being, asking the method of escaping from the foot joint which is not to method and the judo which the partner who strike the middle and high by your テイクダウン are done. It responded also the cherry tree garden politely vis-a-vis this. Before the photographic set-up generalization Headquarters Chief Takeda believes when completely another nature is "in June GP, hard. As an image of the opponent, top class of heavyweight. You aim for the position of ヒョードル, ノゲイラ and ミルコ, don't you think? it is the player for example like ハリトーノフ. There is no just nature, also ヴェウドゥム enters to PRIDE, it seems that those 3 top throats middle opens the big air hole, expecting big impact, it increases ", that nature was encouraged.
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Po treningu z Pawłem :D

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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Czyli Saku jest jego trenerem ?
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
czyli Sakuraba nie bedzie z nim walczyl skoro go uczy ?!
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
suuuper to juz 100% pewnosci, ze zobaczymy Nastule :)
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo

budo_ulver napisał

suuuper to juz 100% pewnosci, ze zobaczymy Nastule :)

I 100% że nie będzie walczył z Saku, przynajmniej narazie.
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Według mnie to jakiś błąd w tłumaczeniu albo coś. Bo to nie możliwe żeby trenował w teamie Sakuraby i z nim a później ma z nim walczyć, to totalny bez sens.
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
Wzruszyłem się naprawdę się wzruszyłem. Takadę polubiłem jeszcze jak NJPW leciało na wizji tv pod nazwą Bushido a Sakuraby nie da się nie lubić za jego orginalny styl. A teraz po latach Polak przygotowuje się z nimi do startu w Pride... Toż to jakieś sf. Normalnie... Z tą walką z Sakurabą to pewnie ktoś popieprzył i chodziło o to że będzie sparował z Sakurabą. Druga sprawa to myślę że już czas przygotować petycję do TVN i Polsatu ( tak żeby tvn poczuł parcie konkurencji ;) o wykupienie re albo transmisji Pride z Nastulą. Warto drążyć. Media w tv niedługo poczują temat i zrobi się trochę zamieszania a tvn naprawdę sporo już bulił za pokazanie walk Gołoty.
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo
skad masz zdiecia, z sportsnavi?
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Re: Zdjęcia z treningów P. Nastuli w Takada Dojo

budo_zly napisał

skad masz zdiecia, z sportsnavi?

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