
Pride 29 - wyniki, komentarze, dyskusja
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Sperry - 92,2 kg
Yokoi - 92,5 kg
Round 1
Sperrry move quickly to the centre of the ring......some dancing aroun by both.....Serry goes for the overahnd right and Ykoi ducks it and clinches.
Sperry moves it to the corner......they hold awhile and break
Serry again tries the over hand and Ykoi lands a counter left on the button but very softly....
Another overhand by Sperry and another clinch. Sperry throws some knees that look like they hit the balls and Yokoi winces though doesn`t bitch...they get another break
Sperry low kicks ad Yokoi grabs it and counter with a right.....they both throw down a little neither hurt...they back up, clash into another clinch and they break and sperry is busted open and bleeding like a stuck pig.
It is not clear if the cut was from a counter punch or not.......
Sperry looking to close the distance, and they quickly clinch.
Sperry throws a couple of knees....some dirty boxing by both....sperry looking frustrated at not being able to take Yokoi down.
Blood seeping out still.......Sperry clinches for another takedown but still cannot get it. Sperry REALLY sweating a lot while Yokoi is fresh.
Sperry goes for takedown, Yokoi reverses, and then it is again reversed with Sperry getting north south and has thrown about 20 knees and now stands, grabs the ropes and soccerkicks and stomps...Yokoi in real trouble
Sperry back to north south....10...15....more knees and Yokoi just covering up....he seems with it ...Sperry stands, another soccer kick...back down for another knee and Yokoi grabs and arm to Sperry cannot get too much distance....
I wonder why no warning for knees to the back of the head and base of scull?
And three knees but Yokoi is still covering
1 minute left...and the ref stops the fight.......
Sperry wins
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Tom Erikson - 133 kg
Fabricio Werdum -110 kg
Round 1
Tom goes for a big punch. pushes Werd into the corner and then Werd bounces off the ropes to go for the takedown after he got caught by a big punch from Tom...Tom reversed the takedown big time and puts Werd down hard...then walks back and calls him up.
Tom throws down and Werd ducks to take him down....Tom again reverses and he is in Werds guard in the middle of the ring
Still in the middle, Tom with his forarm across Werd`s throat......
Werd goes to armbar and Tom stands up and calls him up
Tom swings again, Werd ducks....he lands a counter that has Tom shakey and Tom ties then up. Tom has him in the MT clinch and before he knees Werd drops into the guard..restart in the middle
Werd has Toms arm and is trying to rotate into the armbar but Tom muscles out, and back to the guard
Werd has his arm trapped again and Tom pulls out and stands.......Tom goes to tackle, misses and falls....
Werd jumps on his back...pounds, sets it up and then chokes him out.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Shogun - 92,8 kg
Kane - 92,? kg
Sho bouncing around before the gong...
Round 1
Sho with big low kick and kane goes in to land a hook....Sho clinches MT and Kane goes to the ground instead of getting kneeds....Sho gets his back but Kane works out and back to his feet
Sho lands a big right that drops Kane and lands with a flying stomp on his head...Kane clinches....sho gets up...stops...soccer kicks from hell.....Kane is seriously getting kicks....HUGE soccer kick and the ref stops it.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Igor - 92,6 kg
Taka - 91,8 kg
Round 1
Taka goes for low kick and slips...hits the ground and scrambles up
Both looking for a chance to offloaf.....Igor with a highkick...Taka comes in with a punch and then an upper
Igor goes in with a flurry and Taka is out cold from the first or second punch Landed.!!
Igor has abs! lol
Igor threw a left that missed, followed by a huge right that lands and taka is OUT cold...on the way down he eats two more big uppers....
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Leko - 92.6 kg
Nakamura - 92.8 kg
Round 1
Naka shoots straight out for the takedown but Leko does well avoiding him....twice....Naka runs through leko`s punches...clinches, drops leko in the corner and pounds like a machine gun until the ref stops it......54 seconds.
Naka says....
This wasn`t the fight I wanted.
Ryan ran away and escaped this time, but next time I want him in the ring......
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Choi Mu Bae
Round 1
choi trying to land the right and clinch but Serg is fast and is keeping him away with foot work and counter punches
Choi just runs in eating 8 or 9 clean shots trying to get the clinch...to no effect...he can`t clinch but does look hurt. He tries a kick...jumps in to clinch...eats more shots and Serg backfoots his way out again.
Serg lands his patented mid punch and Cjoi tackles him.....Serg sinks in the cuiliteine though and looks in trouble....they work to feet in same position and choi pulls out.
Serg really picking off HUGE shots....four or five major shots hit and he is awake but in major pain...some more and he sits down and it is called off. He wasn`t KO`d but really BLOODY hit HARD
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Napisano Ponad rok temu
Napisano Ponad rok temu
You guys are great fans...
Every time I come to this ring I am so happy...because of you guys.
I`d like to say thank you to sakakibara for coming to my house in Brazil last month.
I really want to fight in this next GP
This is something the fans can help with.....who do you want me to fight???? {screaming}
I choose already....(points at Yosida) I want him...I want to fight Yoshida...Do you agree t fight??? (some discussion between Yoshida and officials...Yoshida was getting out to go to the ring but stopped)
I am champion. I will destroy whoever I fight. I want to give the hat to someone..."
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Round 1
Ali looking hyper and moving around...he comes in and Tam lands a big kick...Ali backs out then rushes Tam into the corner and grabs one leg to take down....
He gives up the leg but still has Tam jammed in the corner....BREAK called
Ali again coming in all over the place....wild swings being thrown by him and Tam is picking off low and mid kicks...
Ali puts his hands down way out of range.......keeping his distance now and Tam pressures him into the corner with low kicks....Ali explodes out and Tam kicks, they hit the ground and Tam scrables up but Ali has his head and throws a few knees when they stand. Tam gets out......lands some nice single knees and kicks and Ali shoots in and then lands a low blow to there is a time stop
Ali has now layed flat.....it was a solid knee to the cup and Ali was flying through the air when it landed.....he is sweating like a pig and panting like a dog on the ground.....
He is still down and it isn`t looking good.....Tam gets yellow carded
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Ali himself is signalling it is off. They have announced a 3 minute "doc check" though
the fight will continue
Ali jumps to attack ( and avoid the low kicks ) Ali lands a big wld punch but Tam also lands a huge one and two big body kicks....Ali wants to stop...then calls Tam on again....
he throws a wild jumping combo and ends up half out of the ring. Tam kicks his body a bit...and Ali holds his cup again and sits down...there was no even near a low kick in the last combo though...the ref calls fight and they then stop it as the towel is thrown.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Round 1
Overeem closes the distance quickly....a brief exchange.
Lnog runs in to tackle and eats a big right. He clinches and Overeem pounds in two big knees......they are now trading knees, Lnog with the underhooks......Overeem landing 2 or 3 for every one of Lnogs.
Break called
Overeem goes with a highkick, flying knee left hook combo and the hook lands. A brief scufle and Lnog pulls guard from the clinch at the 2.5 minute mark.
Both working the little punches with Overem in Lnogs guard and Lnog goes for the arm......Overeem gets out and up real quick and starts pressuring the stand up. Lnog has a bit of blood flowing from his nose and his left eye may be a little swollen....
clinches....and again Lnog falls back into guard...
Overeem keeping his arms in close in Lnogs guard and only throwing real fast small shots from there. Lnog goes for the arm, lets go, then once again grans it so Overeem stands up and kicks the legs on Lnog who is still on his back.
Breal called
Overeem goes on with a couple of shots...Lnog answers with a lowkick and then another jumping knee by Overeem....they clinch and trade knees again before Overeem pulls out of the break. Overeem know also has a little blood from hi nose
They both look a little tired with 2 minutes left and finally lnog manages a takedown and lands in side position
Overeem works him into halfguard
into fullguard now and Lnog is trying some gnp by Overeem is bloking most of it
1 minute left and overrem is doing pretty well at teing up Lnogs arms but still some shots are getting through, Lnog sudden;y sits up and complains he got elbowed by Overeem...then lays on some punches for the final 10 seconds of the round.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Some throwing down by both to start with....Overeem getting the better punches by Lnog ending with a nice lowkick.
Overeem misses a big hook and Lnog takes the chance to clinch and work for the takedown again.....Overeem ends up doing it though and ends in halfguard with Lnog on the bottom.
vereem stands up ot of it and throws a nice missing shot but turns it into a nice takedown and ends in side position. He powers in one knee before they get a rope break and Lnog easily gets him into guard in the middle restart. Lnog grans his arm and goes for it and Overeem stands up and pulls out...they then clinch and exchange knees and then Lnog gets the takedown and side position.
Lnog got full mount for hald a second before Overeem got him back into half....Lnog then gets out , gets side, and then full mount again. He is pounding for the last 10 seconds but none of the shots are powerful or damaging and as the bell rings Overeem stands straight up and raises his arm to show he isn`t hurt....
They showed Overeems corner and it is very qute.....Lnogs corner is fucking caos though with yelling and sceaming by everyone.
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Lnog comes in with the clinch...they hit the ground and Lnog is in a bad position so stands up....
Overeem is up and lands a nice knee....Lnog falls back on the ground to call him down and Overeem just looks at him so the ref says break.
Standing Overeem lands another big knee then Nog lands a very sweet flurry. Overeem is gassing out now and getting slow. Lnog lands a left ...another...Overeem is still swinging and dangerous thoug.
Lnog lands one that had Overeem stumble,,.....he ri\uns in and pounds maybe 20 punches and then tries to take him down but he still can`t and they stumble. Overem is in Nogs guard and Lnog goes for the arm but misses. Overeem gets warning for not being active enough I guess and they fix his glove.
Nog is pounding him in the stand up ....punches and kicks,
He gets Overeem down, gets side and is trying to lock in the kimura....he has it but Overeem just won give in and spins out ending on top in side as the bell rings.....
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Round 1
They both move to the middle.....
Ninja throws some low kicks and they end up in the clinch. Ninja kneing from the clinch and after a failed highknee by Ninja Jackson gets him in the front choke position and powers a few knees to Ninjas head. Ninja pulls out and lands a dencet punch on the way, another lowkick and they are linched again. Rampage gets him down, in mount...full...some shots, Ninja scrables like hell, and gets out and up on his feet and they are clinched again...
Ninja trys to take him down...forces to the ropes and Ninja gets Rampages back standing....He rys to left but gives up and Rampage gets back around and atacks...
They are still clinched and Ninja kneeing.....Rampage lifts him for a slam and Ninja defends it and though he gets slammed almost on his head he manages to take the power out of it.
Ninja just won t let there be any distance at all between them,,....he is stuck like a damned taggleberry.
He takes Rampage down and after a brief breather Jackson powers back up and they are again clinched on the ropes.
Ninja again tried to life him, gives up and Rampages takes him down....some wrestling on the ground before they get to the fet again clinched.
Ranmpage looks a little gasses.
Break in the middle
Ninja throws some nice kicks and combo, Rampages looking less flash though lands a couple of shots.
clinched again...in the corner and Ninja takes Rampage down. He stanrts some gnp but it is quite uneffective thus far.
They get a dont move due to ropes and restart in the middle. Rampage IS tired
2 minutes left....Ninja gets one leg out of Rampages guard and is working to get out the other. He succeds and gets side and Rampage reverses into half and pounds in a few shots. Rampages corner sounds frustrated.....
round ends..
Napisano Ponad rok temu
Rampage lands a nic left straight, Ninja counters and then they clinch....Rampage dumps Ninja and as Ninja gets up h rabs his back and suplexes him...... it wasnPt overly effective though and he has stopped moving in side position for a little while. He then powers in two knees before Ninja gets up, clinches and then Ninja pulls guard.....
Jackson looks like he is in slow motion here....Ninja goes for a heel hook and Rampage does even try to pull out until the last second.
He then works back to top position of Ninjas guard and they restart in the middle...
Ninja sets up a triangle....Rampages pushes down out of it and they get to their feet in the clinch...they get a break and more action call by the ref and on the restart Ninja tried for a big knee, but ends up taken down. In half Jackson punches a few times until the bell rings and Rampage very slowly gets up...
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